🔖 New bookmark: Flamed Fury - A Personal Website Well Done

🔗 https://linkage.lol/flamed-fury-a-personal-website-well-done/

> New Zealander, Flamed, has a well designed and maintained personal website that serves as an example for any new Indy Web folks looking for inspiration

🔥 https://flamedfury.com/bookmarks/flamed-fury-a-personal-website-well-done/

#smallweb #indieweb #blog #personalwebsite

I always wanted to try one of these power banks and decided to pick one up during the Prime Days sale.


#blog #indieweb #blogging #tech #review

"Apple made a fateful decision that mobile-phone internet should be app-centric, not browser/website centric. Then Android copied their mistake."

Many interesting things in this article, but this is one particular gripe I have about today's Internet. I will go to so much unnecessary trouble just to avoid using somebody's app.


#IndieWeb #Enshittification #Web3 #SocialMedia #Blog

“Social media wasn’t Web 2.0, it’s what killed Web 2.0!”

Web 2.0 was not social media!
You’re rewriting history that’s less than 20 years old!

“You might think I’m arguing over mere nomenclature, but the important fact is that this era existed, and the Web3 pitch pretends it didn’t. We already had decentralized internet with social features. [...]


#Blockchain #Blog #IndieWeb #POSSE #Web #Web3

Now I am member of the indie web ring :blobcat::indiewebcamp:

Are there other cool webrings I should know about (and are not exclusively for Neocities sites)?

#webrings #indieweb #personalwebsite #blogging #webdev

@brettk cue "over my head" by the fray

learning this as a lay-person with no technical background is wild. if #indieweb and owning your experience online is the way forward (and i believe it is) holy shit we're going to have to make some kind of plug-and-play kind of application for beginners to get wider adoption.

thank you for the insight! it sounds like quite an undertaking, but i'm up for the challenge <3

okay for my next trick i want to figure out a way to update my eleventy blog from my phone if i want - right now posting anything requires loading up vscode and pushing to github. easy enough, but not conducive to "quick picture upload/status update" from my phone. #indieweb #posse #blogging #eleventy

I fucking hate ads where the person invited themselves onto their own fake podcast set to explain their product so they look like some kind of expert. Psychic damage. This is why every time I try to open up one of the big social media sites again it's just an immediate NOPE. #socialmedia #podcast #ad #advertising #marketing #smallweb #indieweb #psychicdamage #mastodon #facebook #instagram #theinternetisdead #socialmediaisdead #nope #internet #fedup

The significance of Bluesky and decentralized social media

Really disgusted by Meetup's price increase. Going from $119 every 6 months to $180. That's almost $400/year for a small community meetup.

About to #IndieWeb this like I did for the 11ty meetup. I just wish there was an easier way to get more discovery.

🔖 New bookmark: Back to the Blog

🔗 https://dancohen.org/2018/03/21/back-to-the-blog/

The best time to start a blog was yesterday, the next best time is today.

🔥 https://flamedfury.com/bookmarks/back-to-the-blog/

#web #blogging #smallweb #indieweb

🔖 New bookmark: Let Us Build a New Web

🔗 https://ramblinggit.com/2018/09/13/let-us-build.html

The more people build their own sites and link to each other, discovery and search will evolve organically.

🔥 https://flamedfury.com/bookmarks/let-us-build-a-new-web/

#web #smallweb #indieweb #webmastery

My website's cookie policy is that cookies are delicious.


@pfefferle @talksina @lordmatt As a standard #Webmention is merely a notification mechanism that A has mentioned B – they can be blog posts, social interactions or whatever else

The #IndieWeb stack of tech is much more granular than the #ActivityPub one – so the definition of A and B is left as an exercise to the user of it

But maybe you're talking about a WordPress plugin specifically?

@talksina @lordmatt #Webmention is more blogging-style... it is kind of the next iteration of pingbacks...

@lordmatt I have #activitypub by @pfefferle and his bookmarklet; think it works quite well. Is this #WebMention the same? I mean, another method?

📝 New Post: Monthly Recap: July 2024

What's up, Internet? A couple of blog posts, heaps of bookmarks and a few updates from these corners of the web.

🔥 https://flamedfury.com/posts/monthly-recap-july-2024/

#web #blogging #smallweb #indieweb

In reply to Testing Webmention Plugin Automation by Joseph Dickson:

I believe the expectation for WebMention deleting is an update ping from the same sauce URL as the mention. I’m not sure if brid.gy supports that.

For more direct Mastodon control, might I suggest ActivityPub by the same author?

#ActivityPub #Mastodon #WebMention #WordPress