@coucoulesplantes ce qui est marrant c'est que c'est l'esprit du web à son origine moi qui est connu ses débuts en 1998, le partage était légion, sans pub, des sites perso de passionné.e.s. le mouvement #indieweb existe toujours à nous de le mettre en-avant

Upgraded mastodon to 4.3.3
Upgraded my one-user server from 4.2.something to 4.3.3. Went smoothly once I remembered to do the 4.2 to 4.3 upgrade procedure first…

On Transient Slash Pages • Robb Knight

This is a great idea that I’m going to file away for later:

I like the idea of redirecting /now to the latest post tagged as now so one could see the latest version of what I’m doing now.

#blogs #blogging #slash #pages #tags #tagging #indieweb #personal #publishing #sharing #redirects

@neil Probably not. I see no effect from setting an "external account". (But then, I could hardly find the "logout" button.)

(Un)relatedly, does #Discourse support #IndieAuth? Seems not: https://meta.discourse.org/t/indieauth-login/48182

We have moved to our own instance to free up some space on pixelfed.social so new users can get in here and enjoy an incredible free service.

Our new home is https://pixelfed.neverwasskates.com

#neverwasskateboarding #pixelfed #indieweb #fediverse

🤖 There’s a new post on Michael Burkhardt’s Whirled Wide Web:

A Snowy House Call

#Weeknotes #IndieWeb


My Seek 2024 Year in Review:

* 141 new species observed, of those, the top three kinds:
  * 79 plants
  * 20 insects
  * 16 fungi
* 56 challenge badges earned

June was the month I observed the most new species in 2024, followed by March, and then July.

Seek also gave me a graph of observations per month, and also a map of where I made my discoveries.

Rather than posting screenshots of the Year in Review that Seek provided me in the app, I am posting the relevant content here in a post on my personal site, which I know I’ll be able to search and look up in the future.

Seek is a delightful free (like actually free, free of tracking, free of surveillance) native mobile application for identifying species.

Made by the iNaturalist folks (https://www.inaturalist.org/pages/seek_app), Seek works without creating an account, and is able to work completely offline to identify species out in the wild (and add them to your local collection).

Seek awards you Species Badges when you discover a number of species of a particular grouping, as well as Challenge Badges when you complete one or more of their monthly challenges that they post.

In some ways it’s like Pokemon Go, except based on finding and collecting observations of real living things.

I have found it quite useful especially when traveling, and wondering is that plant (or animal) the same as one I’ve seen elsewhere, perhaps around home, or is it a slightly different species?

I also really like the good example that Seek provides for how an app can be immediately useful without requiring extra labor (like creating an account, or logging on) on behalf of the person using it.

Lastly, Seek is an excellent example of a truly offline capable app where nearly all of its functionality works just fine without a network connection.

Both of these capabilities (offline first, no login wall) are what we should aspire to when we build #indieweb apps or websites for ourselves and our friends.

This is post 8 of #100PostsOfIndieWeb. #100Posts #yearInReview #iNaturalist #SeekApp

→ 🔮


login wall
offline first
#indieweb #100PostsOfIndieWeb #100Posts #yearInReview #iNaturalist #SeekApp

My Seek 2024 Year in Review:

* 141 new species observed, of those, the top three kinds:
  * 79 plants
  * 20 insects
  * 16 fungi
* 56 challenge badges earned

June was the month I observed the most new species in 2024, followed by March, and then July.

Seek also gave me a graph of observations per month, and also a map of where I made my discoveries.

Rather than posting screenshots of the Year in Review that Seek provided me in the app, I am posting the relevant content here in a post on my personal site, which I know I’ll be able to search and look up in the future.

Seek is a delightful free (like actually free, free of tracking, free of surveillance) native mobile application for identifying species.

Made by the iNaturalist folks (https://www.inaturalist.org/pages/seek_app), Seek works without creating an account, and is able to work completely offline to identify species out in the wild (and add them to your local collection).

Seek awards you Species Badges when you discover a number of species of a particular grouping, as well as Challenge Badges when you complete one or more of their monthly challenges that they post.

In some ways it’s like Pokemon Go, except based on finding and collecting observations of real living things.

I have found it quite useful especially when traveling, and wondering is that plant (or animal) the same as one I’ve seen elsewhere, perhaps around home, or is it a slightly different species?

I also really like the good example that Seek provides for how an app can be immediately useful without requiring extra labor (like creating an account, or logging on) on behalf of the person using it.

Lastly, Seek is an excellent example of a truly offline capable app where nearly all of its functionality works just fine without a network connection.

Both of these capabilities (offline first, no login wall) are what we should aspire to when we build #indieweb apps or websites for ourselves and our friends.

This is post 8 of #100PostsOfIndieWeb. #100Posts #yearInReview #iNaturalist #SeekApp

→ 🔮


login wall
offline first

As promised, a blog post on why and HOW I'm leaving Facebook and other Meta services: https://blog.riley.pub/walking-away-from-facebook/

In it, I share the steps I'm taking to unwind my Facebook dependence in an orderly fashion, what alternatives I'm using, and how I'm getting settled in.

I hope someone out there finds it useful.

#Facebook #Meta #Privacy #IndieWeb

New update to my personal website. I added a new list to the Links page and added a notes feature to it. Now I can attach related notes to links. In this case archiving the removal date of featured videos on the home page

URL: https://jellycat.cafe

#personalSite #indieWeb #programming

writing a Debian and yunohost image to a couple flash drives and see if I can’t turn my old Mac into something useful

#today #IndieWeb

Calling all @nextcloud Home users (especially those that migrated from Apple’s ecosystem)!

I was about to start self-hosting an instance on my #truenas server. Any thoughts? Opinions? Things you would do differently?

Did you go for a full migration, or is it more piecemeal?

#selfhosting #indieweb #privatecloud


Bookmarked indieweb-bashblog: a single script SSG with Webmentions and more by Jo.

This looks like a great blog project to get up and running with webmentions.


#Bookmarks #IndieWeb

Thanks for contributing a wonderful read to the #IndieWeb Carnival!


If you've been thinking about setting up your own website, you should check out https://neocities.org and https://glitch.com, which will let you make one for free.

Not interested in diving into HTML and CSS quite yet?

Here's a little tool I made that can help!


And some more resources to get you started: https://stefanbohacek.com/blog/resources-for-keeping-the-web-free-open-and-poetic/

#PersonalWebsite #website #indieweb #html

Website acknowledgements