Post explicando de forma mais detida o NeoDB e sua instância ocidental, a

Nele, há um contexto histórico e um tutorial de como adicionar mídia (livros, filmes, séries, games, jogos de tabuleiro e podcasts).

O texto é longo, mas deixei um Sumário para ir direto a parte desejada.

PS: Não sei como fazer aquele código HTML ou Markdown para clicar e ampliar a imagem. Por enquanto, se o print estiver muito pequeno, basta dar zoom com Control + Scroll do Mouse :-) Depois tento editar e melhorar isso.


#NeoDB #EggplantPlace #Fediverso #Fediverse #Letterboxd #Goodreads #HowLongToBeat #Filmow #Skoob #Steam #IMDB #Bandcamp #Spotify #AppleMusic #BoardGameGeek #Podcast #Podcasts #Filme #Filmes #Series #Serie #Game #Games #Livros #Musica #Movies #Movie #Music #IndieWeb #SmallWeb #SurfandoWeb #CuradoriaDaInternet #ActivityPub #AP #fediversando #Resenha #Review #Tutorial #Guia #BoardGame #BoardGames

Sinto que a gente normalizou o estado atual da Internet Social e não percebemos que o Bluesky e o Fediverso (que é o futuro do Bluesky) mudam tudo!

Nesse sentido recomendo MUITO fortemente esse episódio do tecnocracia de 2019 que continua atualíssimo!

E sigam @manualdousuario

#IndieWeb #RedesSociais

Kommentarfunktion ersetzen?

Neulich diesen Artikel gefunden → ActivityPub und Webmention als Alternative für die Kommentarfunktion in WordPress.

Nun denke ich darüber nach es dem Stefan gleich zu tun. Denn ganz nüchtern betrachtet, es hält sich mit den Kommentaren […]

#ActivityPub #Fediverse #Webmention #WordPress

Modern HTML, CSS, JS, and WebAPI are huge and complicated, and writing your own browser from scratch is almost impossible. It leads to only few alternatives available, and it gives them too much power. We need more diversity. So, here's the deal:

1. We make specs for a small subset of HTML, CSS, JS, and WebAPI that is just enough.

2. You make a browser that can render just that.

3. I make all my websites work in it.

Let's build a truly #IndieWeb.

#chrome #firefox

Mozilla exits the fediverse and will shutter its Mastodon server in December

dunno but this may be the best page in the world..

needs mid-week feature:

I really like personal homepages and have quite a list of them bookmarked. I'll post one every week unless I fall behind this schedule. 😉 So here's Cool Personal Homepages #CPH Vol. 24: About - Ale

PS: @ale is on Mastodon!

#SmallWeb #indieweb #smolweb #PersonalSites #homepage #blog

Nic Chan

What an excellent personal website!

#indieweb #personal #publishing #independent #web #visual #graphic #design #personality #interface #ui #desktop

Alright, here's my first draft.

Very much work in progress!

#indieweb #blogs #blogroll

What was your first encounter with #IndieWeb ideas like?

File this under conversation starters:


@OpenMentions I don't remember exactly but it was likely me doing a web search on microformats. At some point, I met and fell in love with #WebMentions. The rest, as they say, is history.

fluffy rambles: Too many ideas, not enough time or energy

Do you have blogroll on your website/blog?

(Feel free to share links!)

#indieweb #websites #PersonalWebsites #blogs #RSS

No, but will add it
Not really
I don't have a wesbite/blog
What's a blogroll?
Something else

Releasing the small bit of PHP I used to show people on my website which train I was taking on my mammoth Amtrak trip.


Trip report:


If you liked A Friend Used AI to Wish me Happy Birthday., my feed URL is #RSS #IndieWeb