@adastra While I only discovered #indieweb literally today and didn't have time to properly explore that rabbit hole, if you're looking for CMS for a static website with FTP only, I have been having great success with https://gohugo.io/ framework. Simple to use, can use .md files for content, and so far it worked well for everything I needed.

It might be required to rebuild the site every time you add contenr, but I think Hugo does support deploy to FTP from the Hugo CLI.

Reading through the #IndieWeb wiki to learn stuff and get inspired and I was feeling pretty good about it for a minute there but every time they show examples of folks doing their thing, it’s always dudes, and almost always white guys in particular. I keep looking for anyone else and they just don’t seem to be there?

It really makes me think that this sort of thing just isn’t for people like me. If it weren’t for the fact that I already know multiple top-notch women propping this thing up (and they are, in fact, how I learned about it), I probably wouldn’t touch this community with a ten foot pole.

Now imagine if I wasn’t white, on top of that

Ich habe für den Indieweb Karneval auf Deutsch geschrieben. Das Thema ist Mehrsprachigkeit im Web. Ich hoffe es ins Spanische übersetzen.


#Indieweb #IndiewebCarnival

I added a #webring to my personal website! It's very much a list, but "done is better than perfect"


#webdev #indieweb #solarpunk

Helping to build the open social web

Ben Werdmuller has several ideas for building on the fediverse, including add-on services, SDKs, rebuilding his platform Known, and a “fediverse VIP” for professionals.

What #rss readers are good? Don't want to create an account anywhere so that probably means desktop. #RSSReader #IndieWeb

Owning an Internet domain is probably one of the best things I've done to help me with my self-expression to the world.

I feel freedom to do most of the things I want to do there, I truthfully feel like I have my own place on the Internet.

And sure, it might feel like screaming to a void, probably. But it doesn't matter this much to me, I'm not doing it for views, not doing it for money, I'm not constrained by those things. It's me saying - hey, I exist here. I'm my own person, with my garbage opinions, weird quirks, wants and needs.

Sometimes it's a card I can pass to someone, sometimes it's a place where I can vent, sometimes it's a place where I can have fun.

Also, I feel very small but visible return to glory of individual domains (hopefully leading to small websites?) with AT Protocol approach for verifying domains to be part of a handle or authorization using domains like on Owncast. Perhaps this will spread further? Time will tell.


Quick shout to Virtual Curiosities on it's #rss series. If you missed it, I have the list posted at https://the-rss-review.surge.sh/blog/2024/10/20/virtual-curiosities-rss-series/

You definitely follow Virtual Curiosities via RSS! It has great content!

#rssfeed #rssclients #indieweb #smallweb #socialmedia #technology

#Business #Guides
You should be using an RSS reader · “RSS will nudge the whole internet towards a better state.” https://ilo.im/160hnd

#SocialMedia #Publishing #Subscription #WebFeed #Syndication #RSS #IndieWeb #SmallWeb #BigWeb #Enshittification

It's that time again. Firing up the stream to do some coding on Neopoligen for building personal websites

#LiveStream #LiveCoding #Rust #IndieWeb


Hello, Mastodon dot social! I’m Sam and I make a couple little apps on #iOS and I build websites

I’m most active over @countablenewt@allthingstech.social but I figured I would try and see if I can meet some more people by also being active on a few other instances! I look forward to connecting with everyone!

Over the next few days I’ll get around to verifying this account on my sites and all that and figure out the best way to get everything all connected
#technology #socialmedia #indieweb


#webmentions from my #blog and wrote a little about why and what i want to do next for my personal site and obsidian-diy-sync

J'ai commencé mon guide d'adoption du #RSS pour les non-initié|es! Le voilà, il est orange, il est simple comme tout, et il n'est vraiment pas fini!


#indieweb #web0 #decentralisation

Feed reading

#rss #feeds #readers #reading #serendipity #syndication #algorithm #social #blogs #blogging #indieweb #personal #publishing