Well that wasn't so bad. I'm a little worried that Google's going to decide that the email api thingy I had to create violates my family-provision google workspace account.

But, I have email working, and sites being defined...soon I'll have to face the giant crevasse that is moving a Wordpress site from one place to another.

Definite internet mogul vibes over here.

#wordpress #google #indieweb

OH, how silly of me! There's a plugin I didn't configure. And, of course, in the monument to capitalism that is the Wordpress Plugin Economy, there is a pro version that makes very easy, and the free pain-bellied-sneetch version that just requires the blood of a virgin and signed visit slip from Google HQ. Forward progress! #wordpress #indieweb #wpmailsmtp (who's probably about to get sued for having WP in their name.

The next #IndieWeb Front End Study Hall will be on October 10. "Share and enjoy" as Sirius Cybernetics Corporation says. https://events.indieweb.org/2024/10/front-end-study-hall-012-BnmYHaqAF11F #CSS #HTML #WebDev

I think I've come to the conclusion that there is no mail server that is connected to the Lightsail instance...no new user email or other admin stuff coming through. #wordpress #indieweb #amazonaws

Just to make it more fun, I decided to pursue the AWS instructions on the Indieweb site. They are out of date. After googling a bit, turns out Amazon has yet another product called Lightsail that allows for a pretty rapid start up of an instance with #wordpress. $7/mo rather than free tier. first 90 days free.

Let's see how many times I have to do this before I get it right!

Nothing puts hair on my palms, screams in my home and poop in my toilet like amateur web administration #indieweb

Ok, after using micro.blog for a while, and learning that it doesn't seem to support tags or publishing tags to Mastodon I've decided otherwise stick with Wordpress for a bit longer, and pursue going back to self-hosting.

I figure self-hosting will give me some insulation from Wordpress.com, allow me to incorporate some of the stuff I've learned about on indieweb.org, and hopefully there is a plugin that will send my post tags to Mastodon as hashtags. #wordpress #indieweb

"A website is, among other things, a container. The shape of that container both constrains and makes possible what goes within it. This is, I think, one of the primary justifications for having your own website. Not just so you can own your stuff (for some meaning of “ownership,” in a culture in which any billionaire can scrape your work without permission and copyright only protects the rich)"
#IndieWeb #SmallWeb

@donburnside I'm currently looking through the stuff at Indieweb.org A lot of interesting stuff here. #indieweb

Molly White has a POSSE

Likes POSSE: Reclaiming social media in a fragmented world by Molly White.

A simple technique offers the best of both worlds: total control over your own work, while still maintaining a presence on third-party platforms.



Puisque #POSSE est dans l'air du temps - suite au billet de @molly0xfff - j'avais publié il y a peu un article en français (pour changer) dédié à #WordPress dans ce contexte, mais avec beaucoup d'autres informations



Belo filme francês sobre amadurecimento, natureza, família e... horror corporal!
#filmes #ficcaocientifica #indieweb #surfandoweb

@stefan I love these websites you share!!

This is #indieweb at its best. Fun, utilitarian and a cool project. I remember finding many such gems while using StumbleUpon

My favourite is if the Moon was the size of one pixel...


The one thing about white Twitter spaces that always baffled me was how often their approach to Black liberation was simply to ignore Black liberators.

I don't mean metaphorically. I mean how Academia Twitter, intellectual twitter, journalist Twitter, all, would just straight up ignore Black activists in the comments.

Tell a predominant white academic that their worldview is incomplete, and doesn't consider people of color, and its crickets 🦗. Always.

#Fediverse #IndieWeb


And when white supremacy finds a sufficiently sized crack, which is never as big as we’d think, it pushes through until that crack is a gaping chasm of rushing water.

History confirms this narrative— Punks, wellness, cottagecore, furries—all well-meaning, predominantly white spaces that didn’t deal with the hums of anti-Blackness until it was too late.

They chose to get defensive instead of introspective.

#SocialWeb #Fediverse #IndieWeb


It's this festering insecurity that makes communities vulnerable to infiltration of the more caricaturized form of racism. 

Explicit expressions of white supremacy are often forced to live in the margins of polite society. So, it must hide in coded language and micro-aggressions.

But that's not where WS wants to be. It wants to live in the sunlight, out in the open for all to see. So, WS is constantly scanning for cracks in societal norms.

#Fediverse #IndieWeb #SocialWeb


A Fedi-Coming-to-Jesus:

More than even the threat of #Meta, if the #Fediverse does not address its anti-Blackness in the general populace, it will rot the community from the inside out.

You can hate me for mentioning it if you want, but you know it's true. Deep down, you can feel it, too. Sometimes, we’re afraid to admit a problem we don't immediately know how to fix.

And that's fine—it's human. But history is clear about what happens if we don't figure this out.

#socialweb #indieweb 1/

Kind of a neat website (not made by me), lets you see what the weather was when you were born.


(On my birthday in December, it was rainy with a high of 44.8°F/7°C.)

#birthday #indieweb #SmallWeb #website

POSSE: Reclaiming social media in a fragmented world

This rhymes nicely with Mandy’s recent piece on POSSE:

Despite its challenges, POSSE is extremely empowering for those of us who wish to cultivate our own corners of the web outside of the walled gardens of the major tech platforms, without necessarily eschewing them entirely. I can maintain a presence on the platforms I enjoy and the connections I value with the people there, while still retaining primary control over the things that I write and freedom from those platforms’ limitations.

#indieweb #posse #writing #sharing #personal #publishing #independent #silos #social #media #fragmentation

@lil5 Not quite *password* less, as I originally expected. This step is impossible for me to go through because #Firefox on #PC and #Android can't into this protocol. But if it works for others, than that's good. 👍🏻

I once used to use generating and exploiting simple magic links before I moved to #IndieAuth: https://github.com/jaredthirsk/PwdLess