the #32bitcafe new year's event has officially concluded with a total of 42 submissions, our biggest yet! thank you all for your energy, efforts, and submissions! here's to making 2025 an amazing year.

#webdev #codejam #webweaving #html #css #indieweb #personalweb #tinyweb #smallweb

New video on YouTube: Variations on a Theme by Twenty One Pilots

#Music #IndieWeb #FrontEnsemble #DrumCorps #Video

Did you know About AOL gold and how it's still going in 2025?

#blog #writing #writer

A terrific #IndieWeb #FrontEnd Study Hall. A great group of participants from around the planet with a wide variety of knowledge and experience. I learned today that the word "zine" is far far older than I realized. Oh, also lots of HTML and CSS ideas too. Great links in today's archived etherpad:

I've seen many-a-person annoyed or otherwise dissatisfied by the fact that your posts on one Fedi instance don't move with you when you switch instances. (There's some obvious technical reasons for why this is the case that I'm not going to explain here.) This is why having your own website is so important and can be so valuable! If there's something you've posted on social media (or wherever on the web) that's worth saving, then why not make a copy of it and have it published on a web site? Your website!

I like to refer to this as "Reverse Syndication", but for those of you that speak #indieweb, you've probably heard of #PESOS ("Publish Elsewhere, Syndicate Own Site"). Basically it means that what you publish FIRST on social media, you make a copy of on your site. This could be as an archive, a canonical representation, a data ownership/soverignty play, w/e!

I've used a ton of social media sites, sites like Reddit, and switched Fedi instances multiple times. Across these years (at least since I've been bathed in the glorious light of the Indieweb), I've been PESOS-ing things I think I want to hold on to to my site. The vast majority of these things I file away as "notes" ( This allows me to A. archive things as I've discussed, while B. not "junking" up my main RSS feed, or blog post timeline with silly reverse-syndicated social media posts/micro-blogs. It takes a little bit of effort, (unless you have some fancy-pants automated PESOS-ing system), but the pay-off is huge imo.

So let this be your answer for "I wish I could transfer my old social media posts to my new social media platform"

Another thing you can do, specifically with Mastodon (but likely with other post archives), is turn the entire archive into something you can publish on the web. Look at this! This is all my posts from my days in one gargantuan web page on my site. In all its insignificant splendor. (More details on how I did this are on that page).

Happy data owning everyone!

I have an idea:

RSS doesn't handle updates very well. By "very well" I mean at all. In most clients, the only way would be a new ID but that's new page god damnit!

We had those amazing "what' new" pages and I think those would be great to have *in* RSS. Would you use it?

(no option "why not both" as the question is if *you* would use it)

#rss #indieweb #SmallWeb

I want full content in RSS
I would use i as a notification (I go to the page)

The point is: reality is always frustratingly more complex than we would like it to be. We’re in a complex capitalist system, where both literally and metaphorically, there is no free lunch. I don’t want it to stay like this, and nor should you. But making changes to these systems will require messy, coordinated efforts into all sorts of ethical conundrums. And just because those conundrums exist, doesn’t meant mean we shouldn’t act.

How does this relate to #selfhosting, you ask?

Well, I think we can still address concerns 1 and 2, without falling into the intellectual trap of 3.

Many big tech companies offer free tiers. If you are hosting an #indieweb service, you probably don’t have the benefits of scale that those companies do.

Leverage those free tiers by using AES-256 encryption BEFORE it hits their servers. You keep the keys secure. The files can sit on those public storage places, and it can’t be used for any data mining, because it’s encrypted gibberish to them.

You then use what’s available to you to actually help further the indie web that we want to see. We can use those services to HELP us get away from reliance on big tech, until we can get things to a scale to stop using those services.


🔖 Bookmarked To Build A Website, and Remain Invested (

> Make your website the central communication and sharing platform, that’s all about you, that you own.

CMDR Nova wants you to build a website!


#web #webmastery #indieweb

New update to the JellyCat Cafe :blobhaj_reach:

- Added Gusetbook
- Added Links Page
- Polished up the main page
- General bug fixes and optimizations


#indieweb #PersonalSites #webdev

Ok this is actually today's show! Now on demand and very soon on all good Podcast apps.

"But I can't find it on Spotify"

Yeah I said all GOOD podcast apps, not all good podcast apps plus some shitty walled garden run by a bunch of cunts, plus Daniel Elk isn't a real elk.

All good podcast apps, including Podcasting 2.0 (I hope).

#Music #Stream #PirateRadio #OneManAndHisTurntable #IndieWeb

Whoever started the blog questions challenge gave the #IndieWeb community a lot of interesting workflows and approaches to look at. Some of my favourites:

H/T to the people on Bear Blog who started this whole thing albeit with slightly different, Bear Blog-centric questions.

Since I'm constantly writing right before midnight, I sometimes accidentally fugg up the timezone syncing, and then my blog posts don't automatically push to Mastodon.

So, today, I'll be sharing this one manually.

Today on Nova Prime, I write about how and why you should maintain a website, why I do, and how you might stay invested in doing so, far into the future, much like I have and continue to do.

#webdev #indieweb

Link seals provide a quick soft-check utility for link health on your web spaces.

It's inspired by a blog post from Terence Eden about managing link rot on a website.

It proposes a very simple concept of a seal key, seal function and seal checker.


#indieweb #blog #linkrot #websecurity

Capitalist social media is bad, but I will never be nostalgic for the "old web," since I actually remember what it was like. Websites were all slow and shitty, half of them would infect your computer with a virus, there were dead links and broken images everywhere. People were obsessed with posting slurs, swastikas and gore. I witnessed all kinds of sickening things when all I was doing was looking for video game cheat codes and Disney movie fan art.

It's good to promote personal websites, but let's not romanticize the past.

#OldWeb #PersonalSites #IndieWeb #Aughts

Question: Is WebSub (formerly PubSubHubBub) still relevant these days? And if so, to what extent?

#IndieWeb #WebSub #PubSubHubBub

New instance, new #introduction

My name is Mike (a.k.a. "shellsharks”) - I am a security researcher, #IndieWeb advocate, all-things #Fediverse convert and all around #tech enthusiast.

I write about #infosec, #technology and #life over at

Here's some other stuff I like... #apple #sports #travel #battlestations #food #starwars #lotr #pokemon #gaming #space #fitness #nba #basketball #hiking #camping #music #coding #programming #cybersecurity

So what's going on with this instance? Is this my "main" presence or am I still on Fair question. The answer is, yes! This is a #GoToSocial instance, on a new fun, shiny, vanity domain. If it works out, I might end up moving all my activity over here and shutting down the Mastodon instance I have at Until then, I'm operating out of both spaces. This also means that for now, I haven't migrated my followers (or followed accounts) over here, so don't be offended if I haven't followed you back yet! I don't want to knock this fairly low-spec'ed instance over so I'm taking it slow with how I am using it.

Why am I doing this? Well for one main reason really, I wanted an instance where I could post more than 500 characters at a time. GtS gives me that, and much more. Bonus points for A. being less resource intensive than Mastodon (so cheaper to run), B. more customizable and C. I could get an even more ridiculous vanity domain.

So don't be surprised to see a lot more from this account than my usual @shellsharks account. If you'd like, you can follow me here for now. No worries either way.

See y'all around Fedi!

It's been a while since I've published something I consider a "blog post" on my site. But thanks to @ApisNecros tossing over the "Blog Questions Challenge", this now exists -->

Turns out, I've answer much of these questions in various places across the site at one point or another, but this post puts them all together in one place if you want to learn more about the site! May it inspire others to write their own "Get to Know My Blog" post or maybe to get started with a site/blog of their own! #indieweb #blogging

I'm really quite terrible at graphic design (I'm not even fit to sarcastically claim it's my passion), but I finally forced myself to make an 88x31 website button.

It's hard to fit any context into just 2728 pixels, so I'm forced to run on a vague non-sequitur of a domain name, and a drawing of a cute girl.

The URL (in text form) is

#IndieWeb #PersonalSites

Finally, a new blog post! Inspired by @kev 's "Blog Questions Challenge", I followed suit and wrote up my answers to these eight questions. I loved these kinds of things back in the MySpace days. I've also tagged @shellsharks and a couple other to hopefully continue the trend :)

#IndieWeb #SmallWeb #PersonalSites #blogging

Speaking of online communities, is your personal website part of a webring?

#indieweb #webring #PersonalWebsite #internet #TheWeb #community

Yes, a few?
I run one or few myself!
Not really
No, but thinking about it!
I don't have a personal website
What's a "web ring"?
Something else?