Anyone have any experience with posteo? I'd love to hear your feedback.
(And by extension, I'm open to other email provider recommendations.)
#internet #email #indieweb #google #degoogling #recommendations #advice

Sunday Paper - Do Birds Use Scarecrows? Forking up WordPress.

@Bsstahl What parts of it do you find a good fit vs not a good fit?

Looked at pre-existing standards for task management? Like the iCal/ CalDav VTODO?

There’s been some brainstorming in the #IndieWeb community, would be great with contributions of findings and ideas:

Truly baffled by someone who has a kind of About page that links to their various online presences, and the one labelled "blog" takes me to a Substack signup. Whatever else you may think it is, a newsletter is not, on its own, a weblog. At least, not for me.


My solar-powered and self-hosted website | Dries Buytaert

This is a neat project form Dries:

This project is driven by my curiosity about making websites and web hosting more environmentally friendly, even on a small scale. It’s also a chance to explore a local-first approach: to show that hosting a personal website on your own internet connection at home can often be enough for small sites. This aligns with my commitment to both the Open Web and the IndieWeb.

At its heart, this project is about learning and contributing to a conversation on a greener, local-first future for the web.

#solar #selfhosting #indieweb #webserver #webhosting #energy #environement #technology #sustainability #localfirst #websites

I’m now running totally #serverless for all of my sites
#webdevelopment #indieweb #technology

I joined Dot Social for a conversation about the future of media

Now that I’ve learned #iOSDevelopment with #SwiftUI, and #WebDevelopment with #Nextjs, I think it’s time to learn some #AndroidDevelopment with #JetpackCompose
#indieweb #technology #apple #android

Typemill supports now the upload of videos so you do not need to host your (smaller) videos on external services. Read all about it here:

#youtube #videos #movies #cms #contentmanagement #typemill #selfhosted #indieweb