O título da matéria sugere que “a Internet” influencia, mas no corpo se refere à influência de bilionários (às vezes através de governos) sobre que tendências as “pessoas da Internet” vão ecoar.
A minha previsão acrescenta a #IndieWeb, ainda um nicho, mas cada vez mais um refúgio dos vales do desespero mantidos pelos algoritmos do feudos digitais 🤔
#cibercultura #distopia #socialMedia
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "https://mastodon.social/tags/indieweb",
"photo": null
"url": "https://bolha.us/@Roneyb/113679857834102475",
"content": {
"html": "<p>O t\u00edtulo da mat\u00e9ria sugere que \u201ca Internet\u201d influencia, mas no corpo se refere \u00e0 influ\u00eancia de bilion\u00e1rios (\u00e0s vezes atrav\u00e9s de governos) sobre que tend\u00eancias as \u201cpessoas da Internet\u201d v\u00e3o ecoar.</p><p>A minha previs\u00e3o acrescenta a <a href=\"https://bolha.us/tags/IndieWeb\">#<span>IndieWeb</span></a>, ainda um nicho, mas cada vez mais um ref\u00fagio dos vales do desespero mantidos pelos algoritmos do feudos digitais \ud83e\udd14</p><p><a href=\"https://www.wired.com/story/what-internet-fandoms-and-communities-can-tell-us-about-2025/\"><span>https://www.</span><span>wired.com/story/what-internet-</span><span>fandoms-and-communities-can-tell-us-about-2025/</span></a></p><p><a href=\"https://bolha.us/tags/cibercultura\">#<span>cibercultura</span></a> <a href=\"https://bolha.us/tags/distopia\">#<span>distopia</span></a> <a href=\"https://bolha.us/tags/socialMedia\">#<span>socialMedia</span></a></p>",
"text": "O t\u00edtulo da mat\u00e9ria sugere que \u201ca Internet\u201d influencia, mas no corpo se refere \u00e0 influ\u00eancia de bilion\u00e1rios (\u00e0s vezes atrav\u00e9s de governos) sobre que tend\u00eancias as \u201cpessoas da Internet\u201d v\u00e3o ecoar.\n\nA minha previs\u00e3o acrescenta a #IndieWeb, ainda um nicho, mas cada vez mais um ref\u00fagio dos vales do desespero mantidos pelos algoritmos do feudos digitais \ud83e\udd14\n\nhttps://www.wired.com/story/what-internet-fandoms-and-communities-can-tell-us-about-2025/\n\n#cibercultura #distopia #socialMedia"
"published": "2024-12-19T14:02:51+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "43277591",
"_source": "8007",
"_is_read": false
joined my first #IndieWeb meetup last night.
Really inspiring to 'meet' the people behind the names and came away with a few more ideas for 2025
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "https://mastodon.social/tags/indieweb",
"photo": null
"url": "https://mastodon.social/@FunkyLarma/113678979258912993",
"content": {
"html": "<p>joined my first <a href=\"https://mastodon.social/tags/IndieWeb\">#<span>IndieWeb</span></a> meetup last night.<br />Really inspiring to 'meet' the people behind the names and came away with a few more ideas for 2025</p>",
"text": "joined my first #IndieWeb meetup last night.\nReally inspiring to 'meet' the people behind the names and came away with a few more ideas for 2025"
"published": "2024-12-19T10:19:25+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "43275392",
"_source": "8007",
"_is_read": false
Trying out a new theme for the blog, let me know what you think
#Blog #OpenWeb #IndieWeb
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "https://mastodon.social/tags/indieweb",
"photo": null
"url": "https://allthingstech.social/@countablenewt/113676699042434763",
"content": {
"html": "<p>Trying out a new theme for the blog, let me know what you think</p><p><a href=\"https://allthingstech.social/tags/Blog\">#<span>Blog</span></a> <a href=\"https://allthingstech.social/tags/OpenWeb\">#<span>OpenWeb</span></a> <a href=\"https://allthingstech.social/tags/IndieWeb\">#<span>IndieWeb</span></a></p>",
"text": "Trying out a new theme for the blog, let me know what you think\n\n#Blog #OpenWeb #IndieWeb"
"published": "2024-12-19T00:39:32+00:00",
"photo": [
"post-type": "photo",
"_id": "43271942",
"_source": "8007",
"_is_read": false
We take collective notes during our FrESH meetings with Etherpad, sometimes the results are kind of interesting. Some good links in there. https://indieweb.org/events/2024-12-17-front-end-study-hall #IndieWeb #FrontEnd
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "https://mastodon.social/tags/indieweb",
"photo": null
"url": "https://xoxo.zone/@artlung/113676132778290835",
"content": {
"html": "<p>We take collective notes during our FrESH meetings with Etherpad, sometimes the results are kind of interesting. Some good links in there. <a href=\"https://indieweb.org/events/2024-12-17-front-end-study-hall\"><span>https://</span><span>indieweb.org/events/2024-12-17</span><span>-front-end-study-hall</span></a> <a href=\"https://xoxo.zone/tags/IndieWeb\">#<span>IndieWeb</span></a> <a href=\"https://xoxo.zone/tags/FrontEnd\">#<span>FrontEnd</span></a></p>",
"text": "We take collective notes during our FrESH meetings with Etherpad, sometimes the results are kind of interesting. Some good links in there. https://indieweb.org/events/2024-12-17-front-end-study-hall #IndieWeb #FrontEnd"
"published": "2024-12-18T22:15:31+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "43271132",
"_source": "8007",
"_is_read": false
Found a great resource for learning HTML starting with the basics which are super easy!
#GenX #Solarpunk #IndieWeb
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "https://mastodon.social/tags/indieweb",
"photo": null
"url": "https://defcon.social/@corbden/113675360996499206",
"content": {
"html": "<p>Found a great resource for learning HTML starting with the basics which are super easy!</p><p><a href=\"https://htmlforpeople.com/\"><span>https://</span><span>htmlforpeople.com/</span><span></span></a></p><p><a href=\"https://defcon.social/tags/GenX\">#<span>GenX</span></a> <a href=\"https://defcon.social/tags/Solarpunk\">#<span>Solarpunk</span></a> <a href=\"https://defcon.social/tags/IndieWeb\">#<span>IndieWeb</span></a></p>",
"text": "Found a great resource for learning HTML starting with the basics which are super easy!\n\nhttps://htmlforpeople.com/\n\n#GenX #Solarpunk #IndieWeb"
"published": "2024-12-18T18:59:15+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "43269210",
"_source": "8007",
"_is_read": false
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "https://mastodon.social/tags/indieweb",
"photo": null
"url": "https://xoxo.zone/@artlung/113675250955949780",
"content": {
"html": "<p>I wrote Yet Another Primer To Webmentions. <a href=\"https://lab.artlung.com/webmentions/\"><span>https://</span><span>lab.artlung.com/webmentions/</span><span></span></a> <a href=\"https://xoxo.zone/tags/indieweb\">#<span>indieweb</span></a></p>",
"text": "I wrote Yet Another Primer To Webmentions. https://lab.artlung.com/webmentions/ #indieweb"
"published": "2024-12-18T18:31:15+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "43269211",
"_source": "8007",
"_is_read": false
Looks like somethings up with webmention.io #indieweb
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "https://mastodon.social/tags/indieweb",
"photo": null
"url": "https://indieweb.social/@techlifeweb/113675081203960944",
"content": {
"html": "<p>Looks like somethings up with webmention.io <a href=\"https://indieweb.social/tags/indieweb\">#<span>indieweb</span></a></p>",
"text": "Looks like somethings up with webmention.io #indieweb"
"published": "2024-12-18T17:48:05+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "43269212",
"_source": "8007",
"_is_read": false
Meine private Website nebst Blog habe ich jetzt von #Wordpress weg zu #Known umgezogen. Die alten Posts konmte ich sogar mitnehmen. Wichtig war, dass Known das #Indieweb unterstützt und das tut es out of the box erstklassig. An meiner #Geminicapsule im #Geminispace ändert sich dadurch nichts.
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "https://mastodon.social/tags/indieweb",
"photo": null
"url": "https://sueden.social/@MarcRnt/113674449344246696",
"content": {
"html": "<p>Meine private Website nebst Blog habe ich jetzt von <a href=\"https://sueden.social/tags/Wordpress\">#<span>Wordpress</span></a> weg zu <a href=\"https://sueden.social/tags/Known\">#<span>Known</span></a> umgezogen. Die alten Posts konmte ich sogar mitnehmen. Wichtig war, dass Known das <a href=\"https://sueden.social/tags/Indieweb\">#<span>Indieweb</span></a> unterst\u00fctzt und das tut es out of the box erstklassig. An meiner <a href=\"https://sueden.social/tags/Geminicapsule\">#<span>Geminicapsule</span></a> im <a href=\"https://sueden.social/tags/Geminispace\">#<span>Geminispace</span></a> \u00e4ndert sich dadurch nichts.</p>",
"text": "Meine private Website nebst Blog habe ich jetzt von #Wordpress weg zu #Known umgezogen. Die alten Posts konmte ich sogar mitnehmen. Wichtig war, dass Known das #Indieweb unterst\u00fctzt und das tut es out of the box erstklassig. An meiner #Geminicapsule im #Geminispace \u00e4ndert sich dadurch nichts."
"published": "2024-12-18T15:07:24+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "43269213",
"_source": "8007",
"_is_read": false
I added a like button to my #blog. That's it, that's the blog post.
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "https://mastodon.social/tags/indieweb",
"photo": null
"url": "https://pony.social/@axxuy/113671873147241750",
"content": {
"html": "<p>I added a like button to my <a href=\"https://pony.social/tags/blog\">#<span>blog</span></a>. That's it, that's the blog post.</p><p><a href=\"https://axxuy.xyz/blog/posts/2024/likes/\"><span>https://</span><span>axxuy.xyz/blog/posts/2024/like</span><span>s/</span></a><br /><a href=\"https://pony.social/tags/indieweb\">#<span>indieweb</span></a></p>",
"text": "I added a like button to my #blog. That's it, that's the blog post.\n\nhttps://axxuy.xyz/blog/posts/2024/likes/\n#indieweb"
"published": "2024-12-18T04:12:14+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "43269214",
"_source": "8007",
"_is_read": false
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "https://mastodon.social/tags/indieweb",
"photo": null
"url": "https://plush.city/@fluffy/113671277583482733",
"content": {
"html": "<p>Sockpuppet: Blog: Independent music on the independent web <a href=\"http://sockpuppet.band/blog/1447-Independent-music-on-the-independent-web\"><span>http://</span><span>sockpuppet.band/blog/1447-Inde</span><span>pendent-music-on-the-independent-web</span></a> <a href=\"https://plush.city/tags/Nomenclature\">#<span>Nomenclature</span></a> <a href=\"https://plush.city/tags/Distribution\">#<span>Distribution</span></a> <a href=\"https://plush.city/tags/ActivityPub\">#<span>ActivityPub</span></a> <a href=\"https://plush.city/tags/IndieWeb\">#<span>IndieWeb</span></a> <a href=\"https://plush.city/tags/Blog\">#<span>Blog</span></a></p>",
"text": "Sockpuppet: Blog: Independent music on the independent web http://sockpuppet.band/blog/1447-Independent-music-on-the-independent-web #Nomenclature #Distribution #ActivityPub #IndieWeb #Blog"
"published": "2024-12-18T01:40:47+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "43269215",
"_source": "8007",
"_is_read": false
🤖 There’s a new post on Michael Burkhardt’s Whirled Wide Web:
A Souvenir From Vegas (Weeknotes #24-50)
#Weeknotes #IndieWeb
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "https://mastodon.social/tags/indieweb",
"photo": null
"url": "https://social.lol/@mihobu/113670765496560131",
"content": {
"html": "<p>\ud83e\udd16 There\u2019s a new post on Michael Burkhardt\u2019s Whirled Wide Web:</p><p>A Souvenir From Vegas (Weeknotes #24-50)</p><p><a href=\"https://social.lol/tags/Weeknotes\">#<span>Weeknotes</span></a> <a href=\"https://social.lol/tags/IndieWeb\">#<span>IndieWeb</span></a></p><p><a href=\"https://mihobu.lol/weeknotes-week-50-2024\"><span>https://</span><span>mihobu.lol/weeknotes-week-50-2</span><span>024</span></a></p>",
"text": "\ud83e\udd16 There\u2019s a new post on Michael Burkhardt\u2019s Whirled Wide Web:\n\nA Souvenir From Vegas (Weeknotes #24-50)\n\n#Weeknotes #IndieWeb\n\nhttps://mihobu.lol/weeknotes-week-50-2024"
"published": "2024-12-17T23:30:33+00:00",
"photo": [
"post-type": "photo",
"_id": "43269216",
"_source": "8007",
"_is_read": false
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "https://mastodon.social/tags/indieweb",
"photo": null
"url": "https://allthingstech.social/@countablenewt/113675733739611705",
"content": {
"html": "<p>New post on The Digital Renaissance: On: Narcissism, \u2018Tech Bro\u2019-ism, & the Loneliness Epidemic</p><p><a href=\"https://blog.samclemente.me/on-narcissism-tech-bro-ism-the-loneliness-epidemic/\"><span>https://</span><span>blog.samclemente.me/on-narciss</span><span>ism-tech-bro-ism-the-loneliness-epidemic/</span></a></p><p><a href=\"https://allthingstech.social/tags/Technology\">#<span>Technology</span></a> <a href=\"https://allthingstech.social/tags/Finance\">#<span>Finance</span></a> <a href=\"https://allthingstech.social/tags/RandomThoughts\">#<span>RandomThoughts</span></a> <a href=\"https://allthingstech.social/tags/Business\">#<span>Business</span></a> <a href=\"https://allthingstech.social/tags/Philosophy\">#<span>Philosophy</span></a> <a href=\"https://allthingstech.social/tags/Blog\">#<span>Blog</span></a> <a href=\"https://allthingstech.social/tags/IndieWeb\">#<span>IndieWeb</span></a></p>",
"text": "New post on The Digital Renaissance: On: Narcissism, \u2018Tech Bro\u2019-ism, & the Loneliness Epidemic\n\nhttps://blog.samclemente.me/on-narcissism-tech-bro-ism-the-loneliness-epidemic/\n\n#Technology #Finance #RandomThoughts #Business #Philosophy #Blog #IndieWeb"
"published": "2024-12-18T20:34:02+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "43269209",
"_source": "8007",
"_is_read": false
"type": "entry",
"published": "2024-12-17T19:53:38+00:00",
"url": "https://werd.io/2024/hello-social-web",
"category": [
"bookmark-of": [
"name": "Hello, Social Web \ud83d\udc4b\ud83c\udffc",
"content": {
"text": "[A New Social]\n\nI'm psyched about this announcement:\n\"We're A New Social, a new non-profit organization focused on building cross-protocol tools and services for the open social web.\n[...] The first project we'll take on to accomplish this mission is Bridgy Fed, a service that enables users of ActivityPub-based platforms like Mastodon, ATProto-based platforms like Bluesky, and websites to interact and engage across ecosystems.\"\nIn other words, A New Social is a non-profit that is kicking off with supporting the long-standing Bridgy project but isn't stopping there. The idea is that we'll all be sharing and communicating on one social web, even if there are a variety of underlying protocols powering it all. Bridgy, of course, helps bridge between social networks. But there's a lot more to do, which is why the non-profit is talking about collaborating with orgs like The Social Web Foundation and IFTAS.\n\nThe CEO is Anuj Ahooja, who has been doing wonderful work across decentralized social; he joins Ryan Barrett, who has been developing Bridgy for years and years. I can't wait to see what they do together.\n\nLike I said, I'm psyched.\n#Fediverse\n [Link]",
"html": "<p>[<a href=\"https://www.anew.social/hello-social-web/\">A New Social</a>]</p><p>I'm psyched about this announcement:</p><blockquote>\n<p>\"We're A New Social, a new non-profit organization focused on building cross-protocol tools and services for the open social web.</p>\n<p>[...] The first project we'll take on to accomplish this mission is <a href=\"https://fed.brid.gy/\">Bridgy Fed</a>, a service that enables users of ActivityPub-based platforms like Mastodon, ATProto-based platforms like Bluesky, and websites to interact and engage across ecosystems.\"</p>\n</blockquote><p>In other words, <em><a href=\"https://www.anew.social/\">A New Social</a></em> is a non-profit that is kicking off with supporting the long-standing <a href=\"https://brid.gy\">Bridgy</a> project but isn't stopping there. The idea is that we'll all be sharing and communicating on one social web, even if there are a variety of underlying protocols powering it all. Bridgy, of course, helps bridge between social networks. But there's a lot more to do, which is why the non-profit is talking about collaborating with orgs like <a href=\"https://socialwebfoundation.org/\">The Social Web Foundation</a> and <a href=\"https://about.iftas.org/\">IFTAS</a>.</p><p>The CEO is <a href=\"https://anujahooja.com/\">Anuj Ahooja</a>, who has been doing wonderful work across decentralized social; he joins <a href=\"https://snarfed.org/about\">Ryan Barrett</a>, who has been developing Bridgy for years and years. I can't wait to see what they do together.</p><p>Like I said, I'm psyched.</p>\n<p><a href=\"https://werd.io/tag/Fediverse\" class=\"p-category\">#Fediverse</a></p>\n <p>[<a href=\"https://www.anew.social/hello-social-web/\">Link</a>]</p>"
"author": {
"type": "card",
"name": "Ben Werdmuller",
"url": "https://werd.io/profile/benwerd",
"photo": "https://werd.io/file/5d388c5fb16ea14aac640912/thumb.jpg"
"post-type": "bookmark",
"_id": "43269036",
"_source": "191",
"_is_read": false
Excited to announce that I’m teaming up with Anuj Ahooja on a new non-profit for the open social web, across protocols, with Bridgy Fed as its first main project! Introducing A New Social.
When I posted Possible futures for Bridgy Fed a while back, I was surprised and gratified by the outpouring of support. So many of you really believe in it and want it to survive, grow, and find a stable footing beyond the useful little one-person side project it is today.
Some people stepped up even further and said, “I’m willing to put the work in and actually help build, drive, and even lead this.” Anuj is one of those people. He’s a renaissance man who’s worked on the fediverse and open social web for many years at sub.club, Flipboard, and more. He’s written at length about the potential he sees in the open social web, across all sorts of networks – “people, not platforms!” – and how we have an opportunity now that we haven’t had in a long time.
And so many more of you, across the space, have joined and committed to supporting us! We’re truly humbled and grateful. We’re still only at the very beginning, we have a lot of work to do, but we’re excited to get started. Wish us luck, and please reach out if you want to get involved!
"type": "entry",
"published": "2024-12-17T09:22:31-08:00",
"url": "https://snarfed.org/2024-12-17_54299",
"syndication": [
"content": {
"text": "NASA\nExcited to announce that I\u2019m teaming up with Anuj Ahooja on a new non-profit for the open social web, across protocols, with Bridgy Fed as its first main project! Introducing A New Social.\nWhen I posted Possible futures for Bridgy Fed a while back, I was surprised and gratified by the outpouring of support. So many of you really believe in it and want it to survive, grow, and find a stable footing beyond the useful little one-person side project it is today.\nSome people stepped up even further and said, \u201cI\u2019m willing to put the work in and actually help build, drive, and even lead this.\u201d Anuj is one of those people. He\u2019s a renaissance man who\u2019s worked on the fediverse and open social web for many years at sub.club, Flipboard, and more. He\u2019s written at length about the potential he sees in the open social web, across all sorts of networks \u2013 \u201cpeople, not platforms!\u201d \u2013 and how we have an opportunity now that we haven\u2019t had in a long time.\nAnd so many more of you, across the space, have joined and committed to supporting us! We\u2019re truly humbled and grateful. We\u2019re still only at the very beginning, we have a lot of work to do, but we\u2019re excited to get started. Wish us luck, and please reach out if you want to get involved!",
"html": "<p><a href=\"https://www.anew.social/hello-social-web/\">\n<img src=\"https://snarfed.org/nasa_webb_a_new_social.png\" alt=\"nasa_webb_a_new_social.png\" /></a>\n<a href=\"https://www.nasa.gov/universe/nasas-webb-catches-fiery-hourglass-as-new-star-forms/\">NASA</a></p>\n<p>Excited to announce that I\u2019m teaming up with <a href=\"https://quillmatiq.com/\">Anuj Ahooja</a> on a new non-profit for the open social web, across protocols, with Bridgy Fed as its first main project! <a href=\"https://www.anew.social/hello-social-web/\">Introducing A New Social.</a></p>\n<p>When I posted <em><a href=\"https://snarfed.org/2024-11-01_53932\">Possible futures for Bridgy Fed</a></em> a while back, I was surprised and gratified by the outpouring of support. So many of you really believe in it and want it to survive, grow, and find a stable footing beyond the useful little one-person side project it is today.</p>\n<p>Some people stepped up even further and said, \u201cI\u2019m willing to put the work in and actually help build, drive, and even lead this.\u201d Anuj is one of those people. He\u2019s a renaissance man who\u2019s worked on the fediverse and open social web for many years at <a href=\"https://sub.club/\">sub.club</a>, <a href=\"https://flipboard.com/\">Flipboard</a>, and more. He\u2019s <a href=\"https://www.augment.ink/bridges-the-last-network-effect/\">written at length</a> about the potential he sees in the open social web, across all sorts of networks \u2013 \u201cpeople, not platforms!\u201d \u2013 and how we have an opportunity now that we haven\u2019t had in a long time.</p>\n<p>And so many more of you, across the space, have joined and committed to supporting us! We\u2019re truly humbled and grateful. We\u2019re still only at the very beginning, we have a lot of work to do, but we\u2019re excited to get started. Wish us luck, and please <a href=\"https://www.anew.social/contact/\">reach out if you want to get involved</a>!</p>"
"author": {
"type": "card",
"name": "Ryan Barrett",
"url": "https://snarfed.org/",
"photo": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/9318eaddcc76db3f621bc792a4644aa5?s=96&d=blank&r=g"
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "43265790",
"_source": "3",
"_is_read": false
Mike McCue from Flipboard announcing Surf:
Built from the ground up on ActivityPub, AT Proto and RSS, you can create and surf amazing custom feeds that organize people, videos, articles, images and podcasts around the things you care about.
I don’t have access to the beta yet, so not entirely sure what it is, but sounds promising! Maybe a little like Flipboard merged with Tapestry.
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "Manton Reece",
"url": "https://www.manton.org/",
"photo": "https://micro.blog/manton/avatar.jpg"
"url": "https://www.manton.org/2024/12/18/mike-mccue-from.html",
"content": {
"html": "<p>Mike McCue from Flipboard <a href=\"https://flipboard.social/@mike/113674804218860674\">announcing Surf</a>:</p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Built from the ground up on ActivityPub, AT Proto and RSS, you can create and surf amazing custom feeds that organize people, videos, articles, images and podcasts around the things you care about.</p>\n</blockquote>\n<p>I don\u2019t have access to the beta yet, so not <em>entirely</em> sure what it is, but sounds promising! Maybe a little like Flipboard merged with Tapestry.</p>",
"text": "Mike McCue from Flipboard announcing Surf:\n\nBuilt from the ground up on ActivityPub, AT Proto and RSS, you can create and surf amazing custom feeds that organize people, videos, articles, images and podcasts around the things you care about.\n\nI don\u2019t have access to the beta yet, so not entirely sure what it is, but sounds promising! Maybe a little like Flipboard merged with Tapestry."
"published": "2024-12-18T11:05:57-06:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "43265591",
"_source": "12",
"_is_read": false
I really like personal homepages and have quite a list of them bookmarked. I'll post one every week unless I fall behind this schedule. 😉 So here's Cool Personal Homepages #CPH Vol. 31: "KKJ // 2024.06" https://krzysztofjankowski.com/
PS: @w84death is on Mastodon!
#SmallWeb #indieweb #smolweb #PersonalSites #homepage #blog
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "https://mastodon.social/tags/indieweb",
"photo": null
"url": "https://mastodon.online/@jlsksr/113667316297550630",
"content": {
"html": "<p>I really like personal homepages and have quite a list of them bookmarked. I'll post one every week unless I fall behind this schedule. \ud83d\ude09 So here's Cool Personal Homepages <a href=\"https://mastodon.online/tags/CPH\">#<span>CPH</span></a> Vol. 31: \"KKJ // 2024.06\" <a href=\"https://krzysztofjankowski.com/\"><span>https://</span><span>krzysztofjankowski.com/</span><span></span></a></p><p>PS: <span class=\"h-card\"><a class=\"u-url\" href=\"https://fosstodon.org/@w84death\">@<span>w84death</span></a></span> is on Mastodon!</p><p><a href=\"https://mastodon.online/tags/SmallWeb\">#<span>SmallWeb</span></a> <a href=\"https://mastodon.online/tags/indieweb\">#<span>indieweb</span></a> <a href=\"https://mastodon.online/tags/smolweb\">#<span>smolweb</span></a> <a href=\"https://mastodon.online/tags/PersonalSites\">#<span>PersonalSites</span></a> <a href=\"https://mastodon.online/tags/homepage\">#<span>homepage</span></a> <a href=\"https://mastodon.online/tags/blog\">#<span>blog</span></a></p>\n<a class=\"u-mention\" href=\"https://fosstodon.org/@w84death\"></a>",
"text": "I really like personal homepages and have quite a list of them bookmarked. I'll post one every week unless I fall behind this schedule. \ud83d\ude09 So here's Cool Personal Homepages #CPH Vol. 31: \"KKJ // 2024.06\" https://krzysztofjankowski.com/\n\nPS: @w84death is on Mastodon!\n\n#SmallWeb #indieweb #smolweb #PersonalSites #homepage #blog"
"published": "2024-12-17T08:53:22+00:00",
"photo": [
"post-type": "photo",
"_id": "43261920",
"_source": "8007",
"_is_read": false
A not so obvious benefit of publishing your work and some thank you’s:
#indieweb #writing
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "https://mastodon.social/tags/indieweb",
"photo": null
"url": "https://mastodon.design/@dominik/113664035893404734",
"content": {
"html": "<p>A not so obvious benefit of publishing your work and some thank you\u2019s:</p><p><a href=\"https://dominikhofer.me/joy-of-writing-online\"><span>https://</span><span>dominikhofer.me/joy-of-writing</span><span>-online</span></a></p><p><a href=\"https://mastodon.design/tags/indieweb\">#<span>indieweb</span></a> <a href=\"https://mastodon.design/tags/writing\">#<span>writing</span></a></p>",
"text": "A not so obvious benefit of publishing your work and some thank you\u2019s:\n\nhttps://dominikhofer.me/joy-of-writing-online\n\n#indieweb #writing"
"published": "2024-12-16T18:59:07+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "43256361",
"_source": "8007",
"_is_read": false
"type": "entry",
"published": "2024-12-16T13:34:34+00:00",
"url": "https://werd.io/2024/the-reader-experience",
"category": [
"bookmark-of": [
"name": "The reader experience",
"content": {
"text": "[Ghost]\n\nAnother great update from the Ghost team, this time with some lovely animation to illustrate the fediverse reading experience.\n\nThe second topic of the post gave me a little bit of pause, because, whoa Nelly, I've been there:\"In light of that, we opted to go for (essentially) no database design at all. Right now, Ghost's ActivityPub service uses MySQL mostly as a key/value store, with no formalized structure of any kind. If that made no sense to you: We're essentially blindly copy-and-pasting blog posts into Excel spreadsheets.\"This is how I essentially structured the Known back-end database, using a structure that had originally been pioneered at (genuinely) FriendFeed back in the day. It's sort of a fun way to mimic a NoSQL database inside of MySQL when you don't know what the ultimate structure of the data is going to be and you don't want to create database tables on the fly. But does it scale? I mean, no, not really.\n\nSo it's good to hear that the team was just using the NoSQL fakery for a test, and is now using the data they gathered to build something more structured and efficient. It sounds like the experience is optimized for Ghost Pro, which makes sense; I wonder if non-Ghost-publishers will be able to use it in some way.\n\nAs always, the full update is worth checking out - both for the content itself, and for the example of how to develop in public in an engaging way. It's great work.\n#Fediverse\n [Link]",
"html": "<p>[<a href=\"https://activitypub.ghost.org/the-reader-experience/\">Ghost</a>]</p><p>Another great update from the Ghost team, this time with some lovely animation to illustrate the fediverse reading experience.</p><p>The second topic of the post gave me a little bit of pause, because, whoa Nelly, I've been there:</p><blockquote><p>\"In light of that, we opted to go for (essentially) no database design at all. Right now, Ghost's ActivityPub service uses MySQL mostly as a key/value store, with no formalized structure of any kind. If that made no sense to you: We're essentially blindly copy-and-pasting blog posts into Excel spreadsheets.\"</p></blockquote><p>This is how I essentially structured the <a href=\"https://known.co\">Known</a> back-end database, using a structure that had originally been pioneered at (genuinely) <a href=\"https://backchannel.org/blog/friendfeed-schemaless-mysql\">FriendFeed back in the day</a>. It's sort of a fun way to mimic a NoSQL database inside of MySQL when you don't know what the ultimate structure of the data is going to be and you don't want to create database tables on the fly. But does it scale? I mean, <em>no</em>, not really.</p><p>So it's good to hear that the team was just using the NoSQL fakery for a test, and is now using the data they gathered to build something more structured and efficient. It sounds like the experience is optimized for Ghost Pro, which makes sense; I wonder if non-Ghost-publishers will be able to use it in some way.</p><p>As always, <a href=\"https://activitypub.ghost.org/the-reader-experience/\">the full update</a> is worth checking out - both for the content itself, and for the example of how to develop in public in an engaging way. It's great work.</p>\n<p><a href=\"https://werd.io/tag/Fediverse\" class=\"p-category\">#Fediverse</a></p>\n <p>[<a href=\"https://activitypub.ghost.org/the-reader-experience/\">Link</a>]</p>"
"author": {
"type": "card",
"name": "Ben Werdmuller",
"url": "https://werd.io/profile/benwerd",
"photo": "https://werd.io/file/5d388c5fb16ea14aac640912/thumb.jpg"
"post-type": "bookmark",
"_id": "43254044",
"_source": "191",
"_is_read": false
Just build a new Docker Known image (https://withknown.com). I don't use Known on my site anymore, but I thought this will be helpful for all Known users out there that use my Docker-based setup. Get the 2024-12-15 image from Docker Hub. #indieweb #known
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "https://mastodon.social/tags/indieweb",
"photo": null
"url": "https://social.stierand.org/@bjoern/statuses/01JF5ZTE1Z8KD7X85ZJ5B3F4FF",
"content": {
"html": "<p>Just build a new Docker Known image (<a href=\"https://withknown.com\">https://withknown.com</a>). I don't use Known on my site anymore, but I thought this will be helpful for all Known users out there that use my Docker-based setup. Get the 2024-12-15 image from Docker Hub. <a href=\"https://social.stierand.org/tags/indieweb\">#<span>indieweb</span></a> <a href=\"https://social.stierand.org/tags/known\">#<span>known</span></a><br /><br /><a href=\"https://hub.docker.com/r/egoexpress/known\">https://hub.docker.com/r/egoexpress/known</a></p>",
"text": "Just build a new Docker Known image (https://withknown.com). I don't use Known on my site anymore, but I thought this will be helpful for all Known users out there that use my Docker-based setup. Get the 2024-12-15 image from Docker Hub. #indieweb #known\n\nhttps://hub.docker.com/r/egoexpress/known"
"published": "2024-12-15T20:23:10+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "43245149",
"_source": "8007",
"_is_read": false
So hello again Mastodon.
As the server I recently moved to is closing, I figured now would be a good time to setup our own private server for longevity and stability.
I’m based in Burnley, just a little to the southwest of Scotland - where I live with Vickie, our 6 canine children and hens.
I talk about: #football #boxing #BurnleyFC #mountains #podencos #python #javascript #technology #indieweb #posse and take photos as and when we get down time or any other excuse to explore.
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "https://mastodon.social/tags/indieweb",
"photo": null
"url": "https://fedi.farron-perry.uk/@lee/113658598840804703",
"content": {
"html": "<p>So hello again Mastodon.</p><p>As the server I recently moved to is closing, I figured now would be a good time to setup our own private server for longevity and stability.</p><p>I\u2019m based in Burnley, just a little to the southwest of Scotland - where I live with Vickie, our 6 canine children and hens.</p><p>I talk about: <a href=\"https://fedi.farron-perry.uk/tags/football\">#<span>football</span></a> <a href=\"https://fedi.farron-perry.uk/tags/boxing\">#<span>boxing</span></a> <a href=\"https://fedi.farron-perry.uk/tags/BurnleyFC\">#<span>BurnleyFC</span></a> <a href=\"https://fedi.farron-perry.uk/tags/mountains\">#<span>mountains</span></a> <a href=\"https://fedi.farron-perry.uk/tags/podencos\">#<span>podencos</span></a> <a href=\"https://fedi.farron-perry.uk/tags/python\">#<span>python</span></a> <a href=\"https://fedi.farron-perry.uk/tags/javascript\">#<span>javascript</span></a> <a href=\"https://fedi.farron-perry.uk/tags/technology\">#<span>technology</span></a> <a href=\"https://fedi.farron-perry.uk/tags/indieweb\">#<span>indieweb</span></a> <a href=\"https://fedi.farron-perry.uk/tags/posse\">#<span>posse</span></a> and take photos as and when we get down time or any other excuse to explore.</p><p><a href=\"https://fedi.farron-perry.uk/tags/introduction\">#<span>introduction</span></a></p>",
"text": "So hello again Mastodon.\n\nAs the server I recently moved to is closing, I figured now would be a good time to setup our own private server for longevity and stability.\n\nI\u2019m based in Burnley, just a little to the southwest of Scotland - where I live with Vickie, our 6 canine children and hens.\n\nI talk about: #football #boxing #BurnleyFC #mountains #podencos #python #javascript #technology #indieweb #posse and take photos as and when we get down time or any other excuse to explore.\n\n#introduction"
"published": "2024-12-15T19:56:24+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "43244903",
"_source": "8007",
"_is_read": false