Just registered for FediForum, a 3-day event for the fediverse coming up in September. I’ve attended the last two events and got a lot out of it. Good for both developers and anyone interested in learning more beyond Mastodon.

Pessoas daqui que mantêm um #blogue

1) Qual processo vocês têm para decidir o que publicar ali ou não?

2) O que leva vocês a escreverem e, principalmente, a compartilharem isso com as pessoas?

#blog #blogging #IndieWeb #SmallWeb

I don’t have a great way to share photo albums on the internet but I’m taking a lot more nice photos lately.

I don’t want to use Facebook (for privacy reasons and their photo compression kinda sucks). Google Photos wants access to my entire photo library on iOS, which is a dealbreaker for me. iCloud’s photo sharing options kinda suck, especially for sharing with non-Apple users.

Should I

#photography #web #11ty #indieweb

Make albums using 11ty on my personal site
Sign up for Flickr again
Something else? (Please comment)

New #blog post on #Linux Kernel Self-Protection. My blog is entirely written using #Emacs and I am having some trouble with #LaTeX,
but I thought I would go ahead and share since I haven't published anything in almost a year. Also have 2 other blog posts that are recent and these all are basically my notes for future ref, still worth sharing, enjoy!


#indieweb #yesterweb #opsec #anonymous

The one simple principle that enables me to write daily:


#indieweb #smallweb #blogging #writing

HA! i got TT2020 working on the ol' blog(nchain?)

big ups to @kayserifserif via @keenan for putting me onto such an awesome typeface. i'm in love with it.

i suppose i should actually update the thing for real now... :afraid_to_ask:

#eleventy #11ty #blogging #indieweb #SmallWeb

Another update to my https://flamedfury.com/links/#linkblogs page, featuring @felix @hdv @rjkwon and Tangible Life.

Threw in two new https://flamedfury.com/links/#webdirs for good measure.

#SmallWeb #indieweb #blogging

Well, I finally added my bookmarks page to the blog. It is full of blog links that I visit and alternative search engines.

I’ll continue to add interesting links I find worth checking out.

#blog #indieweb #blogging #web


See that login button in the top right corner? It works now. Try logging in with your website if it supports IndieAuth.

(Note: compatibility with older spec revisions is not guaranteed.)


Webrings are back. Make a site. Join one. Take back the web. https://brisray.com/web/webring-list.htm

#Webrings #IndieWeb #Smallweb

New blog post on why I decided to make my own static site generator (and how it's really about making a markdown replacement)

#IndieWeb #WebDev


I added WebFinger support to my personal website 🥳

From now on, you can search for toots@dominikhofer.me on Mastodon and you'll be redirected to my profile. Doesn't seem to work in #ivory though, let me know if you have an idea why that is 🤔

#indieweb #smallweb

The Web We've (Never) Lost

This is such a great article by @jnv about the #IndieWeb with lots of links and resources! Definitely worth a read:


Check out the list of alternative search engines in the article, and remember:

1️⃣ Click around and find out.
2️⃣ Start curating stuff into a list.
3️⃣ Create your homepage.

#Business #Explorations
The web we’ve (never) lost · “Don’t worry, the web of yore is still alive and kicking.” https://ilo.im/15ztc3

#Web #WebCommunity #IndieWeb #SmallWeb #Blog #SocialMedia #Curation #SearchEngine #Enshittification #Evolution

The Pages theme is a complete website toolkit for indie creators, based around web standards static HTML with a visual editor. No special backend hosting required, and no build scripts needed either.

#indieweb #SmallWeb #webdev #templates #indieauthor

I've been writing #weeknotes for a little while now, so I thought I'd write something a bit longer that reviews my experience with the process.


All part of my ongoing #indieweb journey.

I get why the IndieWeb isn’t for everyone. It’s kinda like how Linux is the obvious choice if you like tinkering with stuff, but if you want an OS that just works you use Windows or MacOS. I have a temper sometimes but doing your own thing is a lot of fun, even when stuff breaks

I don't quite like the idea of using LLMs for writing, or at least I consider their unfiltered output unsuitable for human consumption.

But what about writing drafts? Or reading a post draft and drafting a short one-line summary for it to be pasted into p-summary. Of course, it would come through a human first, to ensure the summary makes sense.

I feel like this could be a good feature for a post editor. I imagine the UX being something like a ✨ button next to the summary text field that pastes the e-content field into an LLM and asks it to summarize the post. The output is then inserted into the summary field for the author to edit as needed.

#authoring #llms #micropub