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#Music #News #Musician #FediMusic #BandcampFriday #NewMusic #New #Fediverse #IndieWeb #Newsletter #Blog

@menelion @aehdeschaine

Second the #ssg suggestion. There are some #Indieweb examples using #ActivityPub integrations within static pages. So transgressive!

My blog now works with @ldx

https://adamledoux.net/zoneRSS/ !! for #zonelets

The only headache was a bad time stamp on my part :D

(who could have know that when you copy paste date formats and only hope for the best it dosnt work) #PersonalSites #indieweb #rss

Our website has a new links section: started a cute button wall :D


I encourage everyone to start one and I'd love to add your button to our collection. Let me know if you have one!

#88x31 #ButtonWall #IndieWeb #SmallWeb

Well, taking a little break from working on the HATsite cus as much as I have enjoyed working on it this past month, I really am feeling dangerously near burnout whenever I am working on it now.

In the mean time, here's some progress on the Battle Network shrine I've had since a couple weeks ago. (this being made using game assets btw.)

#webdev #indieweb

ooh.directory: a place to find good blogs that interest you
A collection of 2,311 blogs about every topic
#beautifulweb #indieweb

I made an attempt to resolve the problem created by changing the URLs of a couple hundred posts across four blogs. I reckon it should work for most people most of the time.

#JavaScript #IndieWeb


Today I celebrate the 12th anniversary of my current domain, https://hamatti.org.

The website has seen many redesigns and had many different goals throughout these 12 years with the current one being more or less the same since 2018.


#blogging #IndieWeb #SmallWeb #PersonalWeb

Wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute.

So in 2007, Marc Andreessen is evangelizing OpenSocial and basically calling Facebook the boogie man.

And by 2008, as OpenSocial was crashing and burning, Marc Andreessen finds himself on the board of Facebook?!

And these are the people you're trusting with the fediverse??


Okay, bed for real. Leave me alone you guys. ❤️

#OpenSocialWeb #SocialWeb #IndieWeb #Fediverse #Threads


I really like the FixIt theme for Hugo, but the default article listing sucks eggs. That should be the default for a specific archetype of "blog post" but not for all archetypes ever.

I've been adjusting Hugo to be more POSSE-friendly and using an iOS shortcut to quickly shitpost using Working Copy and GitHub Actions to publish new microblog posts to my site. Even an auto-delete option on next build using the expiryDate page parameter!

Viewing the microblog post in a reasonable way has been a frustrating exercise. Custom layouts all around. :blobcatnotlikethis:

#blogging #indieweb

Summer Roundup

Also worth noting, if for nothing else, to point out historical parallels, OpenSocial was supposed to be a "revolution."

Why is it _always_ a revolution?


#IndieWeb #OpenWeb

I listen to these streaming services #indieweb #activitypub #socialweb #librefm

Apple Music
Something else I’ll mention in comments

I’m curious so please vote in my poll

#indieweb #activitypub #socialweb #librefm

I have mostly local music collection
I mostly listen to steaming services for music

We're wrapping up #SmallWeb September over on #Dreamwidth, but it's by no means the end for our small webbing <3 Did you do any small web stuff in September? What are you planning next? Come and tell us! https://smallweb.dreamwidth.org/5194.html #IndieWeb #Web1_0 #Web1Point0 #Neocities

I've added my website to a webring. It feels like I've stepped back in time! IndieWeb Webring: https://xn--sr8hvo.ws

#indieweb #webrings