I’m trying to add H-Card to my home page sidebar, but the social media icons are doubling. Seems like a conflict with my Cocoon theme. #Indieweb #Cocoon #WordPress

Adding IndieWeb Webring on my main blog. genxnotes.com #Indieweb

Adding IndieWeb Webring on my main blog. https://genxnotes.com #Indieweb

I’ve added the date and estimated time read time to my blog article pages.

I quite like the look of it actually.

#Weblog #Blog #IndieWeb

New post on The Digital Renaissance: Why People Treat Macs Differently

“Reviewers seem to treat Macs differently when it comes to how they perceive particular upgrades—here’s why I think that happens”


#Apple #Technology #Blog #Mac #iPad #IndieWeb #OpenWeb

Day 1 of #IndieWebCamp #Berlin 2024¹ was very well attended!
* 20 participants, more than 3x the previous one in 2022, and second highest (2019 had 22).
* 18 introduced themselves² and their personal sites or aspirations for one

Collectively we proposed and facilitated 11 breakout sessions³ on many timely #indieweb topics covering #syndication, #inclusion, #longevity, #federation / #fediverse, how to best use #Mastodon with your personal site, #privacy and #security concerns of being online, #writing, how can we design better user interfaces for text authoring, and personalized reading #algorithms for staying connected with friends.

Session titles (and hashtags)
* How to #POSSE
* How to make the web queerer / stranger. #queer
* Online presence after our #death
* Threat modeling #threatmodeling
* Non-technical collaboration on the internet. #collab
* Locations and #places check-in
* Writing with images. #imagewriting
* Text authoring UX. #textUX
* #SSR, organizing CSS/JS
* Website design without being a designer. #designfordummies
* Timeline algorithms. #timelines

Etherpad notes from sessions have been archived to the wiki, with session recordings to follow!

Day 2 also had 20 in-person participants, the highest IndieWebCamp Berlin day 2 attendance ever! Most everyone from day 1 came back to hack, and three new people showed up. We also had several remote participants.

¹ https://indieweb.org/2024
² https://indieweb.org/2024/Berlin/Intros
³ https://indieweb.org/2024/Berlin/Schedule#Saturday

This is post 28 of #100PostsOfIndieWeb. #100Posts

→ 🔮
#IndieWebCamp #Berlin #indieweb #syndication #inclusion #longevity #federation #fediverse #Mastodon #privacy #security #writing #algorithms #POSSE #queer #death #threatmodeling #collab #places #imagewriting #textUX #SSR #designfordummies #timelines #100PostsOfIndieWeb #100Posts

Sunday Paper - AT Protocol, Sortition, Data Centres

Pro-Meta #Fediverse leaders: what's your plan to keep baseless election fraud conspiracies on Threads from flooding the Fediverse?

No criticism for sempai? Didn't Zuck promise us his disinfo days were over? Weren't we supposed to "wait and see?"

Where's the #IndieWeb social guy who works for a political faux grass roots lobbying firm? Surely he knows how to stop this?


@SteveDuncan There are a fair number of folks on the #IndieWeb who use Micropub clients like this... some options in the wiki https://indieweb.org/Micropub/Clients / https://indieweb.org/static_site_generator / etc

Currently trying to figure out how to get a "clean" #rss feed, currently my validation looks like this:


If I look at @piccalilli it's perfectly fine, probably because it's full text?


I'm lost how to do it with my current approach using @astro 🤷‍♂️

My code: https://github.com/stevefrenzel/dev-portfolio/blob/main/src/pages/rss.xml.ts

Any help appreciated!

#WebDev #Frontend #Blog #IndieWeb

One major step out of Google achieved: Drive and Keep replaced. Total cost: 0/month (other than the physical material for stocking data)
Still working on recoding an app I use for Posteo's calendar, which is harder than it looks but far from impossible.
#degoogle #indieweb #selfhosting #dev #development #applicationdevelopment #technofeudalism #posteo #drive #googledrive #keep #googlekeep

Hosting an informal #fediverse #indieweb #socialweb get-together at #seagl at 3pm.

New blog post: “My Mastodon Starter Pack”


Sometimes, I invite someone to join #Mastodon, and I end up sharing the same links and information repeatedly.

Following the “manual until it hurts” #IndieWeb practice, after repeating the same things a few times, it is time to “automate” it. Well, in this case, just put everything into one blog post, I guess.

Eu disse aqui uns dias atrás que ia testar fazer um blog mas que só ia divulgar link para o mundo se completasse 15 posts. Estamos no 13°. 😎

Estou gostando da experiência. Até demais. Escrevi demais. Muito muito mesmo. Sei que não é interessante para ninguém, e talvez isso dê a maior liberdade de todas.

Eu comecei pronta para fazer um blog técnico e no final das contas, parece que a página em branco da plataforma com o cursor piscando abriu a caixa de Pandora da minha mente e virou um blog pessoal. 😅

Mas ainda vou fazer um blog técnico, e quem sabe musical. Mas por enquanto a parte musical está no pessoal, e possivelmente acrescente ali algumas coisas sobre carreira.

Se eu continuar sendo boa aluna e escrever o suficiente, merecerei me presentear com algo self-hosted, mas por enquanto estou indo no simples e fácil, pois já é um esforço escrever, se abrir e lutar contra a autocensura e o medo do ridículo. 😊

#selfhosted #indieweb #blog

New review! This time for #balatro which... I didn't care for. I see why people enjoy it, but I found the gameplay super bland.


#videogames #review #indieweb

Content warning:Personal loss

I don't usually post personal stuff in this space, but I just posted this article to my website. It's about my state of mind as I travelled #japan just weeks after experiencing a profound loss.

#indieweb #website #travel #loss


@annika “Seen” button. I like that idea. I’ve pondered adding something like https://openheart.fyi to some parts of my site, adding expiry sounds kind of interesting. Pretty sure heard of Open Heart from @benji in an #IndieWeb HWC.

So, I've actually started building #webmention support into the Wok (incoming only, at the moment. Sorry. I will get to the outgoing part too after I'm a little more confident in what I've written so far. Also, I only add them to a db, nothing visible UI-wise yet.)

And I got a webmention! From a Mastodon post. Via brid.gy. So now I'm wondering how this happens. Is it because the author of the comment is registered on brid.gy?