đź”– Bookmarked Do not comment on another website, when you can write on your own (https://disassociated.com/do-not-comment-another-website-when-you-can-write-your-own/)

> I’ve long believed the best way to comment on something you’ve seen here is to either contact me, or, preferably, write a post on your own website.

Me too! I absolutely love a website-to-website reply!


#web #blogging #smallweb #socialweb #indieweb https://flamedfury.com/bookmarks/do-not-comment-on-another-website-when-you-can-write-on-your-own/

@mihobu I see blog posts as largely but not necessarily completely immutable. Smaller adjustments that don't affect the overall meaning (tyops, minor addendums, fix broken links, etc.) don't really need to bump the date. Larger updates likely warrant a follow-up blog post maybe with the addition of a "follow-up" link to the previous blog post.

#IndieWeb #BloggingCommunity

Happy Friday!

I have a question for my blogger homies: how do you feel about dates in the path of your blog posts? For example:


If I update content (and the timestamp) then my path changes. Would it be better NOT to have the year and month in the path? Or do you view posts as immutable things that should not change once published? I'm considering eliminating the Y/m part and just having globally unique slugs.


#IndieWeb #BloggingCommunity

The latest #indieweb carnival topic got me thinking about burnout, inspiration and play. Also a drawing of a tiger:


Long live hypertext! – Tracy Durnell’s Mind Garden

This is how I write:

As an online writer, my philosophy is link maximalism; links add another layer to my writing, whether I’m linking to an expansion of a particular idea or another person’s take, providing evidence or citation, or making a joke by juxtaposing text and target. Links reveal personality as much as the text. Linking allows us to stretch our ideas, embedding complexity, acknowledging ambiguity, holding contradictions.

#writing #hypertext #hyperlinks #open #web #sharing #indieweb

So I made a #BearBlog.

It's called, Web 3.0 Slept With My Wife.

Why? I don't know, man. Why are you asking so many questions.

Anyway, I intend to write short notes about the future of the web. There's a first post up but it's probably not representative of the tone I'll carry through the rest of the way. I want to get weird. We'll see.

#OpenWeb #SocialWeb #IndieWeb


This is your irregular reminder to use #WebMention as much as possible.

How I Built My Blog

Really, it’s just WordPress1 + IndieBlocks with most settings enabled. That’s kind of it2. I know. Controversial, eh? ↩︎That exact stack, plus a so-called block theme, would give you a “note” post type, “full” microformats2 support, and Webmention. (And then some. Also, the block theme’s optional, but then you’d have to do with, uh, “less […]


Just trying to get Bridgy to post to Bluesky #indieweb

There'll be a new song coming out next month too. I'll probably mention it here (but other links are available on the page, including an updated RSS feed).


#MusiciansDay #MailingList #Newsletter #Music #Musician #FediMusic #Musicians #Bandcamp #RSS #RSSFeed #Indie #IndieWeb

Coming home | A Working Library

While one of the reasons oft declared for using POSSE is the ability to own your content, I’m less interested in ownership than I am in context. Writing on my own site has very different affordances: I’m not typing into a little box, but writing in a text file. I’m not surrounded by other people’s thinking, but located within my own body of work. As I played with setting this up, I could immediately feel how that would change the kinds of things I would say, and it felt good. Really good. Like putting on a favorite t-shirt, or coming home to my solid, quiet house after a long time away.

Mandy’s writing positively soars and sings in this beautiful piece!

#indieweb #posse #writing #sharing #personal #publishing #independent #silos #social #media #context #magic #home

Front End Study Hall - an #indieweb chance to talk shop and solve problems in html and css https://events.indieweb.org/2024/09/front-end-study-hall-011-cuRUYMWwYWGI #webdev

đź“ť New Post: A Social Web

Campaigns taking advantage of the spirit of the web don't sit right with me.

🔥 https://flamedfury.com/posts/a-social-web/

#web #socialweb #smallweb #indieweb #openweb

đź”– Bookmarked One of us (https://shellsharks.com/notes/2024/05/14/one-of-us)

Mike rightfully points out you don't need the technical stuff like webmentions to be part of the IndieWeb

🔥 https://flamedfury.com/bookmarks/one-of-us/

#web #indieweb

đź”– Bookmarked Holy Hell, The Social Web Did Not Begin In 2008 - Bix Dot Blog (https://bix.blog/posts/holy-hell-the-social-web-did-not-begin-in-2008)

Bix says what we're all thinking, or saying ourselves.

🔥 https://flamedfury.com/bookmarks/holy-hell-the-social-web-did-not-begin-in-2008-bix-dot-blog/

#web #smallweb #openweb #socialweb #indieweb

Setting up a new Hugo website for myself, very different from my current "traditional" blog site. Planning to write more regularly there than I write at the moment, about all sorts of things, not just research (ie it'll be a digital garden style, week-notes website, not a work portfolio). Unsure what to do about comments. Should I manage comments on my site? Should I just post links to Mastodon for feedback/conversation? Do you have advice/experiences to share?
#IndieWeb #Blogs #Blogging

@reillypascal …or even perhaps a fun #IndieWeb experiment. Like a twist on the #IndieWebCarnival where a website gets built on a floppy, physically mailed between contributors adding posts and building on the website like some twisted email chain letter, then returned to the organiser that hosts it somehow. I like the idea that the ~1.2mb storage capacity would force changes to content and styles to keep things performant. 🤔 // paging @artlung @capjamesg@indieweb.social