Initial site redesign uploaded. Still a few annoying little glitches to fix, but the crux of the work is done.

Just need to find an alternative to Kadence forms for the Contact page.

#wordpress #indieweb #plugins

Hey bloggers… Do you mind either not changing your RSS / Atom / whatever feed URL when you update your site? Or at least add a redirection (or even a copy to the old name)? Or at the very least write about that change before it happens?
You offer such a feed (presumably?) because you want people to read what you write, not for feed reader to create error logs on your server trying to find a missing file every hour… Or make people think your site is gone.
#blog #rss #atom #smallweb #smolweb #indieweb


Seine kreativen Leistungen Dritter abzugeben rächt sich früher oder später...


#searxng statt #google
#PeerTube statt #youtube
#fediverse statt #x
#indieweb statt

@FunkyLarma I added display of webmentions to my own page this evening and spotted yours…nice! #indieweb

webmaster updates

been a while, huh?

  • went back to old url (important for attributions, but will still be used for something related to me)
  • added some old art
  • updated links
  • merry crisis, went back just in time for christmas with a christmasy theme!

planned to refresh the look and maybe make a new blogpost

#smallWeb #indieWeb #webmaster #html #art

I made a webring for glass beach fans!

If you have a website and like glass beach, email me with your site and your favorite glass beach song (optional) and i'll add you! #glassbeach #indieweb #webring

Google hits indie websites with spam update while major publishers gain visibility: Independent website owner reports massive search visibility drop from Google's December spam update as bigger publishers gain rankings. #GoogleUpdate #SearchEngineOptimization #IndieWeb #DigitalMarketing #SEO

So I wonder - is there any way I can insight into how many people are subscribed to my RSS feed without moving my RSS feed to a third party platform?

I’m not interest in in-depth analytics, is just like to have an approximate idea of how many people actually use an RSS reader to connect / how many people receive new blog posts via RSS.

#rss #blogging #lazyweb #indieweb #webdev

El "Arroz con conejo" de la semana está fuera y que venga el 2025 lleno de sorpresas y malos rollos y movidas chungas porque no pinta bien pero también de todo el amor que podáis entregar sin esperar nada a cambio o yo que sé.

#blog #indieweb

I wrote a blog post about a dream I had. I keep doing that
#blog #blogpost #indieweb

@OpenMentions I think the mission is to get the bloggers using #WebMention.

I really like personal homepages and have quite a list of them bookmarked. I'll post one every week unless I fall behind this schedule. 😉 So here's Cool Personal Homepages #CPH Vol. 32: "Rubenerd"

PS: @rubenerd is on Mastodon!

PPS: happy anniversary!

#SmallWeb #indieweb #smolweb #PersonalSites #homepage #blog

This week I briefly thought about changing my personal blog to WordPress, setup a test site and played with it for a couple days, remembered how much I hate the Gutenberg/FSE experience, read more about the recent WordPress drama Matt loves to create, deleted the test site, updated the theme on my Ghost-powered blog, and updated my /Uses page.


I support the mad king

Fell in love with the html "is" attribute as a way to write web components without filling your markup with a bunch of random element names (not to mention avoiding the shadow DOM world).

Now I see that WebKit doesn't plan to support it 😭 . Classic "Safari is the new IE" moment.

#indieweb #html #browserpolitics

I'm curouse about the intersection of those who #blog and those who use #WebMention.

I'd appreciated a boost for greater sample size.

I'd also love to hear about your experiences with #blogging and/or WebMention (and any other #smolweb #IndieWeb stuff)

I blog and use WebMention
I don't blog but use WebMention
I neither blog nor use WebMention
I blog but I do not use Webmention

I love having a digital garden that I can really control and tweak to my liking.

It’s an enormous privilege, but it brings me peace and motivation.

#indieweb #astro #markdown

New post on The Digital Renaissance: On: Stage Manager

"Stage Manager is one of those super controversial Apple features, I figured I would share some thoughts on it”

#Apple #Technology #Blog #IndieWeb #iPad #Mac