Is anyone interested in a guide on making your own website in as few steps as possible? I think it would be cool to write such as thing and publish it on my website.
#IndieWeb #WebDev #Programming #HTML #CSS
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "",
"photo": null
"url": "",
"content": {
"html": "<p>Is anyone interested in a guide on making your own website in as few steps as possible? I think it would be cool to write such as thing and publish it on my website.<br /><br /><a href=\"\">#IndieWeb</a> <a href=\"\">#WebDev</a> <a href=\"\">#Programming</a> <a href=\"\">#HTML</a> <a href=\"\">#CSS</a></p>",
"text": "Is anyone interested in a guide on making your own website in as few steps as possible? I think it would be cool to write such as thing and publish it on my website.\n\n#IndieWeb #WebDev #Programming #HTML #CSS"
"published": "2025-01-18T19:34:53+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "43587426",
"_source": "8007",
"_is_read": false
Is anyone interested in a guide on making your own website in as few steps as possible? I think it would be cool to write such as thing and publish it on my website.
The problem I'm hoping to address is that if someone wants to make a website without depending on e.g., Wix/Squarespace/WordPress, there are great coding textbooks, but they often have more than you need to get started and feel a bit intimidating.
I could make it as a series of posts that link to each other, with a post for each component of the process so people can pick and choose. The branching options could look like, e.g.
1. Want to avoid the command line? Here's how to write just the HTML/CSS you need and drag/drop it into e.g., Netlify
2. OK with the terminal? Here's how to push to GitHub and integrate that with e.g., Netlify
3. Want to automate the repetitive parts? Here's how to add in Eleventy with the least amount of extra info
I'm still fleshing out this idea, but I'm curious what people think
#IndieWeb #WebDev #Programming #HTML #CSS
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "",
"photo": null
"url": "",
"content": {
"html": "<p>Is anyone interested in a guide on making your own website in as few steps as possible? I think it would be cool to write such as thing and publish it on my website. </p><p>The problem I'm hoping to address is that if someone wants to make a website without depending on e.g., Wix/Squarespace/WordPress, there are great coding textbooks, but they often have more than you need to get started and feel a bit intimidating. </p><p>I could make it as a series of posts that link to each other, with a post for each component of the process so people can pick and choose. The branching options could look like, e.g.</p><p>1. Want to avoid the command line? Here's how to write just the HTML/CSS you need and drag/drop it into e.g., Netlify</p><p>2. OK with the terminal? Here's how to push to GitHub and integrate that with e.g., Netlify</p><p>3. Want to automate the repetitive parts? Here's how to add in Eleventy with the least amount of extra info</p><p>I'm still fleshing out this idea, but I'm curious what people think</p><p><a href=\"\">#<span>IndieWeb</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>WebDev</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>Programming</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>HTML</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>CSS</span></a></p>",
"text": "Is anyone interested in a guide on making your own website in as few steps as possible? I think it would be cool to write such as thing and publish it on my website. \n\nThe problem I'm hoping to address is that if someone wants to make a website without depending on e.g., Wix/Squarespace/WordPress, there are great coding textbooks, but they often have more than you need to get started and feel a bit intimidating. \n\nI could make it as a series of posts that link to each other, with a post for each component of the process so people can pick and choose. The branching options could look like, e.g.\n\n1. Want to avoid the command line? Here's how to write just the HTML/CSS you need and drag/drop it into e.g., Netlify\n\n2. OK with the terminal? Here's how to push to GitHub and integrate that with e.g., Netlify\n\n3. Want to automate the repetitive parts? Here's how to add in Eleventy with the least amount of extra info\n\nI'm still fleshing out this idea, but I'm curious what people think\n\n#IndieWeb #WebDev #Programming #HTML #CSS"
"published": "2025-01-18T19:34:15+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "43587371",
"_source": "8007",
"_is_read": false
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "",
"photo": null
"url": "",
"content": {
"html": "<p>My entry for the <a href=\"\">#<span>indiewebcarnival</span></a> of January 2025 about the importance of friction.</p><p><a href=\"\"><span>https://</span><span></span><span>ulness</span></a></p><p><a href=\"\">#<span>indieweb</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>mindfulness</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>productivity</span></a></p>",
"text": "My entry for the #indiewebcarnival of January 2025 about the importance of friction.\n\n\n\n#indieweb #mindfulness #productivity"
"published": "2025-01-18T18:58:08+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "43587071",
"_source": "8007",
"_is_read": false
New Deno Fresh project ✅
Connection to Notion Integration ✅
Getting JSON on my page ✅
Pretty good start I’d say!
#deno #fresh #indieweb
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "",
"photo": null
"url": "",
"content": {
"html": "<p>Alright!</p><p>New Deno Fresh project \u2705<br />Connection to Notion Integration \u2705<br />Getting JSON on my page \u2705</p><p>Pretty good start I\u2019d say!</p><p><a href=\"\">#<span>deno</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>fresh</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>indieweb</span></a></p>",
"text": "Alright!\n\nNew Deno Fresh project \u2705\nConnection to Notion Integration \u2705\nGetting JSON on my page \u2705\n\nPretty good start I\u2019d say!\n\n#deno #fresh #indieweb"
"published": "2025-01-18T16:54:23+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "43586124",
"_source": "8007",
"_is_read": false
uhhh while standing in the kitchen to start prepping dinner for the family I thought “hmmm I really wanna try Deno Fresh and it would be awesome to just grab posts from Notion …”.
Sooo let’s do it! Starting a hack session! #deno #fresh #indieweb
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "",
"photo": null
"url": "",
"content": {
"html": "<p>uhhh while standing in the kitchen to start prepping dinner for the family I thought \u201chmmm I really wanna try Deno Fresh and it would be awesome to just grab posts from Notion \u2026\u201d.<br />Sooo let\u2019s do it! Starting a hack session! <a href=\"\">#<span>deno</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>fresh</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>indieweb</span></a></p>",
"text": "uhhh while standing in the kitchen to start prepping dinner for the family I thought \u201chmmm I really wanna try Deno Fresh and it would be awesome to just grab posts from Notion \u2026\u201d.\nSooo let\u2019s do it! Starting a hack session! #deno #fresh #indieweb"
"published": "2025-01-18T16:29:59+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "43585944",
"_source": "8007",
"_is_read": false
yo ! petite #introduction car j'essaie d'être un peu actif à nouveau sur mastodon.
ma passion dans la vie c'est l'expression de soi, terme que j'adore même s'il reste encore à définir de manière articulée.
en résumé, homme cis queer parisien de 29 ans, développeur web, mais surtout j'aime écrire de la poésie, j'aime écrire mon journal intime.
plus récemment je suis réjoui de l'existence du web amateur, j'ai un site sur sur lequel je commence (à peine) à blablater à propos d'écriture, et de ma tentative en cours de me distancer voire de quitter spotify #spotibreak
suivez-moi ou réagissez si vous voulez parler de :
- journal intime
- poésie
- web amateur
- indépendance & liberté numérique
- les vies & identités queer
magie et esperluette sur vous ✨
#journalintime #journaling #poesie #webamateur #notreweb #indieweb #nekoweb #spotify #queer #lgbt
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "",
"photo": null
"url": "",
"content": {
"html": "<p>yo\u00a0! petite <a href=\"\">#<span>introduction</span></a> car j'essaie d'\u00eatre un peu actif \u00e0 nouveau sur mastodon.</p><p>ma passion dans la vie c'est l'expression de soi, terme que j'adore m\u00eame s'il reste encore \u00e0 d\u00e9finir de mani\u00e8re articul\u00e9e.</p><p>en r\u00e9sum\u00e9, homme cis queer parisien de 29 ans, d\u00e9veloppeur web, mais surtout j'aime \u00e9crire de la po\u00e9sie, j'aime \u00e9crire mon journal intime.</p><p>plus r\u00e9cemment je suis r\u00e9joui de l'existence du web amateur, j'ai un site sur <a href=\"\"><span>https://</span><span></span><span></span></a> sur lequel je commence (\u00e0 peine) \u00e0 blablater \u00e0 propos d'\u00e9criture, et de ma tentative en cours de me distancer voire de quitter spotify <a href=\"\">#<span>spotibreak</span></a></p><p>suivez-moi ou r\u00e9agissez si vous voulez parler de\u00a0:</p><p>- journal intime<br />- po\u00e9sie<br />- web amateur<br />- ind\u00e9pendance & libert\u00e9 num\u00e9rique<br />- les vies & identit\u00e9s queer</p><p>magie et esperluette sur vous \u2728 </p><p><a href=\"\">#<span>journalintime</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>journaling</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>poesie</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>webamateur</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>notreweb</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>indieweb</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>nekoweb</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>spotify</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>queer</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>lgbt</span></a></p>",
"text": "yo\u00a0! petite #introduction car j'essaie d'\u00eatre un peu actif \u00e0 nouveau sur mastodon.\n\nma passion dans la vie c'est l'expression de soi, terme que j'adore m\u00eame s'il reste encore \u00e0 d\u00e9finir de mani\u00e8re articul\u00e9e.\n\nen r\u00e9sum\u00e9, homme cis queer parisien de 29 ans, d\u00e9veloppeur web, mais surtout j'aime \u00e9crire de la po\u00e9sie, j'aime \u00e9crire mon journal intime.\n\nplus r\u00e9cemment je suis r\u00e9joui de l'existence du web amateur, j'ai un site sur sur lequel je commence (\u00e0 peine) \u00e0 blablater \u00e0 propos d'\u00e9criture, et de ma tentative en cours de me distancer voire de quitter spotify #spotibreak\n\nsuivez-moi ou r\u00e9agissez si vous voulez parler de\u00a0:\n\n- journal intime\n- po\u00e9sie\n- web amateur\n- ind\u00e9pendance & libert\u00e9 num\u00e9rique\n- les vies & identit\u00e9s queer\n\nmagie et esperluette sur vous \u2728 \n\n#journalintime #journaling #poesie #webamateur #notreweb #indieweb #nekoweb #spotify #queer #lgbt"
"published": "2025-01-18T12:54:18+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "43584045",
"_source": "8007",
"_is_read": false
🤖 There’s a new post on Michael Burkhardt’s Whirled Wide Web:
Blog Question Challenge 2025
#Blogging #IndieWeb
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "",
"photo": null
"url": "",
"content": {
"html": "<p>\ud83e\udd16 There\u2019s a new post on Michael Burkhardt\u2019s Whirled Wide Web:</p><p>Blog Question Challenge 2025</p><p><a href=\"\">#<span>Blogging</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>IndieWeb</span></a></p><p><a href=\"\"><span>https://</span><span></span><span>enge-2025</span></a></p>",
"text": "\ud83e\udd16 There\u2019s a new post on Michael Burkhardt\u2019s Whirled Wide Web:\n\nBlog Question Challenge 2025\n\n#Blogging #IndieWeb\n\n"
"published": "2025-01-18T12:09:07+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "43583776",
"_source": "8007",
"_is_read": false
🤖 There’s a new post on Michael Burkhardt’s Whirled Wide Web:
#WeblogPoMo2024 #IndieWeb
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "",
"photo": null
"url": "",
"content": {
"html": "<p>\ud83e\udd16 There\u2019s a new post on Michael Burkhardt\u2019s Whirled Wide Web:</p><p>Hacking</p><p><a href=\"\">#<span>WeblogPoMo2024</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>IndieWeb</span></a></p><p><a href=\"\"><span>https://</span><span></span><span></span></a></p>",
"text": "\ud83e\udd16 There\u2019s a new post on Michael Burkhardt\u2019s Whirled Wide Web:\n\nHacking\n\n#WeblogPoMo2024 #IndieWeb\n\n"
"published": "2025-01-18T11:19:27+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "43583578",
"_source": "8007",
"_is_read": false
Blog post recommendation: Sanding off friction from indie web connection
I’ve had this post open in a tab for a few days and today I got around to reading it. I highly recommend “Sanding off friction from indie web connection” by Tracy Durnell as an excellent read for anyone interested in IndieWeb stuff and lowering the barriers to participation.
I now have a tonne of new tabs waiting for me to read them all of which came from Tracy’s wonderful post. If you have a few minutes, give her blog some love and attention.
#aFantasticRead #blogPost #blogging #comments #IndieWeb #lotsOfInterestingLinks #SocialMedia #WebMention
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "",
"photo": null
"url": "",
"content": {
"html": "<p><strong>Blog post recommendation: Sanding off friction from indie web connection</strong></p><p>I\u2019ve had this post open in a tab for a few days and today I got around to reading it. I highly recommend \u201c<a href=\"\">Sanding off friction from indie web connection</a>\u201d by <a href=\"\">Tracy Durnell</a> as an excellent read for anyone interested in IndieWeb stuff and lowering the barriers to participation.</p><p>I now have a tonne of new tabs waiting for me to read them all of which came from Tracy\u2019s wonderful post. If you have a few minutes, give her blog some love and attention.</p><p><a href=\"\"></a></p><p><a class=\"u-tag u-category\" href=\"\">#aFantasticRead</a> <a class=\"u-tag u-category\" href=\"\">#blogPost</a> <a class=\"u-tag u-category\" href=\"\">#blogging</a> <a class=\"u-tag u-category\" href=\"\">#comments</a> <a class=\"u-tag u-category\" href=\"\">#IndieWeb</a> <a class=\"u-tag u-category\" href=\"\">#lotsOfInterestingLinks</a> <a class=\"u-tag u-category\" href=\"\">#SocialMedia</a> <a class=\"u-tag u-category\" href=\"\">#WebMention</a></p>",
"text": "Blog post recommendation: Sanding off friction from indie web connection\n\nI\u2019ve had this post open in a tab for a few days and today I got around to reading it. I highly recommend \u201cSanding off friction from indie web connection\u201d by Tracy Durnell as an excellent read for anyone interested in IndieWeb stuff and lowering the barriers to participation.\n\nI now have a tonne of new tabs waiting for me to read them all of which came from Tracy\u2019s wonderful post. If you have a few minutes, give her blog some love and attention.\n\n\n\n#aFantasticRead #blogPost #blogging #comments #IndieWeb #lotsOfInterestingLinks #SocialMedia #WebMention"
"published": "2025-01-18T09:10:06+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "43582740",
"_source": "8007",
"_is_read": false
as much as i found value in the discovery features on #tiktok gaining thousands of followers and making sales as an independent #artist (3+ years ago, now), i mostly feel like it’s a good riddance.
seems the slow burn of building a website is the only way to go about sharing work these days.
#indieweb #blog
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "",
"photo": null
"url": "",
"content": {
"html": "<p>as much as i found value in the discovery features on <a href=\"\">#<span>tiktok</span></a> gaining thousands of followers and making sales as an independent <a href=\"\">#<span>artist</span></a> (3+ years ago, now), i mostly feel like it\u2019s a good riddance. </p><p>seems the slow burn of building a website is the only way to go about sharing work these days. </p><p><a href=\"\">#<span>indieweb</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>blog</span></a></p>",
"text": "as much as i found value in the discovery features on #tiktok gaining thousands of followers and making sales as an independent #artist (3+ years ago, now), i mostly feel like it\u2019s a good riddance. \n\nseems the slow burn of building a website is the only way to go about sharing work these days. \n\n#indieweb #blog"
"published": "2025-01-18T08:55:19+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "43582741",
"_source": "8007",
"_is_read": false
✅ Moved my #Pixelfed account over to ✅Added the rel=me on my website ✅App installed on phone. Time to start finding people on pixelfed (if you're there let me know!), posting and thinking of creative uses for the Atom feed. 😃 #IndieWeb #Fediverse (
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "",
"photo": null
"url": "",
"content": {
"html": "<p>\u2705 Moved my <a href=\"\">#<span>Pixelfed</span></a> account over to <span class=\"h-card\"><a class=\"u-url\" href=\"\">@<span></span></a></span> \u2705Added the rel=me on my website \u2705App installed on phone. Time to start finding people on pixelfed (if you're there let me know!), posting and thinking of creative uses for the Atom feed. \ud83d\ude03 <a href=\"\">#<span>IndieWeb</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>Fediverse</span></a> (<a href=\"\"><span>https://</span><span></span><span>ost-2025-01-17T185039/</span></a>)</p>\n<a class=\"u-mention\" href=\"\"></a>",
"text": "\u2705 Moved my #Pixelfed account over to \u2705Added the rel=me on my website \u2705App installed on phone. Time to start finding people on pixelfed (if you're there let me know!), posting and thinking of creative uses for the Atom feed. \ud83d\ude03 #IndieWeb #Fediverse ("
"published": "2025-01-18T03:34:49+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "43581324",
"_source": "8007",
"_is_read": false
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "",
"photo": null
"url": "",
"content": {
"html": "<p>janerationx (<a href=\"\"><span>https://</span><span></span><span></span></a>) listened to Vapour Trail by 93millionmilesfromthesun on Covered</p><p><a href=\"\">#<span>LibreFM</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>indieweb</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>music</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>listening</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>ShareOpenly</span></a> <a href=\"\"><span>https://</span><span></span><span>bble/1737160110</span></a></p>",
"text": "janerationx ( listened to Vapour Trail by 93millionmilesfromthesun on Covered\n\n#LibreFM #indieweb #music #listening #ShareOpenly"
"published": "2025-01-18T00:38:18+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "43580283",
"_source": "8007",
"_is_read": false
For folks using #rss readers:
Do you prefer to read the full article in the reader or do you like to follow the link to the website to read it in its original format?
#rssreader #rssreaders #web #website #blog #indieweb
full article in reader
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "",
"photo": null
"url": "",
"content": {
"html": "<p>For folks using <a href=\"\">#<span>rss</span></a> readers:</p><p>Do you prefer to read the full article in the reader or do you like to follow the link to the website to read it in its original format?</p><p><a href=\"\">#<span>rssreader</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>rssreaders</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>web</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>website</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>blog</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>indieweb</span></a></p><p>full article in reader<br />website</p>",
"text": "For folks using #rss readers:\n\nDo you prefer to read the full article in the reader or do you like to follow the link to the website to read it in its original format?\n\n#rssreader #rssreaders #web #website #blog #indieweb\n\nfull article in reader\nwebsite"
"published": "2025-01-17T17:24:54+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "43576843",
"_source": "8007",
"_is_read": false
Only just discovered a bunch of website images still pointing to the (now-deleted) staging site.
No-one ever says anything! 🤣
#wordpress #indieweb
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "",
"photo": null
"url": "",
"content": {
"html": "<p>Only just discovered a bunch of website images still pointing to the (now-deleted) staging site. </p><p>No-one ever says anything! \ud83e\udd23</p><p><a href=\"\">#<span>wordpress</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>indieweb</span></a></p>",
"text": "Only just discovered a bunch of website images still pointing to the (now-deleted) staging site. \n\nNo-one ever says anything! \ud83e\udd23\n\n#wordpress #indieweb"
"published": "2025-01-17T14:33:16+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "43574777",
"_source": "8007",
"_is_read": false
I've been playing with a way to make styling web components easier. The idea is to send variable names to components that they can use to pull in a page's styles. Details here if you're interested:
#WebComponents #WebDev #IndieWeb
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "",
"photo": null
"url": "",
"content": {
"html": "<p>I've been playing with a way to make styling web components easier. The idea is to send variable names to components that they can use to pull in a page's styles. Details here if you're interested: </p><p><a href=\"\"><span>https://</span><span>web-component-techniques.alanw</span><span></span></a></p><p><a href=\"\">#<span>WebComponents</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>WebDev</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>IndieWeb</span></a></p>",
"text": "I've been playing with a way to make styling web components easier. The idea is to send variable names to components that they can use to pull in a page's styles. Details here if you're interested: \n\n\n\n#WebComponents #WebDev #IndieWeb"
"published": "2025-01-17T14:02:40+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "43574430",
"_source": "8007",
"_is_read": false
Remember that excited, burning feeling when you last created something new? Here is a great talk by Molly White from last year that is just as relevant and exciting today as it was then: #indieweb #openweb #indie
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "",
"photo": null
"url": "",
"content": {
"html": "<p>Remember that excited, burning feeling when you last created something new? Here is a great talk by Molly White from last year that is just as relevant and exciting today as it was then: <a href=\"\"><span>https://www.</span><span></span><span>or-our-web/</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>indieweb</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>openweb</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>indie</span></a></p>",
"text": "Remember that excited, burning feeling when you last created something new? Here is a great talk by Molly White from last year that is just as relevant and exciting today as it was then: #indieweb #openweb #indie"
"published": "2025-01-17T11:30:21+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "43572995",
"_source": "8007",
"_is_read": false
📝 New Post: Blog Question Challenge 2025
Nobody asked, but here it is anyway.
#web #blogging #indieweb
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "",
"photo": null
"url": "",
"content": {
"html": "<p>\ud83d\udcdd New Post: Blog Question Challenge 2025 </p><p>Nobody asked, but here it is anyway.</p><p>\ud83d\udd25 <a href=\"\"><span>https://</span><span></span><span>tion-challenge-2025/</span></a></p><p><a href=\"\">#<span>web</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>blogging</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>indieweb</span></a></p>",
"text": "\ud83d\udcdd New Post: Blog Question Challenge 2025 \n\nNobody asked, but here it is anyway.\n\n\ud83d\udd25\n\n#web #blogging #indieweb"
"published": "2025-01-17T09:22:08+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "43572090",
"_source": "8007",
"_is_read": false
@matthieu_be oh ! alors question à la fois simple et compliquée : y a-t-il un hashtag couramment utilisé à ton avis ? comme tu dis dans ton manifeste il s'agit aussi de faire connaissance. sur pas mal de sites persos statiques j'ai vu des gens intégrer un livre d'or par exemple, vraiment à l'ancienne héhé. tu connais les webrings ? une boucle de sites où chacun lie le précédent et le suivant !
#personalwebsite #indieweb #neocities #nekoweb #webring
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "",
"photo": null
"url": "",
"content": {
"html": "<p><span class=\"h-card\"><a class=\"u-url\" href=\"\">@<span>matthieu_be</span></a></span> oh ! alors question \u00e0 la fois simple et compliqu\u00e9e : y a-t-il un hashtag couramment utilis\u00e9 \u00e0 ton avis ? comme tu dis dans ton manifeste il s'agit aussi de faire connaissance. sur pas mal de sites persos statiques j'ai vu des gens int\u00e9grer un livre d'or par exemple, vraiment \u00e0 l'ancienne h\u00e9h\u00e9. tu connais les webrings ? une boucle de sites o\u00f9 chacun lie le pr\u00e9c\u00e9dent et le suivant !</p><p><a href=\"\">#<span>personalwebsite</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>indieweb</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>neocities</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>nekoweb</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>webring</span></a></p>\n<a class=\"u-mention\" href=\"\"></a>",
"text": "@matthieu_be oh ! alors question \u00e0 la fois simple et compliqu\u00e9e : y a-t-il un hashtag couramment utilis\u00e9 \u00e0 ton avis ? comme tu dis dans ton manifeste il s'agit aussi de faire connaissance. sur pas mal de sites persos statiques j'ai vu des gens int\u00e9grer un livre d'or par exemple, vraiment \u00e0 l'ancienne h\u00e9h\u00e9. tu connais les webrings ? une boucle de sites o\u00f9 chacun lie le pr\u00e9c\u00e9dent et le suivant !\n\n#personalwebsite #indieweb #neocities #nekoweb #webring"
"published": "2025-01-17T08:53:15+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "43571921",
"_source": "8007",
"_is_read": false
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "",
"photo": null
"url": "",
"content": {
"html": "<p>Nuevo post:</p><p>Declaraci\u00f3n de independencia del Ciberespacio </p><p><a href=\"\">#<span>Internet</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>futurismo</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>ciberespacio</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>tecnologia</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>indieweb</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>blog</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>enmiblog</span></a></p><p><a href=\"\"><span>https://</span><span></span><span>acion-independencia-ciberespacio/</span></a></p>",
"text": "Nuevo post:\n\nDeclaraci\u00f3n de independencia del Ciberespacio \n\n#Internet #futurismo #ciberespacio #tecnologia #indieweb #blog #enmiblog\n\n"
"published": "2025-01-17T08:37:05+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "43571849",
"_source": "8007",
"_is_read": false
Is it useful or necessary to have a "back to top" button on a #blog that stays in a corner and doesn't scroll off the page? (To see it in action, go to and scroll a little way down for the button to appear.) More details in thread. #IndieWeb #accessibility #a11y
Yes, a back to top button is useful.
No, a back to top button is unnecessary.
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "",
"photo": null
"url": "",
"content": {
"html": "<p>Is it useful or necessary to have a \"back to top\" button on a <a href=\"\">#<span>blog</span></a> that stays in a corner and doesn't scroll off the page? (To see it in action, go to <a href=\"\"><span>https://</span><span></span><span>odern-korea/</span></a> and scroll a little way down for the button to appear.) More details in thread. <a href=\"\">#<span>IndieWeb</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>accessibility</span></a> <a href=\"\">#<span>a11y</span></a></p><p>Yes, a back to top button is useful.<br />No, a back to top button is unnecessary.</p>",
"text": "Is it useful or necessary to have a \"back to top\" button on a #blog that stays in a corner and doesn't scroll off the page? (To see it in action, go to and scroll a little way down for the button to appear.) More details in thread. #IndieWeb #accessibility #a11y\n\nYes, a back to top button is useful.\nNo, a back to top button is unnecessary."
"published": "2025-01-17T04:41:30+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "43570414",
"_source": "8007",
"_is_read": false