RetroStrange Movie Night is live! We are streaming 3 things featuring Edward Everett Horton, no ads, no bull. Watch along #Streaming #IndieWeb #RSTV #MovieNight

Hej Hej 👋

Time for a new #Intro as I've moved servers (again).

My name is Christian and I'm a freelance frontend dev that works with #11ty. I love #HTML, #CSS, and #JavaScript (not on the client side tho 😎)

I'm from 🇸🇪,
raised in 🇬🇧,
currently live in 🇵🇹.

I've got a bunch of interests and hobbies that I might post about from time to time:

- #BoardGames
- #WebDev
- #Photography
- #MastoArt
- #Electronics
- #SVG
- #IndieWeb
- #Vegan AF 🌱


#Introduction #NewInstance #MastoHost

Fixed a lot of things in my newsletter so follow if you want! Sightless Scribbles #IndieWeb #Disability #Blogs #Blogging #Blog

Newest #tinysparks issue is out:

Adjusting to a new lifestyle and learning a ton of new stuff.

Read it at:

#indieweb #newsletter

updated my FAQ cuz surprisingly I do get Frequently Asked some of these Questions. Want to update my profile picture so you can randomize it LOL

#personalSites #smallweb #indieweb

I'm not entirely new to the Fediverse, but I've decided to make an #introduction post, to uh, actually introduce myself.

🟪 My nickname is Enlo, I am 15(almost 16) year old that's really enthusiastic about the #decentralization and the #fediverse.
I like these games:
#FridayNightFunkin, #Deltarune, #Undertale, Dead Cells, MC Story Mode (like, really).

🌐 I am sure that I will make my personal website to contribute to the #indieweb as a thing.
Right now I am learning to use #git, and my main potential interest is in #webdev and/or server-side stuff. I can't do either right now but I'll get there eventually :blobcatThumbsUp:

🎶 My favorite #music - #jpop but particularly it's mostly
🟥 #kasaneteto 🟥

📝 I like writing stuff here on #Mastodon. Never wrote a book or anything, but I'd love to someday share the story I came up with to the world
Also, cats are cool :blobcatHappy:

:blobHop: Fediverse is a great place, and it would be great to actually find some like-minded people.

Hello! Overdue introductory post.

I've migrated my account from the instance. I love #emacs and use it for almost everything, and I'm a firm believer in the future of the #indieweb!

My other interests include #cooking, #reading, #writing, #gardening, #piano, #camping, #math, all #science but particularly #astronomy and #chemistry!

New blogpost: "Webmentions on Hugo, Fediverse, and the magic of the IndieWeb"

Read it here:

#webmentions #indieweb #gohugo

I've been vaguely unhappy about my website for some years. 👻 I started a WordPress blog in 2011, which I tried to replace by static pages with Jekyll in 2018, but I didn't see it through. :LeVarDislike:

Last Summer, I accidentally learned some Python for a research project. :python: This finally gave me the courage to script my way to a fully static website. And it's done now! 😺 I deactivated WP & deleted MySQL database yesterday. :LeVarLike:

Full story here:

New Post: Love and Transactionality

This post was inspired by something one of my partners asked me a month or so ago; is love transactional?

#IndieWeb #SmallWeb #philosophy

Independent, POSSE-style blogging is more than a retro-trend. It’s a beautiful statement on the importance of the humanness of the internet, and a peaceful, positive rebellion against the commodification of where we place our attention.
I’m so pleased to announce that is my new home base! I’m still on Medium, but will finish wrapping up operations on Substack very soon. If I write it, it will appear on my blog first, and …
Read more

#blogging #indieweb

I figured out in JavaScript how to deal with a collection of HTML objects as if it was a normal array, which makes a lot of tasks a lot simpler. Then I figured I ought to blog about it:

(tl;dr: you use Array.from() on your HTMLCollection, then .map() on the resulting array to pull a specific property from each element)

#WebDev #PersonalSites #IndieWeb

20 years and two weeks ago, I came up with undohtml.css and unknowingly invented the mechanism of CSS Resets (AKA reboot or reset style sheets¹) which spawned numerous variants, many still in broad use on the web today.

A one sentence problem description, and a short paragraph describing my problem-solving, actions, license, link to less than 300 bytes of code (not counting comments), and a few future thoughts.

The rest of that blog post was about “debug scaffolding”, the part I thought was more interesting at the time.

Eric Meyer ( followed up ~10 days afterwards with his thinking and improvements:
where he mentioned “resetting” in passing, but not actually calling it a "reset".

~2.5 years later Eric published “Reset Styles” with further reasoning and improvements:
describing them as: “reset” or “baseline” set of styles.

Subsequently he iterated in several more blog posts:
* — this is Eric’s first post where he explicitly calls them “reset styles”, which I believe is the origin of the eventual phrase “CSS Reset” and “reset style sheets”
* (yes a Matrix: Reloaded reference)

~6 months later Eric published his evergreen resource “CSS Tools: Reset CSS”
which, as you see within the URL: “css/reset”, is perhaps where the phrase “CSS Reset” comes from, and it’s also the label (link text) he gives that page in his UI about-page² and the first content link in his 404 page³.

My technology invention takeaways from all this:

1. if you find yourself repeatedly solving the same (especially annoying) problem, create a re-usable solution that works for you
2. write up your problem statement / use-case in only one sentence
3. publish your solution (on your personal site), name it something short, with only a short paragraph description, and re-use/remix friendly license (like Creative Commons)

And things not to worry about (that may get in your way to publishing):

1. perfecting or making your solution “big enough” or “the right size”. does it solve your problem? then it’s already the right size.
2. coming up with the perfect name. instead, name it what it does. someone might come up with a better name weeks, months, or years later. let them run with it!
3. waiting to blog multiple things. I could have blogged undohtml.css by itself, probably should have, and instead lumped it into a blog post with another CSS thing I came up with.

Further reading and resources for CSS Resets:

* More history:
* Large collection:



#undoHTML #undoHTMLCSS #reset #CSSreset #resetstyles #webdesign #technology #invention #indieweb
#undoHTML #undoHTMLCSS #reset #CSSreset #resetstyles #webdesign #technology #invention #indieweb

20 years and two weeks ago, I came up with undohtml.css and unknowingly invented the mechanism of CSS Resets (AKA reboot or reset style sheets¹) which spawned numerous variants, many still in broad use on the web today.

A one sentence problem description, and a short paragraph describing my problem-solving, actions, license, link to less than 300 bytes of code (not counting comments), and a few future thoughts.

The rest of that blog post was about “debug scaffolding”, the part I thought was more interesting at the time.

Eric Meyer ( followed up ~10 days afterwards with his thinking and improvements:
where he mentioned “resetting” in passing, but not actually calling it a "reset".

~2.5 years later Eric published “Reset Styles” with further reasoning and improvements:
describing them as: “reset” or “baseline” set of styles.

Subsequently he iterated in several more blog posts:
* — this is Eric’s first post where he explicitly calls them “reset styles”, which I believe is the origin of the eventual phrase “CSS Reset” and “reset style sheets”
* (yes a Matrix: Reloaded reference)

~6 months later Eric published his evergreen resource “CSS Tools: Reset CSS”
which, as you see within the URL: “css/reset”, is perhaps where the phrase “CSS Reset” comes from, and it’s also the label (link text) he gives that page in his UI about-page² and the first content link in his 404 page³.

My technology invention takeaways from all this:

1. if you find yourself repeatedly solving the same (especially annoying) problem, create a re-usable solution that works for you
2. write up your problem statement / use-case in only one sentence
3. publish your solution (on your personal site), name it something short, with only a short paragraph description, and re-use/remix friendly license (like Creative Commons)

And things not to worry about (that may get in your way to publishing):

1. perfecting or making your solution “big enough” or “the right size”. does it solve your problem? then it’s already the right size.
2. coming up with the perfect name. instead, name it what it does. someone might come up with a better name weeks, months, or years later. let them run with it!
3. waiting to blog multiple things. I could have blogged undohtml.css by itself, probably should have, and instead lumped it into a blog post with another CSS thing I came up with.

Further reading and resources for CSS Resets:

* More history:
* Large collection:



#undoHTML #undoHTMLCSS #reset #CSSreset #resetstyles #webdesign #technology #invention #indieweb

I've been puzzling over how to make a blogroll appear on my blog, and have automatically include what I'm reading and enjoying, without my having to constantly update it.


New post:

My favorite live performances by great artists that always give me goosebumps.

What are yours?

#indieweb #inspiration #music

Personal Freedom