One man’s meat is another man’s poison

What is good for one person may be bad for another; what is pleasant to one person may be unpleasant to another. We all like different things. …

#IndieWeb #Personal

🔖 Bookmarked How to Monetize a Blog (

> Maintaining a blog can be a lot of work. A single article can take weeks of research, drafting and editing, collecting and producing included materials, etc. It’s not unusual to seek some form of compensation for it...

The only guide you need to monetise your blog!


##blogging ##smallweb ##indieweb ##satire

Big tech is painting itself as journalism’s savior. We should tread carefully.

Hop tiens j'en fais un ptit article sur mon site web (mes pouets s'autosuppriment #indieweb)

Working on something to demo at FediForum later this week. Not entirely sure in what form it will actually ship, but could make for a good discussion. Thinking about the Mastodon API and its role in the fediverse.

Apropos of nothing, here is my quick start guide to setting up #11ty. I tried to make it as beginner-friendly as possible but since it is a static site generator, it's still not as pick-up-and-run as something like Blogger, Wordpress, cohost, etc.

But still, if you wanted to get started making a simple blog or website using Markdown files and your own templates and upload somewhere like #Neocities, here ya go:

#Eleventy #cohost #blogging #IndieWeb #SmallWeb

📝 Moving my website from Jekyll to Eleventy

There’s been a bit of an upgrade.

#blogging #indieweb #jekyll #eleventy #opengraph #socialmedia

Reminder that I write about a lot of stuff, blindness, life stuff, my author news. I never stick to 1 topic so if you wanna follow, my RSS feed is #RSS #Blog #IndieWeb

Pumpkin beer is out in New England. Halloween starts today. #indieweb

Have you exported tweets and uploaded to your personal site? If so, what did you call the content type?

"Note" or "status" seem like the front runners.

Any other reasonable names I'm not thinking of?


Combining @simon’s llm CLI utility and Espanso to generate Markdown callouts with a summary of the clipboard: #indieweb #LLM #obsidian

My blog's index is 1.4 kB over the wire 🎉
A post covers implementation. Sources available, feel free to take inspiration!

#indieweb #smolweb #11ty

Dennis Villeneuve's science fiction films, like Arrival, Blade Runner 2049, and both Dunes, brought him a tremendous deal of recognition. However, I prefer his non-science fiction movies, such as Incendies, Prisoners, and Enemy. I find it difficult to take science fiction seriously, I suppose.

#note #indieweb #cinema #dennisvilleneuve #sciencefiction

📝 Week Notes, No. 2024.36 | And So It Goes…

#WeekNotes #IndieWeb #Blogging

@m2m If an elegantly-designed booksite for everyman is out of reach, how about the simplest project on my wishlist, a single-page web version of a talk with slides? HTML 4 with tables may still work, but how about modern best practice for such a page, with optimal scaling & readability as well as clear code?
I've spent innumerable hours online failing to get a grip on flexbox, grids etc, & at this stage would welcome an example to implement first & then learn.
#SmallWeb #IndieWeb

Me and 7 others are watching Doomsday Machine (1972) on RetroStrange TV, my ad-free, tracker-free, account-free, #indieweb streaming channel. Join us