Thinking again on learning enough HTML to pass making a neocities site has been pretty rewarding so far, but I cannot stress enough that I have to be in "focus and problem solving" mode, which is sometimes not easy to be in, or stay in. (ADHD WOOOO)
, and the neocities reddit have been great wells of knowledge for things that I know are simple, but still struggling with so far.
That being said. I fixed all the links from opening new tabs, THEN I set up a comment for myself in the future so I don't make the same mistake!
I'm liking this a lot so far, and even if I did have to rebuild my artist website, it suddenly doesn't feel so out of reach....
#HonestSelfHostingMeta #HTML #CodeNewbie #neocities #indieweb
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "",
"photo": null
"url": "",
"content": {
"html": "<p>Thinking again on learning enough HTML to pass making a neocities site has been pretty rewarding so far, but I cannot stress enough that I have to be in \"focus and problem solving\" mode, which is sometimes not easy to be in, or stay in. (ADHD WOOOO)</p><p><a href=\"\"><span>https://www.</span><span></span><span></span></a><br />, and the neocities reddit have been great wells of knowledge for things that I know are simple, but still struggling with so far. </p><p>That being said. I fixed all the links from opening new tabs, THEN I set up a comment for myself in the future so I don't make the same mistake!</p><p>I'm liking this a lot so far, and even if I did have to rebuild my artist website, it suddenly doesn't feel so out of reach....</p><p><a href=\"\">#<span>HonestSelfHostingMeta</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>HTML</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>CodeNewbie</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>neocities</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>indieweb</span></a></p>",
"text": "Thinking again on learning enough HTML to pass making a neocities site has been pretty rewarding so far, but I cannot stress enough that I have to be in \"focus and problem solving\" mode, which is sometimes not easy to be in, or stay in. (ADHD WOOOO)\n\n\n, and the neocities reddit have been great wells of knowledge for things that I know are simple, but still struggling with so far. \n\nThat being said. I fixed all the links from opening new tabs, THEN I set up a comment for myself in the future so I don't make the same mistake!\n\nI'm liking this a lot so far, and even if I did have to rebuild my artist website, it suddenly doesn't feel so out of reach....\n\n#HonestSelfHostingMeta #HTML #CodeNewbie #neocities #indieweb"
"published": "2024-09-05T15:46:23+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "42147105",
"_source": "8007",
"_is_read": false
Bei Heise-Online (und in der c’t) kann man diesen schönen Artikel über Kirby und das IndieWeb lesen (heise+). Jo Bager beschreibt in der Reihe, wie man Kirby Schritt für Schritt ans IndieWeb anschließt. Im aktuellen Teil geht's um die Installation von Kirby und meinem Komments Plugin. Später soll es dann mit dem IndieConnector weitergehen.
Freut mich sehr!
#kirby #kirbycms #komments #indieconnector #indieweb
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "",
"photo": null
"url": "",
"content": {
"html": "<p>Bei Heise-Online (und in der c\u2019t) kann man diesen sch\u00f6nen Artikel \u00fcber Kirby und das IndieWeb lesen (heise+). Jo Bager beschreibt in der Reihe, wie man Kirby Schritt f\u00fcr Schritt ans IndieWeb anschlie\u00dft. Im aktuellen Teil geht's um die Installation von Kirby und meinem Komments Plugin. Sp\u00e4ter soll es dann mit dem IndieConnector weitergehen.<br />Freut mich sehr!</p><p><a href=\"\"><span>https://www.</span><span></span><span>0713435195546878</span></a></p><p><a href=\"\">#<span>kirby</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>kirbycms</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>komments</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>indieconnector</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>indieweb</span></a></p>",
"text": "Bei Heise-Online (und in der c\u2019t) kann man diesen sch\u00f6nen Artikel \u00fcber Kirby und das IndieWeb lesen (heise+). Jo Bager beschreibt in der Reihe, wie man Kirby Schritt f\u00fcr Schritt ans IndieWeb anschlie\u00dft. Im aktuellen Teil geht's um die Installation von Kirby und meinem Komments Plugin. Sp\u00e4ter soll es dann mit dem IndieConnector weitergehen.\nFreut mich sehr!\n\n\n\n#kirby #kirbycms #komments #indieconnector #indieweb"
"published": "2024-09-05T15:10:59+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "42146453",
"_source": "8007",
"_is_read": false
BPJ: Orchard Inn Blues Night
Brissle Proper Job series issue #5 Orchard Inn Blues Night, a venue on Spike Island at a 190 year old pub with great music on a Monday night. …
#BrissleProperJob #IndieWeb
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "",
"photo": null
"url": "",
"content": {
"html": "<p>BPJ: Orchard Inn Blues Night</p><p>Brissle Proper Job series issue #5 Orchard Inn Blues Night, a venue on Spike Island at a 190 year old pub with great music on a Monday night. \u2026</p><p><a href=\"\"><span>https://</span><span></span><span>s-night/</span></a></p><p><a href=\"\">#<span>BrissleProperJob</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>IndieWeb</span></a></p>",
"text": "BPJ: Orchard Inn Blues Night\n\nBrissle Proper Job series issue #5 Orchard Inn Blues Night, a venue on Spike Island at a 190 year old pub with great music on a Monday night. \u2026\n\n\n\n#BrissleProperJob #IndieWeb"
"published": "2024-09-05T13:45:06+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "42145750",
"_source": "8007",
"_is_read": false
I'm talking about Aliens! But why aren't they talking back?
Read my blog summarizing a really cool hypothesis to the Fermi Paradox that was shared on the ArXiv last month.
#Astrodon #astronomy #scifi #alien #SmallWeb #IndieWeb #blog
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "",
"photo": null
"url": "",
"content": {
"html": "<p>I'm talking about Aliens! But why aren't they talking back? </p><p>Read my blog summarizing a really cool hypothesis to the Fermi Paradox that was shared on the ArXiv last month.</p><p><a href=\"\"><span>https://</span><span>caffeineandlasers.neocities.or</span><span>g/blogs/Aliens</span></a></p><p><a href=\"\">#<span>Astrodon</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>astronomy</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>scifi</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>alien</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>SmallWeb</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>IndieWeb</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>blog</span></a></p>",
"text": "I'm talking about Aliens! But why aren't they talking back? \n\nRead my blog summarizing a really cool hypothesis to the Fermi Paradox that was shared on the ArXiv last month.\n\n\n\n#Astrodon #astronomy #scifi #alien #SmallWeb #IndieWeb #blog"
"published": "2024-09-05T11:03:38+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "42144021",
"_source": "8007",
"_is_read": false
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "",
"photo": null
"url": "",
"content": {
"html": "<p>If you liked Trunk Writing my feed URL is <a href=\"\"><span>https://</span><span></span><span></span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>RSS</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>IndieWeb</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>SmallWeb</span></a></p>",
"text": "If you liked Trunk Writing my feed URL is #RSS #IndieWeb #SmallWeb"
"published": "2024-09-05T06:14:01+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "42142107",
"_source": "8007",
"_is_read": false
I made a neat image annotation widget for my blog using OpenSeadragon and Annotorious:
I tried to ensure this was still usable with a screen reader–I think I did okay?
#maker #indieweb #a11y
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "",
"photo": null
"url": "",
"content": {
"html": "<p>I made a neat image annotation widget for my blog using OpenSeadragon and Annotorious: <a href=\"\"><span>https://</span><span></span><span>ool-roll-made-from-a-canvas-bag.html</span></a></p><p>I tried to ensure this was still usable with a screen reader\u2013I think I did okay?</p><p><a href=\"\">#<span>maker</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>indieweb</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>a11y</span></a></p>",
"text": "I made a neat image annotation widget for my blog using OpenSeadragon and Annotorious:\n\nI tried to ensure this was still usable with a screen reader\u2013I think I did okay?\n\n#maker #indieweb #a11y"
"published": "2024-09-05T04:53:54+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "42141619",
"_source": "8007",
"_is_read": false
If I link to my own post that has webmentions wired up like, does that show up in my webmention list? I'm still trying to wrap my head around how this works. #IndieWeb
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "",
"photo": null
"url": "",
"content": {
"html": "<p>If I link to my own post that has webmentions wired up like <a href=\"\"><span>https://</span><span></span><span>ns/</span></a>, does that show up in my webmention list? I'm still trying to wrap my head around how this works. <a href=\"\">#<span>IndieWeb</span></a></p>",
"text": "If I link to my own post that has webmentions wired up like, does that show up in my webmention list? I'm still trying to wrap my head around how this works. #IndieWeb"
"published": "2024-09-05T02:21:08+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "42140837",
"_source": "8007",
"_is_read": false
✏️ I want the Read Write Suggest-Edit Accept-Edit Update Web.
The consumer Infinite Scroll Web leaves us feeling empty.
Too few of us participate in the Read Write Web, whether with personal sites or Wikipedia.
A week ago when we wrapped up #IndieWebCamp Portland and I was reading Kevin Marks ( live-tooting of the demos¹, I noticed a few errors, typos or miscaptures, and pointed them out in-person.
Kevin was able to quickly edit his toots and update them for anyone reading, thanks to #Mastodon’s post editing feature and its support of #ActivityPub Updates. But this shouldn’t require being in the same room, whether IRL or chat.
We should be able to suggest edits to each other’s posts, as easily as we can reply and add a comment.
13 years ago I wrote²:
“The Read Write Web is no longer sufficient. I want the Read Fork Write Merge Web.”
Now I want the Read Write Suggest-Edit Accept-Edit Update Web.
The ↪ Reply button is fairly ubiquitous in modern post user interfaces (UIs).
Why not also a ✏️ Suggest Edit button, to craft a fix for a typo, grammar, or other minor error, and send the author for their review, and acceptance or rejection? Perhaps viewable only by the suggester and the author, to avoid "performative" suggested edits.
If the author’s posts provide revision histories, when a suggested edit is accepted, a post’s history could show the contributor of the edit.
Instead of asking Kevin in-person, what if I could have posted special "Suggested Edit" responses in reply to his toots, for which he would receive special notifications, and could choose to one-click accept and update (or further edit) his toots?
To enable such UIs and interactions across servers and implementations, we may need a new type of response³, perhaps with a special property (or more) to convey the edits being suggested.
There is documentation of this and similar use-cases, prior art / UIs, as well as some brainstorming on the #IndieWeb wiki:
Our interaction after IndieWebCamp has inspired me to take another look at how can we design and prototype solutions to this problem.
For now, if you host your blog and posts as static files on GitHub (or equivalent), you could add a button like this to your posts alongside Like, Reply, Repost buttons:
✏️ Suggest Edit
and link it to an edit URL for the static file for the post.
I don’t use GitHub static files myself for posts, but here’s an example of such an edit link for one of my projects:
This will start the process of creating a “pull request”, GitHub’s jargon⁴ for a “suggested edit”.
After completing GitHub’s ceremony of entering multiple text fields (summary & description), and multiple clicks to create said “pull request”, it’ll be sent to the author to review. Presuming the author likes the suggested edit, they can perform the other half of GitHub’s jargon-filled ceremonies to “Merge” or “Squash & Merge”, “Delete fork”, etc. to accept the edit.
It’s an awkward interaction⁵, however useful for at least prototyping a ✏️ Suggest Edit button on sites that store their posts as files in GitHub. Certainly worthy of experimenting with and gathering experience to design and build even better interactions.
We can start with the shortest path to getting something working, then learn, iterate, improve, repeat.
#readWriteWeb #editableWeb #suggestEdit #acceptEdit
⁴ The phrase “pull request” was derived from the git command: “git request-pull” according to
⁵ “edits” in GitHub require taking far more steps, and navigating far more jargon, then say, Wikipedia pages, which come down to “Edit” and “Save”. We should aspire to Wikipedia’s simplicity, not GitHub’s ceremonies.
This is post 20 of #100PostsOfIndieWeb. #100Posts
"type": "entry",
"published": "2024-09-01 14:51-0700",
"url": "",
"category": [
"content": {
"text": "\u270f\ufe0f I want the Read Write Suggest-Edit Accept-Edit Update Web.\n\nThe consumer Infinite Scroll Web leaves us feeling empty.\n\nToo few of us participate in the Read Write Web, whether with personal sites or Wikipedia.\n\nA week ago when we wrapped up #IndieWebCamp Portland and I was reading Kevin Marks ( live-tooting of the demos\u00b9, I noticed a few errors, typos or miscaptures, and pointed them out in-person.\n\nKevin was able to quickly edit his toots and update them for anyone reading, thanks to #Mastodon\u2019s post editing feature and its support of #ActivityPub Updates. But this shouldn\u2019t require being in the same room, whether IRL or chat.\n\nWe should be able to suggest edits to each other\u2019s posts, as easily as we can reply and add a comment.\n\n13 years ago I wrote\u00b2:\n\n\u00a0\u201cThe Read Write Web is no longer sufficient. I want the Read Fork Write Merge Web.\u201d\n\nNow I want the Read Write Suggest-Edit Accept-Edit Update Web.\n\nThe \u21aa Reply button is fairly ubiquitous in modern post user interfaces (UIs).\n\nWhy not also a \u270f\ufe0f Suggest Edit button, to craft a fix for a typo, grammar, or other minor error, and send the author for their review, and acceptance or rejection? Perhaps viewable only by the suggester and the author, to avoid \"performative\" suggested edits.\n\nIf the author\u2019s posts provide revision histories, when a suggested edit is accepted, a post\u2019s history could show the contributor of the edit.\n\nInstead of asking Kevin in-person, what if I could have posted special \"Suggested Edit\" responses in reply to his toots, for which he would receive special notifications, and could choose to one-click accept and update (or further edit) his toots?\n\nTo enable such UIs and interactions across servers and implementations, we may need a new type of response\u00b3, perhaps with a special property (or more) to convey the edits being suggested.\n\nThere is documentation of this and similar use-cases, prior art / UIs, as well as some brainstorming on the #IndieWeb wiki:\n*\n\nOur interaction after IndieWebCamp has inspired me to take another look at how can we design and prototype solutions to this problem.\n\nFor now, if you host your blog and posts as static files on GitHub (or equivalent), you could add a button like this to your posts alongside Like, Reply, Repost buttons:\n\n\u270f\ufe0f Suggest Edit\n\nand link it to an edit URL for the static file for the post.\n\nI don\u2019t use GitHub static files myself for posts, but here\u2019s an example of such an edit link for one of my projects:\n\n\n\nThis will start the process of creating a \u201cpull request\u201d, GitHub\u2019s jargon\u2074 for a \u201csuggested edit\u201d.\n\nAfter completing GitHub\u2019s ceremony of entering multiple text fields (summary & description), and multiple clicks to create said \u201cpull request\u201d, it\u2019ll be sent to the author to review. Presuming the author likes the suggested edit, they can perform the other half of GitHub\u2019s jargon-filled ceremonies to \u201cMerge\u201d or \u201cSquash & Merge\u201d, \u201cDelete fork\u201d, etc. to accept the edit.\n\nIt\u2019s an awkward interaction\u2075, however useful for at least prototyping a \u270f\ufe0f Suggest Edit button on sites that store their posts as files in GitHub. Certainly worthy of experimenting with and gathering experience to design and build even better interactions.\n\nWe can start with the shortest path to getting something working, then learn, iterate, improve, repeat.\n\n#readWriteWeb #editableWeb #suggestEdit #acceptEdit\n\nReferences:\n\n\u00b9\n\u00b2\n\u00b3\n\u2074 The phrase \u201cpull request\u201d was derived from the git command: \u201cgit request-pull\u201d according to\n\u2075 \u201cedits\u201d in GitHub require taking far more steps, and navigating far more jargon, then say, Wikipedia pages, which come down to \u201cEdit\u201d and \u201cSave\u201d. We should aspire to Wikipedia\u2019s simplicity, not GitHub\u2019s ceremonies.\n\nThis is post 20 of #100PostsOfIndieWeb. #100Posts\n\n\u2190\n\u2192",
"html": "\u270f\ufe0f I want the Read Write Suggest-Edit Accept-Edit Update Web.<br /><br />The consumer Infinite Scroll Web leaves us feeling empty.<br /><br />Too few of us participate in the Read Write Web, whether with personal sites or Wikipedia.<br /><br />A week ago when we wrapped up #<span class=\"p-category\">IndieWebCamp</span> Portland and I was reading Kevin Marks (<a href=\"\"></a>) live-tooting of the demos<a href=\"\">\u00b9</a>, I noticed a few errors, typos or miscaptures, and pointed them out in-person.<br /><br />Kevin was able to quickly edit his toots and update them for anyone reading, thanks to #<span class=\"p-category\">Mastodon</span>\u2019s post editing feature and its support of #<span class=\"p-category\">ActivityPub</span> Updates. But this shouldn\u2019t require being in the same room, whether IRL or chat.<br /><br />We should be able to suggest edits to each other\u2019s posts, as easily as we can reply and add a comment.<br /><br />13 years ago I wrote<a href=\"\">\u00b2</a>:<br /><br />\u00a0\u201cThe Read Write Web is no longer sufficient. I want the Read Fork Write Merge Web.\u201d<br /><br />Now I want the Read Write Suggest-Edit Accept-Edit Update Web.<br /><br />The \u21aa Reply button is fairly ubiquitous in modern post user interfaces (UIs).<br /><br />Why not also a \u270f\ufe0f Suggest Edit button, to craft a fix for a typo, grammar, or other minor error, and send the author for their review, and acceptance or rejection? Perhaps viewable only by the suggester and the author, to avoid \"performative\" suggested edits.<br /><br />If the author\u2019s posts provide revision histories, when a suggested edit is accepted, a post\u2019s history could show the contributor of the edit.<br /><br />Instead of asking Kevin in-person, what if I could have posted special \"Suggested Edit\" responses in reply to his toots, for which he would receive special notifications, and could choose to one-click accept and update (or further edit) his toots?<br /><br />To enable such UIs and interactions across servers and implementations, we may need a new type of response<a href=\"\">\u00b3</a>, perhaps with a special property (or more) to convey the edits being suggested.<br /><br />There is documentation of this and similar use-cases, prior art / UIs, as well as some brainstorming on the #<span class=\"p-category\">IndieWeb</span> wiki:<br />* <a href=\"\"></a><br /><br />Our interaction after IndieWebCamp has inspired me to take another look at how can we design and prototype solutions to this problem.<br /><br />For now, if you host your blog and posts as static files on GitHub (or equivalent), you could add a button like this to your posts alongside Like, Reply, Repost buttons:<br /><br />\u270f\ufe0f Suggest Edit<br /><br />and link it to an edit URL for the static file for the post.<br /><br />I don\u2019t use GitHub static files myself for posts, but here\u2019s an example of such an edit link for one of my projects:<br /><br /><a href=\"\"></a><br /><br />This will start the process of creating a \u201cpull request\u201d, GitHub\u2019s jargon<a href=\"\">\u2074</a> for a \u201csuggested edit\u201d.<br /><br />After completing GitHub\u2019s ceremony of entering multiple text fields (summary & description), and multiple clicks to create said \u201cpull request\u201d, it\u2019ll be sent to the author to review. Presuming the author likes the suggested edit, they can perform the other half of GitHub\u2019s jargon-filled ceremonies to \u201cMerge\u201d or \u201cSquash & Merge\u201d, \u201cDelete fork\u201d, etc. to accept the edit.<br /><br />It\u2019s an awkward interaction<a href=\"\">\u2075</a>, however useful for at least prototyping a \u270f\ufe0f Suggest Edit button on sites that store their posts as files in GitHub. Certainly worthy of experimenting with and gathering experience to design and build even better interactions.<br /><br />We can start with the shortest path to getting something working, then learn, iterate, improve, repeat.<br /><br />#<span class=\"p-category\">readWriteWeb</span> #<span class=\"p-category\">editableWeb</span> #<span class=\"p-category\">suggestEdit</span> #<span class=\"p-category\">acceptEdit</span><br /><br />References:<br /><br /><a href=\"\">\u00b9</a> <a href=\"\"></a><br /><a href=\"\">\u00b2</a> <a href=\"\"></a><br /><a href=\"\">\u00b3</a> <a href=\"\"></a><br /><a href=\"\">\u2074</a> The phrase \u201cpull request\u201d was derived from the git command: \u201cgit request-pull\u201d according to <a href=\"\"></a><br /><a href=\"\">\u2075</a> \u201cedits\u201d in GitHub require taking far more steps, and navigating far more jargon, then say, Wikipedia pages, which come down to \u201cEdit\u201d and \u201cSave\u201d. We should aspire to Wikipedia\u2019s simplicity, not GitHub\u2019s ceremonies.<br /><br />This is post 20 of #<span class=\"p-category\">100PostsOfIndieWeb</span>. #<span class=\"p-category\">100Posts</span><br /><br />\u2190 <a href=\"\"></a><br />\u2192 <a href=\"\"></a>"
"author": {
"type": "card",
"name": "Tantek \u00c7elik",
"url": "",
"photo": ""
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "42140618",
"_source": "1",
"_is_read": false
Had a great time at IndieWebCamp Portland 2024 this past Sunday — our 10th IndieWebCamp in Portland!
Being a one day #IndieWebCamp, we focused more on making, hacking, and creating, than on formal discussion sessions.
Nearly everyone gave a brief personal site intro with a summary of how they use their #IndieWeb site and what they would like to add, remove, or improve.
There were lots of informal discussions, some in the main room, on the walk to and from lunch, over lunch in the nearby outdoor patio, or at tables inside the lobby of the Hotel Grand Stark.
We wrapped up with our usual Create Day¹ Demos session, live streamed for remote attendees to see as well. Lots of great demos of things people built, designed, removed, cleaned-up, documented, and blogged! Everyone still at the camp showed something on their personal site!
Group photo and lots more about IndieWebCamp Portland 2024 at the event’s wiki page:
Thanks to everyone who pitched in to help organize IndieWebCamp Portland 2024! Thanks especially to Marty McGuire ( for taking live notes during both the personal site intros and create day demos, to Kevin Marks ( @kevinmarks) for the IndieWebCamp live-tooting, and Ryan Barrett ( for amazing breakfast pastries from Dos Hermanos.
The experience definitely raised our hopes and confidence for returning to Portland in 2025.²
This is post 19 of #100PostsOfIndieWeb. #100Posts #2024_238
"type": "entry",
"published": "2024-08-29 21:09-0700",
"url": "",
"category": [
"content": {
"text": "Had a great time at IndieWebCamp Portland 2024 this past Sunday \u2014 our 10th IndieWebCamp in Portland!\n\n\n\nBeing a one day #IndieWebCamp, we focused more on making, hacking, and creating, than on formal discussion sessions.\n\nNearly everyone gave a brief personal site intro with a summary of how they use their #IndieWeb site and what they would like to add, remove, or improve.\n*\n\nThere were lots of informal discussions, some in the main room, on the walk to and from lunch, over lunch in the nearby outdoor patio, or at tables inside the lobby of the Hotel Grand Stark.\n\nWe wrapped up with our usual Create Day\u00b9 Demos session, live streamed for remote attendees to see as well. Lots of great demos of things people built, designed, removed, cleaned-up, documented, and blogged! Everyone still at the camp showed something on their personal site!\n*\n\nGroup photo and lots more about IndieWebCamp Portland 2024 at the event\u2019s wiki page:\n*\n\nThanks to everyone who pitched in to help organize IndieWebCamp Portland 2024! Thanks especially to Marty McGuire ( for taking live notes during both the personal site intros and create day demos, to Kevin Marks ( @kevinmarks) for the IndieWebCamp live-tooting, and Ryan Barrett ( for amazing breakfast pastries from Dos Hermanos.\n\nThe experience definitely raised our hopes and confidence for returning to Portland in 2025.\u00b2\n\n\nReferences:\n\n\u00b9\n\u00b2\n\nThis is post 19 of #100PostsOfIndieWeb. #100Posts #2024_238\n\n\u2190\n\u2192",
"html": "Had a great time at IndieWebCamp Portland 2024 this past Sunday \u2014 our 10th IndieWebCamp in Portland!<br /><br /><a href=\"\"></a><br /><br />Being a one day #<span class=\"p-category\">IndieWebCamp</span>, we focused more on making, hacking, and creating, than on formal discussion sessions.<br /><br />Nearly everyone gave a brief personal site intro with a summary of how they use their #<span class=\"p-category\">IndieWeb</span> site and what they would like to add, remove, or improve.<br />* <a href=\"\"></a><br /><br />There were lots of informal discussions, some in the main room, on the walk to and from lunch, over lunch in the nearby outdoor patio, or at tables inside the lobby of the Hotel Grand Stark.<br /><br />We wrapped up with our usual Create Day<a href=\"\">\u00b9</a> Demos session, live streamed for remote attendees to see as well. Lots of great demos of things people built, designed, removed, cleaned-up, documented, and blogged! Everyone still at the camp showed something on their personal site!<br />* <a href=\"\"></a><br /><br />Group photo and lots more about IndieWebCamp Portland 2024 at the event\u2019s wiki page:<br />* <a href=\"\"></a><br /><br />Thanks to everyone who pitched in to help organize IndieWebCamp Portland 2024! Thanks especially to Marty McGuire (<a href=\"\"></a>) for taking live notes during both the personal site intros and create day demos, to Kevin Marks (<a href=\"\"></a> <a href=\"\"></a> <a class=\"h-cassis-username\" href=\"\">@kevinmarks</a>) for the IndieWebCamp live-tooting, and Ryan Barrett (<a href=\"\"></a>) for amazing breakfast pastries from Dos Hermanos.<br /><br />The experience definitely raised our hopes and confidence for returning to Portland in 2025.<a href=\"\">\u00b2</a><br /><br /><br />References:<br /><br /><a href=\"\">\u00b9</a> <a href=\"\"></a><br /><a href=\"\">\u00b2</a> <a href=\"\"></a><br /><br />This is post 19 of #<span class=\"p-category\">100PostsOfIndieWeb</span>. #<span class=\"p-category\">100Posts</span> #<span class=\"p-category\">2024_238</span><br /><br />\u2190 <a href=\"\"></a><br />\u2192 <a href=\"\"></a>"
"author": {
"type": "card",
"name": "Tantek \u00c7elik",
"url": "",
"photo": ""
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "42140619",
"_source": "1",
"_is_read": false
Nice #IndieWebCamp discussion session with Kevin Marks ( @kevinmarks) on the topic of auto-linking¹.
I’ve implemented an auto_link function² that handles quite a few use-cases of URLs (with or without http: or https:), @-name @-domain @-domain/path @-@-handles, hashtags(#), and footnotes(^).
Much of it is based on what I’ve seen work (or implemented) on sites and software, and some of it is based on logically extending how people are using text punctuation across various services.
It may be time for me to write-up an auto-link specification based on the algorithms I’ve come up with, implemented, and am using live on my site. All the algorithms work fully offline (none of them require querying a site for more info, whether well-known or otherwise), so they can be used in offline-first authoring/writing clients.
I have identified three logical chunks of auto-linking functionality, each of which has different constraints and potential needs for local to the linking context information (like hashtags need a default tagspace). Each would be a good section for a new specification. Each is used by this very post.
* URLs, @-s, and @-@-s
* # hashtags
* ^ footnotes
#IndieWeb #autoLink #hashtag #hashtags #footnote #footnotes
Previously, previously, previously:
This is post 18 of #100PostsOfIndieWeb. #100Posts
"type": "entry",
"published": "2024-08-25 16:00-0700",
"url": "",
"category": [
"content": {
"text": "Nice #IndieWebCamp discussion session with Kevin Marks ( @kevinmarks) on the topic of auto-linking\u00b9.\n\nI\u2019ve implemented an auto_link function\u00b2 that handles quite a few use-cases of URLs (with or without http: or https:), @-name @-domain @-domain/path @-@-handles, hashtags(#), and footnotes(^).\n\nMuch of it is based on what I\u2019ve seen work (or implemented) on sites and software, and some of it is based on logically extending how people are using text punctuation across various services.\n\nIt may be time for me to write-up an auto-link specification based on the algorithms I\u2019ve come up with, implemented, and am using live on my site. All the algorithms work fully offline (none of them require querying a site for more info, whether well-known or otherwise), so they can be used in offline-first authoring/writing clients.\n\nI have identified three logical chunks of auto-linking functionality, each of which has different constraints and potential needs for local to the linking context information (like hashtags need a default tagspace). Each would be a good section for a new specification. Each is used by this very post.\n\n* URLs, @-s, and @-@-s\n* # hashtags\n* ^ footnotes\n\n#IndieWeb #autoLink #hashtag #hashtags #footnote #footnotes\n\nPreviously, previously, previously:\n\n*\n*\n*\n*\n\n\nReferences:\n\n\u00b9\n\u00b2\n\n\nThis is post 18 of #100PostsOfIndieWeb. #100Posts\n\n\u2190\n\u2192",
"html": "Nice #<span class=\"p-category\">IndieWebCamp</span> discussion session with Kevin Marks (<a href=\"\"></a> <a href=\"\"></a> <a class=\"h-cassis-username\" href=\"\">@kevinmarks</a>) on the topic of auto-linking<a href=\"\">\u00b9</a>.<br /><br />I\u2019ve implemented an auto_link function<a href=\"\">\u00b2</a> that handles quite a few use-cases of URLs (with or without http: or https:), @-name @-domain @-domain/path @-@-handles, hashtags(#), and footnotes(^).<br /><br />Much of it is based on what I\u2019ve seen work (or implemented) on sites and software, and some of it is based on logically extending how people are using text punctuation across various services.<br /><br />It may be time for me to write-up an auto-link specification based on the algorithms I\u2019ve come up with, implemented, and am using live on my site. All the algorithms work fully offline (none of them require querying a site for more info, whether well-known or otherwise), so they can be used in offline-first authoring/writing clients.<br /><br />I have identified three logical chunks of auto-linking functionality, each of which has different constraints and potential needs for local to the linking context information (like hashtags need a default tagspace). Each would be a good section for a new specification. Each is used by this very post.<br /><br />* URLs, @-s, and @-@-s<br />* # hashtags<br />* ^ footnotes<br /><br />#<span class=\"p-category\">IndieWeb</span> #<span class=\"p-category\">autoLink</span> #<span class=\"p-category\">hashtag</span> #<span class=\"p-category\">hashtags</span> #<span class=\"p-category\">footnote</span> #<span class=\"p-category\">footnotes</span><br /><br />Previously, previously, previously:<br /><br />* <a href=\"\"></a><br />* <a href=\"\"></a><br />* <a href=\"\"></a><br />* <a href=\"\"></a><br /><br /><br />References:<br /><br /><a href=\"\">\u00b9</a> <a href=\"\"></a><br /><a href=\"\">\u00b2</a> <a href=\"\"></a><br /><br /><br />This is post 18 of #<span class=\"p-category\">100PostsOfIndieWeb</span>. #<span class=\"p-category\">100Posts</span><br /><br />\u2190 <a href=\"\"></a><br />\u2192 <a href=\"\"></a>"
"author": {
"type": "card",
"name": "Tantek \u00c7elik",
"url": "",
"photo": ""
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "42140620",
"_source": "1",
"_is_read": false
"type": "entry",
"published": "2024-09-04T22:46:37.102817764+03:00",
"url": "",
"category": [
"name": "Bowl for Kittybox 1.0",
"content": {
"text": "This is a submission for IndieNews, the IndieWeb news aggregator.\nBowl for Kittybox, a new Micropub client, is now released!\nWhat is this?\nThis is meant to fill the niche of native desktop Micropub clients for those who prefer old-fashioned native applications instead of web apps or web apps packaged in a shrink-wrapped Google Chrome shell.\nIt's also a testing ground for my UX experiments. I believe Micropub provides a single well-oiled joint for blog posting, and that any user experience enhancements or additional features can simply live on top of it. The media endpoint standard is actually one of such enhancements \u2014 the Micropub endpoint does not strictly need to know about its existence, it can just understand links that the media endpoint gives to the client to insert into the post.\nOne of these experiments is Smart Summary \u2014 an optional summarization feature powered by a large language model. Hitting the Smart Summary button with a blog post in the editor pastes the post into an LLM and tells it to produce a one-sentence-summary. I rarely if ever filled the p-summary field, but now I guess I have no excuse.\nI also plan to make Kittybox collapse long posts in the feed that have summaries, and make an optional query parameter to provide un-collapsed posts (for MF2 feeds?), and helping produce summaries ties nicely into this feature.\nOf course, LLMs are not intelligent, cannot understand what they ingest and produce, and most importantly, have no conscience to feel guilty if they lie or mislead their user. So I recommend carefully proof-reading these summaries. Bowl will also under no circumstances support having LLMs write actual post content.\nI don't want this!\nThis can be disabled when building, pass -Dllm=false to Meson when configuring. When disabled, all LLM integration code is completely purged from the binary, leaving it completely unaware of this technology's existence. (The settings schema, however, is unaffected. I may fix that in the future.)\nWhat are the next steps?\nWhen I add media support, I will also try to make another LLM integration, Alt Text Vision, that could quickly draft an alt-text for an image you upload. (Of course, the user will be given the opportunity to review the output.)\nI also am thinking of creating a Microsub client that could summon Bowl to interact with posts. That may require Bowl to become D-Bus activatable and potentially support displaying several windows at once.\nI am also thinking about offline support, being able to draft posts while offline and send them once internet connection is available. Micropub also has some extensions for working with drafts, and I can use that to allow syncing the drafts to your own website.\nP.S.: When generating the summary for this post using Smart Summary, the LLM confused Bowl and Kittybox, and thought Kittybox is actually the Micropub client. This is a reminder to always double-check the text LLMs write for you.",
"html": "<p><i>This is a submission for <a href=\"\" class=\"u-category\">IndieNews</a>, the IndieWeb news aggregator.</i></p>\n<p><a href=\"\">Bowl for Kittybox</a>, a new Micropub client, is now released!</p>\n<h2>What is this?</h2>\n<p>This is meant to fill the niche of native desktop Micropub clients for those who prefer old-fashioned native applications instead of web apps or web apps packaged in a shrink-wrapped Google Chrome shell.</p>\n<p>It's also a testing ground for my UX experiments. I believe Micropub provides a <em>single well-oiled joint</em> for blog posting, and that any user experience enhancements or additional features can simply live on top of it. The media endpoint standard is actually one of such enhancements \u2014 the Micropub endpoint does not strictly need to know about its existence, it can just understand links that the media endpoint gives to the client to insert into the post.</p>\n<p>One of these experiments is <strong>Smart Summary</strong> \u2014 an optional summarization feature powered by a large language model. Hitting the Smart Summary button with a blog post in the editor pastes the post into an LLM and tells it to produce a one-sentence-summary. I rarely if ever filled the <code>p-summary</code> field, but now I guess I have no excuse.</p>\n<p>I also plan to make Kittybox collapse long posts in the feed that have summaries, and make an optional query parameter to provide un-collapsed posts (for MF2 feeds?), and helping produce summaries ties nicely into this feature.</p>\n<p>Of course, LLMs are not intelligent, cannot understand what they ingest and produce, and <em>most importantly</em>, have no conscience to feel guilty if they lie or mislead their user. So I recommend carefully proof-reading these summaries. Bowl will also under no circumstances support having LLMs write actual post content.</p>\n<h2>I don't want this!</h2>\n<p>This can be disabled when building, pass <code>-Dllm=false</code> to Meson when configuring. When disabled, all LLM integration code is completely purged from the binary, leaving it completely unaware of this technology's existence. (The settings schema, however, is unaffected. I may fix that in the future.)</p>\n<h2>What are the next steps?</h2>\n<p>When I add media support, I will also try to make another LLM integration, <strong>Alt Text Vision</strong>, that could quickly draft an alt-text for an image you upload. (Of course, the user will be given the opportunity to review the output.)</p>\n<p>I also am thinking of creating a Microsub client that could summon Bowl to interact with posts. That may require Bowl to become D-Bus activatable and potentially support displaying several windows at once.</p>\n<p>I am also thinking about offline support, being able to draft posts while offline and send them once internet connection is available. Micropub also has some extensions for working with drafts, and I can use that to allow syncing the drafts to your own website.</p>\n<p><strong>P.S.</strong>: When generating the summary for this post using <strong>Smart Summary</strong>, the LLM confused Bowl and Kittybox, and thought Kittybox is actually the Micropub client. This is a reminder to always double-check the text LLMs write for you.</p>"
"author": {
"type": "card",
"name": "Vika",
"url": "",
"photo": ""
"post-type": "article",
"_id": "42140392",
"_source": "1371",
"_is_read": false
Had a great time at IndieWebCamp Portland 2024 this past Sunday — our 10th IndieWebCamp in Portland!
Being a one day #IndieWebCamp, we focused more on making, hacking, and creating, than on formal discussion sessions.
Nearly everyone gave a brief personal site intro with a summary of how they use their #IndieWeb site and what they would like to add, remove, or improve.
There were lots of informal discussions, some in the main room, on the walk to and from lunch, over lunch in the nearby outdoor patio, or at tables inside the lobby of the Hotel Grand Stark.
We wrapped up with our usual Create Day¹ Demos session, live streamed for remote attendees to see as well. Lots of great demos of things people built, designed, removed, cleaned-up, documented, and blogged! Everyone still at the camp showed something on their personal site!
Group photo and lots more about IndieWebCamp Portland 2024 at the event’s wiki page:
Thanks to everyone who pitched in to help organize IndieWebCamp Portland 2024! Thanks especially to Marty McGuire ( for taking live notes during both the personal site intros and create day demos, to Kevin Marks ( @kevinmarks) for the IndieWebCamp live-tooting, and Ryan Barrett ( for amazing breakfast pastries from Dos Hermanos.
The experience definitely raised our hopes and confidence for returning to Portland in 2025.²
This is post 19 of #100PostsOfIndieWeb. #100Posts #2024_238
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "",
"photo": null
"url": "",
"content": {
"html": "<p>Had a great time at IndieWebCamp Portland 2024 this past Sunday \u2014 our 10th IndieWebCamp in Portland!<br /><br /><a href=\"\"></a><br /><br />Being a one day <a href=\"\">#<span class=\"p-category\">IndieWebCamp</span></a>, we focused more on making, hacking, and creating, than on formal discussion sessions.<br /><br />Nearly everyone gave a brief personal site intro with a summary of how they use their <a href=\"\">#<span class=\"p-category\">IndieWeb</span></a> site and what they would like to add, remove, or improve.<br />* <a href=\"\"></a><br /><br />There were lots of informal discussions, some in the main room, on the walk to and from lunch, over lunch in the nearby outdoor patio, or at tables inside the lobby of the Hotel Grand Stark.<br /><br />We wrapped up with our usual Create Day<a href=\"\">\u00b9</a> Demos session, live streamed for remote attendees to see as well. Lots of great demos of things people built, designed, removed, cleaned-up, documented, and blogged! Everyone still at the camp showed something on their personal site!<br />* <a href=\"\"></a><br /><br />Group photo and lots more about IndieWebCamp Portland 2024 at the event\u2019s wiki page:<br />* <a href=\"\"></a><br /><br />Thanks to everyone who pitched in to help organize IndieWebCamp Portland 2024! Thanks especially to Marty McGuire (<a href=\"\"></a>) for taking live notes during both the personal site intros and create day demos, to Kevin Marks (<a href=\"\"></a> <a href=\"\"></a> <a class=\"h-cassis-username\" href=\"\">@kevinmarks</a>) for the IndieWebCamp live-tooting, and Ryan Barrett (<a href=\"\"></a>) for amazing breakfast pastries from Dos Hermanos.<br /><br />The experience definitely raised our hopes and confidence for returning to Portland in 2025.<a href=\"\">\u00b2</a><br /><br /><br />References:<br /><br /><a href=\"\">\u00b9</a> <a href=\"\"></a><br /><a href=\"\">\u00b2</a> <a href=\"\"></a><br /><br />This is post 19 of <a href=\"\">#<span class=\"p-category\">100PostsOfIndieWeb</span></a>. <a href=\"\">#<span class=\"p-category\">100Posts</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span class=\"p-category\">2024_238</span></a><br /><br />\u2190 <a href=\"\"></a><br />\u2192 <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n<a class=\"u-mention\" href=\"\"></a>\n<a class=\"u-mention\" href=\"\"></a>\n<a class=\"u-mention\" href=\"\"></a>\n<a class=\"u-mention\" href=\"\"></a>\n<a class=\"u-mention\" href=\"\"></a>",
"text": "Had a great time at IndieWebCamp Portland 2024 this past Sunday \u2014 our 10th IndieWebCamp in Portland!\n\n\n\nBeing a one day #IndieWebCamp, we focused more on making, hacking, and creating, than on formal discussion sessions.\n\nNearly everyone gave a brief personal site intro with a summary of how they use their #IndieWeb site and what they would like to add, remove, or improve.\n*\n\nThere were lots of informal discussions, some in the main room, on the walk to and from lunch, over lunch in the nearby outdoor patio, or at tables inside the lobby of the Hotel Grand Stark.\n\nWe wrapped up with our usual Create Day\u00b9 Demos session, live streamed for remote attendees to see as well. Lots of great demos of things people built, designed, removed, cleaned-up, documented, and blogged! Everyone still at the camp showed something on their personal site!\n*\n\nGroup photo and lots more about IndieWebCamp Portland 2024 at the event\u2019s wiki page:\n*\n\nThanks to everyone who pitched in to help organize IndieWebCamp Portland 2024! Thanks especially to Marty McGuire ( for taking live notes during both the personal site intros and create day demos, to Kevin Marks ( @kevinmarks) for the IndieWebCamp live-tooting, and Ryan Barrett ( for amazing breakfast pastries from Dos Hermanos.\n\nThe experience definitely raised our hopes and confidence for returning to Portland in 2025.\u00b2\n\n\nReferences:\n\n\u00b9\n\u00b2\n\nThis is post 19 of #100PostsOfIndieWeb. #100Posts #2024_238\n\n\u2190\n\u2192"
"published": "2024-08-30T04:09:00+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "42140354",
"_source": "8007",
"_is_read": false
✏️ I want the Read Write Suggest-Edit Accept-Edit Update Web.
The consumer Infinite Scroll Web leaves us feeling empty.
Too few of us participate in the Read Write Web, whether with personal sites or Wikipedia.
A week ago when we wrapped up #IndieWebCamp Portland and I was reading Kevin Marks ( live-tooting of the demos¹, I noticed a few errors, typos or miscaptures, and pointed them out in-person.
Kevin was able to quickly edit his toots and update them for anyone reading, thanks to #Mastodon’s post editing feature and its support of #ActivityPub Updates. But this shouldn’t require being in the same room, whether IRL or chat.
We should be able to suggest edits to each other’s posts, as easily as we can reply and add a comment.
13 years ago I wrote²:
“The Read Write Web is no longer sufficient. I want the Read Fork Write Merge Web.”
Now I want the Read Write Suggest-Edit Accept-Edit Update Web.
The ↪ Reply button is fairly ubiquitous in modern post user interfaces (UIs).
Why not also a ✏️ Suggest Edit button, to craft a fix for a typo, grammar, or other minor error, and send the author for their review, and acceptance or rejection? Perhaps viewable only by the suggester and the author, to avoid "performative" suggested edits.
If the author’s posts provide revision histories, when a suggested edit is accepted, a post’s history could show the contributor of the edit.
Instead of asking Kevin in-person, what if I could have posted special "Suggested Edit" responses in reply to his toots, for which he would receive special notifications, and could choose to one-click accept and update (or further edit) his toots?
To enable such UIs and interactions across servers and implementations, we may need a new type of response³, perhaps with a special property (or more) to convey the edits being suggested.
There is documentation of this and similar use-cases, prior art / UIs, as well as some brainstorming on the #IndieWeb wiki:
Our interaction after IndieWebCamp has inspired me to take another look at how can we design and prototype solutions to this problem.
For now, if you host your blog and posts as static files on GitHub (or equivalent), you could add a button like this to your posts alongside Like, Reply, Repost buttons:
✏️ Suggest Edit
and link it to an edit URL for the static file for the post.
I don’t use GitHub static files myself for posts, but here’s an example of such an edit link for one of my projects:
This will start the process of creating a “pull request”, GitHub’s jargon⁴ for a “suggested edit”.
After completing GitHub’s ceremony of entering multiple text fields (summary & description), and multiple clicks to create said “pull request”, it’ll be sent to the author to review. Presuming the author likes the suggested edit, they can perform the other half of GitHub’s jargon-filled ceremonies to “Merge” or “Squash & Merge”, “Delete fork”, etc. to accept the edit.
It’s an awkward interaction⁵, however useful for at least prototyping a ✏️ Suggest Edit button on sites that store their posts as files in GitHub. Certainly worthy of experimenting with and gathering experience to design and build even better interactions.
We can start with the shortest path to getting something working, then learn, iterate, improve, repeat.
#readWriteWeb #editableWeb #suggestEdit #acceptEdit
⁴ The phrase “pull request” was derived from the git command: “git request-pull” according to
⁵ “edits” in GitHub require taking far more steps, and navigating far more jargon, then say, Wikipedia pages, which come down to “Edit” and “Save”. We should aspire to Wikipedia’s simplicity, not GitHub’s ceremonies.
This is post 20 of #100PostsOfIndieWeb. #100Posts
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "",
"photo": null
"url": "",
"content": {
"html": "<p>\u270f\ufe0f I want the Read Write Suggest-Edit Accept-Edit Update Web.<br /><br />The consumer Infinite Scroll Web leaves us feeling empty.<br /><br />Too few of us participate in the Read Write Web, whether with personal sites or Wikipedia.<br /><br />A week ago when we wrapped up <a href=\"\">#<span class=\"p-category\">IndieWebCamp</span></a> Portland and I was reading Kevin Marks (<a href=\"\"></a>) live-tooting of the demos<a href=\"\">\u00b9</a>, I noticed a few errors, typos or miscaptures, and pointed them out in-person.<br /><br />Kevin was able to quickly edit his toots and update them for anyone reading, thanks to <a href=\"\">#<span class=\"p-category\">Mastodon</span></a>\u2019s post editing feature and its support of <a href=\"\">#<span class=\"p-category\">ActivityPub</span></a> Updates. But this shouldn\u2019t require being in the same room, whether IRL or chat.<br /><br />We should be able to suggest edits to each other\u2019s posts, as easily as we can reply and add a comment.<br /><br />13 years ago I wrote<a href=\"\">\u00b2</a>:<br /><br />\u00a0\u201cThe Read Write Web is no longer sufficient. I want the Read Fork Write Merge Web.\u201d<br /><br />Now I want the Read Write Suggest-Edit Accept-Edit Update Web.<br /><br />The \u21aa Reply button is fairly ubiquitous in modern post user interfaces (UIs).<br /><br />Why not also a \u270f\ufe0f Suggest Edit button, to craft a fix for a typo, grammar, or other minor error, and send the author for their review, and acceptance or rejection? Perhaps viewable only by the suggester and the author, to avoid \"performative\" suggested edits.<br /><br />If the author\u2019s posts provide revision histories, when a suggested edit is accepted, a post\u2019s history could show the contributor of the edit.<br /><br />Instead of asking Kevin in-person, what if I could have posted special \"Suggested Edit\" responses in reply to his toots, for which he would receive special notifications, and could choose to one-click accept and update (or further edit) his toots?<br /><br />To enable such UIs and interactions across servers and implementations, we may need a new type of response<a href=\"\">\u00b3</a>, perhaps with a special property (or more) to convey the edits being suggested.<br /><br />There is documentation of this and similar use-cases, prior art / UIs, as well as some brainstorming on the <a href=\"\">#<span class=\"p-category\">IndieWeb</span></a> wiki:<br />* <a href=\"\"></a><br /><br />Our interaction after IndieWebCamp has inspired me to take another look at how can we design and prototype solutions to this problem.<br /><br />For now, if you host your blog and posts as static files on GitHub (or equivalent), you could add a button like this to your posts alongside Like, Reply, Repost buttons:<br /><br />\u270f\ufe0f Suggest Edit<br /><br />and link it to an edit URL for the static file for the post.<br /><br />I don\u2019t use GitHub static files myself for posts, but here\u2019s an example of such an edit link for one of my projects:<br /><br /><a href=\"\"></a><br /><br />This will start the process of creating a \u201cpull request\u201d, GitHub\u2019s jargon<a href=\"\">\u2074</a> for a \u201csuggested edit\u201d.<br /><br />After completing GitHub\u2019s ceremony of entering multiple text fields (summary & description), and multiple clicks to create said \u201cpull request\u201d, it\u2019ll be sent to the author to review. Presuming the author likes the suggested edit, they can perform the other half of GitHub\u2019s jargon-filled ceremonies to \u201cMerge\u201d or \u201cSquash & Merge\u201d, \u201cDelete fork\u201d, etc. to accept the edit.<br /><br />It\u2019s an awkward interaction<a href=\"\">\u2075</a>, however useful for at least prototyping a \u270f\ufe0f Suggest Edit button on sites that store their posts as files in GitHub. Certainly worthy of experimenting with and gathering experience to design and build even better interactions.<br /><br />We can start with the shortest path to getting something working, then learn, iterate, improve, repeat.<br /><br /><a href=\"\">#<span class=\"p-category\">readWriteWeb</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span class=\"p-category\">editableWeb</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span class=\"p-category\">suggestEdit</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span class=\"p-category\">acceptEdit</span></a><br /><br />References:<br /><br /><a href=\"\">\u00b9</a> <a href=\"\"></a><br /><a href=\"\">\u00b2</a> <a href=\"\"></a><br /><a href=\"\">\u00b3</a> <a href=\"\"></a><br /><a href=\"\">\u2074</a> The phrase \u201cpull request\u201d was derived from the git command: \u201cgit request-pull\u201d according to <a href=\"\"></a><br /><a href=\"\">\u2075</a> \u201cedits\u201d in GitHub require taking far more steps, and navigating far more jargon, then say, Wikipedia pages, which come down to \u201cEdit\u201d and \u201cSave\u201d. We should aspire to Wikipedia\u2019s simplicity, not GitHub\u2019s ceremonies.<br /><br />This is post 20 of <a href=\"\">#<span class=\"p-category\">100PostsOfIndieWeb</span></a>. <a href=\"\">#<span class=\"p-category\">100Posts</span></a><br /><br />\u2190 <a href=\"\"></a><br />\u2192 <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n<a class=\"u-mention\" href=\"\"></a>",
"text": "\u270f\ufe0f I want the Read Write Suggest-Edit Accept-Edit Update Web.\n\nThe consumer Infinite Scroll Web leaves us feeling empty.\n\nToo few of us participate in the Read Write Web, whether with personal sites or Wikipedia.\n\nA week ago when we wrapped up #IndieWebCamp Portland and I was reading Kevin Marks ( live-tooting of the demos\u00b9, I noticed a few errors, typos or miscaptures, and pointed them out in-person.\n\nKevin was able to quickly edit his toots and update them for anyone reading, thanks to #Mastodon\u2019s post editing feature and its support of #ActivityPub Updates. But this shouldn\u2019t require being in the same room, whether IRL or chat.\n\nWe should be able to suggest edits to each other\u2019s posts, as easily as we can reply and add a comment.\n\n13 years ago I wrote\u00b2:\n\n\u00a0\u201cThe Read Write Web is no longer sufficient. I want the Read Fork Write Merge Web.\u201d\n\nNow I want the Read Write Suggest-Edit Accept-Edit Update Web.\n\nThe \u21aa Reply button is fairly ubiquitous in modern post user interfaces (UIs).\n\nWhy not also a \u270f\ufe0f Suggest Edit button, to craft a fix for a typo, grammar, or other minor error, and send the author for their review, and acceptance or rejection? Perhaps viewable only by the suggester and the author, to avoid \"performative\" suggested edits.\n\nIf the author\u2019s posts provide revision histories, when a suggested edit is accepted, a post\u2019s history could show the contributor of the edit.\n\nInstead of asking Kevin in-person, what if I could have posted special \"Suggested Edit\" responses in reply to his toots, for which he would receive special notifications, and could choose to one-click accept and update (or further edit) his toots?\n\nTo enable such UIs and interactions across servers and implementations, we may need a new type of response\u00b3, perhaps with a special property (or more) to convey the edits being suggested.\n\nThere is documentation of this and similar use-cases, prior art / UIs, as well as some brainstorming on the #IndieWeb wiki:\n*\n\nOur interaction after IndieWebCamp has inspired me to take another look at how can we design and prototype solutions to this problem.\n\nFor now, if you host your blog and posts as static files on GitHub (or equivalent), you could add a button like this to your posts alongside Like, Reply, Repost buttons:\n\n\u270f\ufe0f Suggest Edit\n\nand link it to an edit URL for the static file for the post.\n\nI don\u2019t use GitHub static files myself for posts, but here\u2019s an example of such an edit link for one of my projects:\n\n\n\nThis will start the process of creating a \u201cpull request\u201d, GitHub\u2019s jargon\u2074 for a \u201csuggested edit\u201d.\n\nAfter completing GitHub\u2019s ceremony of entering multiple text fields (summary & description), and multiple clicks to create said \u201cpull request\u201d, it\u2019ll be sent to the author to review. Presuming the author likes the suggested edit, they can perform the other half of GitHub\u2019s jargon-filled ceremonies to \u201cMerge\u201d or \u201cSquash & Merge\u201d, \u201cDelete fork\u201d, etc. to accept the edit.\n\nIt\u2019s an awkward interaction\u2075, however useful for at least prototyping a \u270f\ufe0f Suggest Edit button on sites that store their posts as files in GitHub. Certainly worthy of experimenting with and gathering experience to design and build even better interactions.\n\nWe can start with the shortest path to getting something working, then learn, iterate, improve, repeat.\n\n#readWriteWeb #editableWeb #suggestEdit #acceptEdit\n\nReferences:\n\n\u00b9\n\u00b2\n\u00b3\n\u2074 The phrase \u201cpull request\u201d was derived from the git command: \u201cgit request-pull\u201d according to\n\u2075 \u201cedits\u201d in GitHub require taking far more steps, and navigating far more jargon, then say, Wikipedia pages, which come down to \u201cEdit\u201d and \u201cSave\u201d. We should aspire to Wikipedia\u2019s simplicity, not GitHub\u2019s ceremonies.\n\nThis is post 20 of #100PostsOfIndieWeb. #100Posts\n\n\u2190\n\u2192"
"published": "2024-09-01T21:51:00+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "42140316",
"_source": "8007",
"_is_read": false
Nice #IndieWebCamp discussion session with Kevin Marks ( @kevinmarks) on the topic of auto-linking¹.
I’ve implemented an auto_link function² that handles quite a few use-cases of URLs (with or without http: or https:), @-name @-domain @-domain/path @-@-handles, hashtags(#), and footnotes(^).
Much of it is based on what I’ve seen work (or implemented) on sites and software, and some of it is based on logically extending how people are using text punctuation across various services.
It may be time for me to write-up an auto-link specification based on the algorithms I’ve come up with, implemented, and am using live on my site. All the algorithms work fully offline (none of them require querying a site for more info, whether well-known or otherwise), so they can be used in offline-first authoring/writing clients.
I have identified three logical chunks of auto-linking functionality, each of which has different constraints and potential needs for local to the linking context information (like hashtags need a default tagspace). Each would be a good section for a new specification. Each is used by this very post.
* URLs, @-s, and @-@-s
* # hashtags
* ^ footnotes
#IndieWeb #autoLink #hashtag #hashtags #footnote #footnotes
Previously, previously, previously:
This is post 18 of #100PostsOfIndieWeb. #100Posts
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "",
"photo": null
"url": "",
"content": {
"html": "<p>Nice <a href=\"\">#<span class=\"p-category\">IndieWebCamp</span></a> discussion session with Kevin Marks (<a href=\"\"></a> <a href=\"\"></a> <a class=\"h-cassis-username\" href=\"\">@kevinmarks</a>) on the topic of auto-linking<a href=\"\">\u00b9</a>.<br /><br />I\u2019ve implemented an auto_link function<a href=\"\">\u00b2</a> that handles quite a few use-cases of URLs (with or without http: or https:), @-name @-domain @-domain/path @-@-handles, hashtags(#), and footnotes(^).<br /><br />Much of it is based on what I\u2019ve seen work (or implemented) on sites and software, and some of it is based on logically extending how people are using text punctuation across various services.<br /><br />It may be time for me to write-up an auto-link specification based on the algorithms I\u2019ve come up with, implemented, and am using live on my site. All the algorithms work fully offline (none of them require querying a site for more info, whether well-known or otherwise), so they can be used in offline-first authoring/writing clients.<br /><br />I have identified three logical chunks of auto-linking functionality, each of which has different constraints and potential needs for local to the linking context information (like hashtags need a default tagspace). Each would be a good section for a new specification. Each is used by this very post.<br /><br />* URLs, @-s, and @-@-s<br />* # hashtags<br />* ^ footnotes<br /><br /><a href=\"\">#<span class=\"p-category\">IndieWeb</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span class=\"p-category\">autoLink</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span class=\"p-category\">hashtag</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span class=\"p-category\">hashtags</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span class=\"p-category\">footnote</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span class=\"p-category\">footnotes</span></a><br /><br />Previously, previously, previously:<br /><br />* <a href=\"\"></a><br />* <a href=\"\"></a><br />* <a href=\"\"></a><br />* <a href=\"\"></a><br /><br /><br />References:<br /><br /><a href=\"\">\u00b9</a> <a href=\"\"></a><br /><a href=\"\">\u00b2</a> <a href=\"\"></a><br /><br /><br />This is post 18 of <a href=\"\">#<span class=\"p-category\">100PostsOfIndieWeb</span></a>. <a href=\"\">#<span class=\"p-category\">100Posts</span></a><br /><br />\u2190 <a href=\"\"></a><br />\u2192 <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n<a class=\"u-mention\" href=\"\"></a>\n<a class=\"u-mention\" href=\"\"></a>\n<a class=\"u-mention\" href=\"\"></a>",
"text": "Nice #IndieWebCamp discussion session with Kevin Marks ( @kevinmarks) on the topic of auto-linking\u00b9.\n\nI\u2019ve implemented an auto_link function\u00b2 that handles quite a few use-cases of URLs (with or without http: or https:), @-name @-domain @-domain/path @-@-handles, hashtags(#), and footnotes(^).\n\nMuch of it is based on what I\u2019ve seen work (or implemented) on sites and software, and some of it is based on logically extending how people are using text punctuation across various services.\n\nIt may be time for me to write-up an auto-link specification based on the algorithms I\u2019ve come up with, implemented, and am using live on my site. All the algorithms work fully offline (none of them require querying a site for more info, whether well-known or otherwise), so they can be used in offline-first authoring/writing clients.\n\nI have identified three logical chunks of auto-linking functionality, each of which has different constraints and potential needs for local to the linking context information (like hashtags need a default tagspace). Each would be a good section for a new specification. Each is used by this very post.\n\n* URLs, @-s, and @-@-s\n* # hashtags\n* ^ footnotes\n\n#IndieWeb #autoLink #hashtag #hashtags #footnote #footnotes\n\nPreviously, previously, previously:\n\n*\n*\n*\n*\n\n\nReferences:\n\n\u00b9\n\u00b2\n\n\nThis is post 18 of #100PostsOfIndieWeb. #100Posts\n\n\u2190\n\u2192"
"published": "2024-08-25T23:00:00+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "42140266",
"_source": "8007",
"_is_read": false
New blog post 📰
Maybe I’m just bored and need a break from social networks and touch grass before winter gets here. 🤷♂️
#blog #smallweb #indieweb
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "",
"photo": null
"url": "",
"content": {
"html": "<p>New blog post \ud83d\udcf0 </p><p>Maybe I\u2019m just bored and need a break from social networks and touch grass before winter gets here. \ud83e\udd37\u200d\u2642\ufe0f </p><p><a href=\"\">#<span>blog</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>smallweb</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>indieweb</span></a> </p><p><a href=\"\"><span>https://</span><span></span><span>bout-social-networks/</span></a></p>",
"text": "New blog post \ud83d\udcf0 \n\nMaybe I\u2019m just bored and need a break from social networks and touch grass before winter gets here. \ud83e\udd37\u200d\u2642\ufe0f \n\n#blog #smallweb #indieweb \n\n"
"published": "2024-09-05T00:28:55+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "42140127",
"_source": "8007",
"_is_read": false
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "",
"photo": null
"url": "",
"content": {
"html": "<p><a href=\"\">#<span>Business</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>Resources</span></a><br />Awesome Indie \u00b7 Products made by independent makers and creators <a href=\"\"><span>https://</span><span></span><span></span></a></p><p>_____<br /><a href=\"\">#<span>Creator</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>Product</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>IndieWeb</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>SmallWeb</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>Design</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>ProductDesign</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>UiDesign</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>WebDesign</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>Development</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>WebDev</span></a></p>",
"text": "#Business #Resources\nAwesome Indie \u00b7 Products made by independent makers and creators\n\n_____\n#Creator #Product #IndieWeb #SmallWeb #Design #ProductDesign #UiDesign #WebDesign #Development #WebDev"
"published": "2024-09-05T00:05:09+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "42140034",
"_source": "8007",
"_is_read": false
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "",
"photo": null
"url": "",
"content": {
"html": "<p>Verify whether two lists contain identical entries:</p><p><a href=\"\"><span>https://</span><span></span><span></span></a></p><p><a href=\"\">#<span>bash</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>blog</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>diff</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>indieweb</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>til</span></a></p>",
"text": "Verify whether two lists contain identical entries:\n\n\n\n#bash #blog #diff #indieweb #til"
"published": "2024-09-04T22:12:12+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "42139316",
"_source": "8007",
"_is_read": false
"type": "entry",
"url": "",
"category": [
"name": "Front end study hall",
"content": {
"text": "Attended my first Front End study hall today, hosted by Joe. I\u2019m still pretty tired from XOXO but it was good to see so many people turn up.\n\n\n\nI look forward to the next one. \n\n\n\nMy old battered MacBook Air",
"html": "<p>Attended my first <a href=\"\">Front End study hall</a> today, hosted by <a href=\"\">Joe</a>. I\u2019m still pretty tired from <a href=\"\">XOXO</a> but it was good to see so many people turn up.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>I look forward to the next one. </p>\n\n\n\n<img width=\"768\" height=\"1024\" src=\"\" alt=\"MacBook Air and a lemonade on a table in Starbucks\" />My old battered MacBook Air\n\n\n<p></p>"
"author": {
"type": "card",
"name": "Matt Lee",
"url": "",
"photo": null
"post-type": "article",
"_id": "42138846",
"_source": "8334",
"_is_read": true
"type": "entry",
"url": "",
"category": [
"name": "Firefox on iOS approximately a month in (in which Matt casually returns to blogging)",
"content": {
"text": "I never thought I\u2019d have an iPhone.\n\n\n\nI never thought I\u2019d like using one.\n\n\n\nI have to say I do and I mostly do. So here we are, a little over a year after my Google Pixel went into a reboot loop just after charging it and promptly went into a drawer. Out came the iPhone SE I had got when I exchanged an Apple TV I\u2019d won at OSCON. I used that for several months before dropping it one too many times on the cold night of celebrating the 21st anniversary of the NeXT/Apple merger. Oops. I blame the Dr. Gil Amelio impressions.\n\n\n\nBriefly I used an iPhone 6 Plus before being given a new iPhone 8 as part of my job. Courageously I struggle every day with its proprietary headphone jack (I carry two sets of earbuds everywhere \u2014 one for my laptop and one for my phone \u2014 and as much as I begrudge the proprietary connector they are very nice and comfortable when you\u2019re on a lot of meeting calls) and long for the day where I can consider retrofitting one. But yes, even dyed in the wool free software folk use smartphones and I\u2019m not patient enough to do the Replicant route these days after many an attempt over the years from both versions of the OpenMoko, to various HTC Dream phones in various states of liberation. Heck, I even bought an iPad recently when I found out the occasional travel tablet I had from Google wasn\u2019t supported anymore but I will admit it doesn\u2019t get used very much at all but it is quite nice to use on a train. I am still very much committed to using free software on my actual laptop as the pile of assorted machines on the floor of my messy apartment will confirm with my day to day machine remaining the Dell XPS I spoke about last year.\n\n\n\nBack to the iPhone. When I first switched I figured I\u2019d hate it and so I didn\u2019t make much effort to integrate things. Instead I just downloaded the various Google apps to the iPhone and carried on my the same account I\u2019d used on my Pixel phone and the half dozen or so Android phones I\u2019d used prior to that. But recently I was at XOXOFEST in Portland and hanging out with various IndieWeb people including Tantek (who has an interesting no-phone setup that involves a Me-Fi device and a couple of iPod Touch devices, with Firefox as their browser) \u2014 it got me thinking about using Firefox as my main browser for the phone.\n\n\n\nState of the Union\n\n\n\nApple still doesn\u2019t let alternate browser engines to run on iOS for some reason, and as a result Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Firefox Focus and even Microsoft\u2019s Edge browser all use WebKit and all use the same version of WebKit as each other. If only we could have had Microsoft adopt WebKit for Edge for Windows, there would be one less engine to worry about although I\u2019ve never encountered Edge in the wild actually being used by anyone as I suspect everyone on Windows gets pushed to install Chrome pretty quickly these days but I\u2019m happy to be wrong on this point. Hopefully everyone installs Firefox instead after reading this.\n\n\n\n(To me, the whole iOS browser saga is a bit like making your own \u201cbrowser\u201d on Windows in Visual Basic by adding the Browser object to a form and slapping a couple of buttons on it, but I suspect Apple wouldn\u2019t approve such an app which dashes my hopes of becoming an instant browser vendor I suppose.)\n\n\n\nDespite the one and only engine rule, all of these browsers do things a little differently:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSafari who likes to take over occasionally and frustrate me no end.\nFirefox Focus which is a great browser (often coupled with a VPN) for looking at sites with tons of ads and pop ups and other nasties. Clears itself on exit. Handy for looking up flight prices and searching things outside of your browsers fingerprint of your habits too.\nChrome on iOS neatly integrates with Google\u2019s various sites and offers its own take on private browsing via incognito mode but does not seem to offer anything by way of blocking ads, which is a little frustrating.\nAnd then there\u2019s Firefox, which seems to do a great job of blocking things even if the user interface is a little cluttered in places I am enjoying using it a lot more than I thought. In particular, it has a dedicated reading mode feature (Safari has this too and it was one of the few things I\u2019d occasionally use it for) and seems to have an actual proper download feature. It also lets me copy virtually any image to the clipboard which Chrome does not.\nSo for now I\u2019m going to keep using my iPhone. I have my eye on Purism and their phone project but I suspect it\u2019ll be a while before it\u2019ll be usable to the level where I don\u2019t feel like I have to sysadmin my phone. Until then I\u2019m probably going to keep using the iPhone.\n\n\n\nGil Amelio joke by Stevie DuBois",
"html": "<p>I never thought I\u2019d have an iPhone.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>I never thought I\u2019d like using one.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>I have to say I do and I mostly do. So here we are, a little over a year after my Google Pixel went into a reboot loop just after charging it and promptly went into a drawer. Out came the iPhone SE I had got when I exchanged an Apple TV I\u2019d won at OSCON. I used that for several months before dropping it one too many times on the cold night of celebrating the 21st anniversary of the NeXT/Apple merger. Oops. I blame the Dr. Gil Amelio impressions.</p>\n\n\n\n<img src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"295\" height=\"167\" />\n\n\n\n<p>Briefly I used an iPhone 6 Plus before being given a new iPhone 8 as part of my job. <em>Courageously</em> I struggle every day with its proprietary headphone jack (I carry two sets of earbuds everywhere \u2014 one for my laptop and one for my phone \u2014 and as much as I begrudge the proprietary connector they are very nice and comfortable when you\u2019re on a lot of meeting calls) and long for the day where I can consider retrofitting one. But yes, even dyed in the wool free software folk use smartphones and I\u2019m not patient enough to do the <a href=\"\">Replicant</a> route these days after many an attempt over the years from both versions of the OpenMoko, to various HTC Dream phones in various states of liberation. Heck, I even bought an iPad recently when I found out the occasional travel tablet I had from Google wasn\u2019t supported anymore but I will admit it doesn\u2019t get used very much at all but it is quite nice to use on a train. I am still very much committed to using free software on my actual laptop as the pile of assorted machines on the floor of my messy apartment will confirm with my day to day machine remaining the Dell XPS I spoke about last year.</p>\n\n\n\n<img src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"173\" height=\"173\" />\n\n\n\n<p>Back to the iPhone. When I first switched I figured I\u2019d hate it and so I didn\u2019t make much effort to integrate things. Instead I just downloaded the various Google apps to the iPhone and carried on my the same account I\u2019d used on my Pixel phone and the half dozen or so Android phones I\u2019d used prior to that. But recently I was at <a href=\"\">XOXOFEST</a> in Portland and hanging out with various IndieWeb people including <a href=\"\">Tantek (</a>who has an interesting no-phone setup that involves a Me-Fi device and a couple of iPod Touch devices, with Firefox as their browser) \u2014 it got me thinking about using Firefox as my main browser for the phone.</p>\n\n\n\n<h3>State of the Union</h3>\n\n\n\n<p>Apple <em>still</em> doesn\u2019t let alternate browser engines to run on iOS for <em>some</em> <em>reason</em>, and as a result Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Firefox Focus and even Microsoft\u2019s Edge browser all use WebKit and all use the same version of WebKit as each other. If only we could have had Microsoft adopt WebKit for Edge for Windows, there would be one less engine to worry about although I\u2019ve never encountered Edge in the wild actually being used by anyone as I suspect everyone on Windows gets pushed to install Chrome pretty quickly these days but I\u2019m happy to be wrong on this point. Hopefully everyone installs Firefox instead after reading this.</p>\n\n\n\n<p><em>(To me, the whole iOS browser saga is a bit like making your own \u201cbrowser\u201d on Windows in Visual Basic by adding the Browser object to a form and slapping a couple of buttons on it, but I suspect Apple wouldn\u2019t approve such an app which dashes my hopes of becoming an instant browser vendor I suppose.)</em></p>\n\n\n\n<p>Despite the one and only engine rule, all of these browsers do things a little differently:</p>\n\n\n\n<a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"270\" height=\"360\" /></a>\n\n\n\n<ul><li>Safari who likes to take over occasionally and frustrate me no end.</li>\n<li>Firefox Focus which is a great browser (often coupled with a VPN) for looking at sites with tons of ads and pop ups and other nasties. Clears itself on exit. Handy for looking up flight prices and searching things outside of your browsers fingerprint of your habits too.</li>\n<li>Chrome on iOS neatly integrates with Google\u2019s various sites and offers its own take on private browsing via incognito mode but does not seem to offer anything by way of blocking ads, which is a little frustrating.</li>\n<li>And then there\u2019s Firefox, which seems to do a great job of blocking things even if the user interface is a little cluttered in places I am enjoying using it a lot more than I thought. In particular, it has a dedicated reading mode feature (Safari has this too and it was one of the few things I\u2019d occasionally use it for) and seems to have an actual proper download feature. It also lets me copy virtually any image to the clipboard which Chrome does not.</li>\n</ul><p>So for now I\u2019m going to keep using my iPhone. I have my eye on Purism and their phone project but I suspect it\u2019ll be a while before it\u2019ll be usable to the level where I don\u2019t feel like I have to sysadmin my phone. Until then I\u2019m probably going to keep using the iPhone.</p>\n\n\n\n<blockquote><p>Gil Amelio joke by Stevie DuBois</p></blockquote>"
"author": {
"type": "card",
"name": "Matt Lee",
"url": "",
"photo": null
"post-type": "article",
"_id": "42138850",
"_source": "8334",
"_is_read": true
I really like personal homepages and have quite a list of them bookmarked. I'll post one every week unless I fall behind this schedule. 😉 So here's Cool Personal Homepages #CPH Vol. 22: Patrick Jordan
#SmallWeb #indieweb #smolweb #PersonalSites #homepage
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "",
"photo": null
"url": "",
"content": {
"html": "<p>I really like personal homepages and have quite a list of them bookmarked. I'll post one every week unless I fall behind this schedule. \ud83d\ude09 So here's Cool Personal Homepages <a href=\"\">#<span>CPH</span></a> Vol. 22: Patrick Jordan <a href=\"\"><span>https://www.</span><span></span><span></span></a></p><p><a href=\"\">#<span>SmallWeb</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>indieweb</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>smolweb</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>PersonalSites</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>homepage</span></a></p>",
"text": "I really like personal homepages and have quite a list of them bookmarked. I'll post one every week unless I fall behind this schedule. \ud83d\ude09 So here's Cool Personal Homepages #CPH Vol. 22: Patrick Jordan\n\n#SmallWeb #indieweb #smolweb #PersonalSites #homepage"
"published": "2024-09-04T20:01:00+00:00",
"photo": [
"post-type": "photo",
"_id": "42138022",
"_source": "8007",
"_is_read": false