Does anyone mirror their website for small protocols like Gemini, Gopher, Finger, spartan, text, nex? If yes, what would the easiest way to mirror to these protocols, I am using Codeberg Pages to host my site


#gemini #finger #nex #spartan #smolnet #indieweb #gopher #untrusem #protocol #permacomputing

Is BlueSky the new Twitter, and if so is that a good thing?

Bluesky, the Fediverse, and the future of social media

Seit September 2006 habe ich meinen Flickr Account und seit Mitte 2015 hatte ich das Pro-Account Abo. Ende Dezember wäre die nächste, jährliche Verlängerung fällig gewesen.

Aber nein! Eine automatische Verlängerung ist nicht mehr möglich. PayPal wird nicht mehr akzeptiert. Nur noch Kreditkarte, ApplePay und GooglePay. Mit KK möchte ich nicht zahlen – soweit geht mein Vertrauen in deren Datensicherheit nicht. Und ApplePay oder gar GooglePay…
#Flickr #Indieweb #PayPal

Great post by Ben Werdmuller about Bluesky’s popularity and the fediverse. To his list of what works well at Bluesky, I would add this: Bluesky usernames are domain names and millions of people are cool with it. I consider that a win for the IndieWeb.

Most recent domain added to the main Ring: Put in your birthday, how long you expect to live, and pick a movie and it'll show you where in the movie you are if the movie was your life. We love websites made by people. #weirdweb #cozyweb #indieweb #whenyouwilldie

In some countries, Facebook already sells "internet access" … that only connects to facebook.

If the rest of the internet gets declared "dark web" because it's no longer recorded on search engines, then I wonder if they'll attempt that here at some point?

#DarkWeb #SocialMedia #IndieWeb

"The problem with the pick and mix approach to the indieweb is that it’s inherently individualistic, almost consumerist – my choices, my approach to something, my technology, my thoughts – me and my blog...But simply stating your opinion in isolation lessens your ability to actually have an effect on anything – there’s strength in collective thought and action. What do we think."

@paternoster asks good questions about the community aspect of the #indieweb mindset.

30 Years of Music - My Favorite Albums of 1994

Resharing this post of mine from the summer.

#indieweb #music

📢 I am now POSSE-ing from my own website to Bluesky and Mastodon. Because I'm cool. 😎 That is all. #indieweb

🤖 There’s a new post on Michael Burkhardt’s Whirled Wide Web:

Fail Cakes

#Baking #IndieWeb

also while trying to link my bluesky to twitter I stumbled upon classic

which led me to

the idea of federated webmentions sounds nice, but oh dear is the execution flunked, or maybe the initiative just died half way

feels as complicated as internet felt when I first got online... maybe it's the bane of open standards and networks

walled gardens can be stupidly simple because the user has no choice, but in a open ecosystem you must give the user choice which necessarily complicates things


I wrote a post on my journey from Wordpress to Windrunner, my own custom static site generator.

Tried to keep it brief. Enjoy!

#wordpress #indieweb #smallweb

Jeff Veen: I still feel like literally anybody with an idea can start hacking on the web or making apps or things like that. That’s all still there. I think the nucleus of what we started back then still exists on the web, and it still makes me really, really happy. #indieweb