Releasing the small bit of PHP I used to show people on my website which train I was taking on my mammoth Amtrak trip.


Trip report:


If you liked A Friend Used AI to Wish me Happy Birthday., my feed URL is #RSS #IndieWeb

My new web gallery is finally online!

If you want to see drawings of cute women, you ought to find a decent number of 'em in there. Quite a few are adult-only, but they're obscured by default.

It's all built on Pico, a flat file CMS... which was never meant to host an image gallery, and I don't know how long I've been hacking at it to get to this point đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«

And there's an #RSSFeed that updates with new additions:

#PersonalSites #IndieWeb

A Friend Used AI to Wish me Happy Birthday. #IndieWeb

As a quick follow-up to my post today about posting APIs, I should have linked to the latest Micropub specification. There is also a long list of clients on the IndieWeb wiki. I just added Epilogue there, which also uses Micropub to blog about books you’re reading.

Front End Study Hall. We've done 10 of these and while they're not structured like a class, we've solved real problems real people have with their websites. The 11th one will be in 2 weeks. Questions? Give a holler. #IndieWeb #WebDev

A busy week! Gym quitting guilt, building a Discourse forum for the Druidic charity I help run, email planning, and no more paying for Docker.

#blog #indieweb #druidry #devops #tech

Toward a common posting API

@josetelmo Cara
 sei lá

Hoje eu busco por uma coisa e escolho qual resultado vou ler olhando os sites pra julgar o grau de confiabilidade. Se gosto até guardo o site pra buscar direto nele na próxima vez.

Nem se trata de confiar ou nĂŁo no resultado de IAs GPT (nĂŁo vejo como confiar), mas de ficar sem referĂȘncias, sabe?

Piora conforme muitos sites sĂŁo claramente gerados por IA GPT, o que leva a uma progressiva pixelizacĂŁo dos resultados đŸ€” (tĂĄ no meu post de abril/2023)

Eu nĂŁo consigo ver bons futuros Ă  partir de IAs GPT

Por isso jĂĄ tem gente sugerindo movimentos #IndieWeb por exemplo.

Tentando configurar a #indieweb no Wordpress mas tå dificil, alguém pode ajudar?

To clarify your needs in the first place: How would you like it if #FlatPress had an interface to the #IndieWeb?

For example, think of having your next FlatPress blog post being shown in the timeline of your followers on the Fediverse, such as Mastodon, Pixelfed, or even Threads.

Would you consider this a useful extension to FlatPress?

👍 yay
👎 nay
đŸ€· don't care

I like this whimsical website feature:

What’s the smallest thing that can help you realise that other people are here too?

Multiplayer cursors aren’t the most sophisticated way to share presence but they are super effective.

Other website visitors cursors appear blurred in your view, as well as being able to chat with them.

An analogue human presence, instead of a current visitor counter. Gives the site a sense of a busy physical space.

Every webpage deserves to be a place, Interconnected

#IndieWeb #inspiration #SocialNetworking #Web #website

I really like personal homepages and have quite a list of them bookmarked. I'll post one every week unless I fall behind this schedule. 😉 So here's Cool Personal Homepages #CPH Vol. 23: Alex Schroeder’s Diary

#SmallWeb #indieweb #smolweb #PersonalSites #homepage #blog

@janl Here’s a list of blog-ish CMS systems from the #IndieWeb Wiki:

We're somehow already halfway through the #SmallWeb September challenge 😼 (I know, I'm feeling Some Kind of Way about it, too)

But it's not too late to jump in if you want to make some progress on an #IndieWeb/ #Web1_0 project or just hang around some like-minded peeps! Joiners are welcome any time!

Come and say hi in our latest check-in post or have a browse through all of the cool resources shared in last week's check-in:

#Dreamwidth #RetroWeb