I like this post from Marty McGuire about the IndieWeb and how the indieweb.org wiki can sometimes be overwhelming for new users:

That’s because indieweb.org is not a presciption or a cookbook or an exercise plan. It doesn’t tell you how to “be IndieWeb”. It’s a collective memory of experiments, some successful and some not, from a group of experimenters that has changed greatly over time.

Also some nice words for Micro.blog in there. The wiki is an incredible resource, but just start with your own web site and don’t worry about the rest unless you want to dig deeper.

new bg effect for the BIGBOMB online high score chart. uses a GLSL shader with simplex noise

#indiegames #indieweb #shaders #glsl #html5

What’s the best tool people have found to repost a full thread (my own thread and just my own posts) to a blog (Tumblr specifically in this case)?

Tumblr has some good enough tools for quoting but the quote format is a bit clunky and it doesn’t seem to show that my post was part of a thread (I didn’t manually number it)

I wrote a four part thread this morning I want to quote in full and archive with a link to the thread on my blog. Perhaps with further discussion.

#blogging #indieweb



The most annoying thing about #Google's #GoogleGemini is that the name overshadows the #Gemini protocol which is an #indieweb gem instead.

If you're wondering why I've been quiet, except for the scheduled Buffer posts of course, I've honestly been reading more #RSS feeds than my Fediverse timeline, thanks to places like https://feedle.world/ #IndieWeb #Blog #Blogs

🔖 Bookmarked Indieweb Vs Indie Web - fyr.io (https://fyr.io/post/indieweb_vs_indie_web)

> It's unfortunate that the IndieWeb™ has that name, because the perfect phrase that instils the "own your stuff, show your personality" feel of the communities represented in these discussions is, in my opinion, "the indie web"

Fyr weighs in on the IndieWeb and the Indie Web.

More Bookmarks (/bookmarks/)

🔥 https://flamedfury.com/bookmarks/indieweb-vs-indie-web-fyrio/

#web #indieweb #smallweb

If you liked I Experienced Access Trauma. my feed URL is https://robertkingett.com/feed/ #RSS #IndieWeb #SmallWeb

Poking around Neocities and found this cool comments widget! Looked really neat:


If you do use this, you should probably also check out this guide by @frills to setting up comment moderation:


#Neocities #IndieWeb #Blogging

For the night and international crowd, Combating Access Trauma. – Robert Kingett https://robertkingett.com/posts/6617/ #Blogging #Blog #NoPaywall #IndieWeb

The open web is amazing.

So we keep saying in our little subculture, e.g. at #xoxo on the weekend or all over the #fediverse and #indieweb. And generally are met with incomprehension outside of our little subculture.

IMHO that's because we are not saying **why** the open web is amazing.

I think it all boils down to: "on the open web, I can be much more creative, with minimum expense, than elsewhere, and so easily share my creations with the world."

Hope for the web

New blog post about podcasts I listen to. I used to follow so many podcasts since 2005 but my interest has completely dwindled to five.

I can remember all the devices I’ve owned in nearly 2 decades that I used to listen to podcasts. Yeah, I used to love podcasts but not any longer.


#blog #smallweb #indieweb #podcast

been working hard on my high score site! it's effectively a mini social network. you can customize your page, and you can use the integrated Discord threads to comment on each other's BIGBOMB scores

#indiegames #arcade #highscore #socialnetwork #indieweb

Hello community of smol / revival / indie web people - also micro bloggers using bear blog and other similar services - please welcome @siobhan, an old friend of mine who is rediscovering the joy of tinkering with the web :)


#smolWeb #indieWeb #revivalWeb

@zeldman This how I feel about #IndieWeb tech like IndieAuth, microformats, and webmentions. Soo much web tech is over-engineered and over-complicated.

You don't need CI, for example. You can build locally and deploy over SFTP (or rsync over SSH).

And make can be used to build websites.