aos meus queridos estoicos, curiosos ou simpatizantes, compartilho este site: .

É baseado num site antigo que eu encontrei perambulando na small web e que gerou muitas conversas boas com o pessoal do trabalho (algumas que deram início a amizades de longa data).

Fui procurar ele essa semana e o site estava desativado.

Então, eis o estoico diário, engasgado.

#stoicism #estoicismo #filosofia #philosophy #surfandoWeb #smallWeb #indieWeb

I’ve spent some time over the past week working on a proof-of-concept integration of Micropub into Django.

I don’t have anything functional to show for it, but I have a much better understanding of IndieAuth, Micropub, and writing decoupled Django apps.

#Django #WebDevelopment #Indieweb #Indieauth #Micropub

A Blog Post About Blogs

Highlighting some indieweb blogging services I have found

#indieweb #blogging

SLoP: Sinister Leveraging of Privacy

#blog #privacy #IndieWeb

And the rabbit hole deepens…

Because I have discovered Bridgy Fed and through it, the IndieWeb. Jesus, this takes me back down memory lane to when Castor was blogging to approximately 2004ish. I kinda love it??

AuDHD brain and hypercategorization for the win.

I love breaking out of walled gardens.


#actuallyADHD #actuallyAuDHD #ActuallyAutistic #BridgyFed #IndieWeb #rabbitHole #webDesign

W is a gem of the indie and old-school web energy with a strong opinion: you can just do whatever you want with it. Developed by Vincent Peugnet who presented it during a @prepostprint meeting in Paris, it is somewhere between a personal #wiki engine and an #indieweb publishing tool. I offered to clean the UI a bit, so that I could use it with my students as a collective wiki (in the steps of @xpub practices). I faced the fact that I am a total dumb at git, but I’m quite happy with the job done with the backend, preserving the good old feeling, and enhancing a bit the experience for authors. You should definitely give it a try:


Escape the walled garden and algorithm black boxes with RSS feeds


I added a "notes" feed to my site! It's for microblogging-style (i.e., Mastodon-like) posts, and it's nice to have a low-stress place to write that I own.

#IndieWeb #WebDev #Blog #11th #Eleventy

Reilly Spitzfaden, Composer | ...

I added a "notes" feed to my site! It's for microblogging-style (i.e., Mastodon-like) posts, and it's nice to have a low-stress place to write that I own. I'll be adding an RSS feed for it shortly to go alongside the main blog one. I'm also considering adding a photos feed as an Instagram/Pixelfed replacement that again, I own.

#IndieWeb #WebDev #Blog #11th #Eleventy

#POSSE using GitHub Actions is pretty bad-ass, actually.


…Indie Web is so back.

Plop yourself online in a comfortable place to share and learn on a non-snake-oil-doom-glop-site with us all.

Why not today? #next

#blog #meme #challenge #questions #bqc #IndieWeb

I've been too busy for #blogging between buying a house and producing my wife's kids #TV show #pilot, but I've just updated my #now page with slightly more on what I've been up to.

Check it out!

#PersonalSite #Blog #NowPage #indieweb #hugo #StaticSite

Choose inclusion

A few words on indie social web community.

#Communities #IndieWeb #MicroBlog #SocialMedia

YOU should have a website. EVERYONE should have a website.

#smolweb #selfhosted #indieweb

And if you want to give blogging a try, @glitchdotcom has you covered there as well with their @eleventy project template!!/glitch-hello-eleventy

#PersonalWebsite #indieweb #websites #blogs #blogging #MadeWithGlitch

A great way to start making your own websites is looking at the @glitchdotcom Glitch in Bio project template. The README also has instructions on how you can get a verified link on your Mastodon (and other fediverse platforms) profile.

This is all free, so go give it a try, help us make the web more personal!

#PersonalWebsite #indieweb #websites #MadeWithGlitch

If there is anyone out there who subscribes to my blog's #RSS feed who would like to only get the #infosec / #cybersecurity-related things I write about, I now have an infosec-only RSS feed you can sub to.

I've also created a "Social Web" feed which similarly is an RSS feed for just the #IndieWeb / #Socialweb / #Fediverse things that I write about.

All my available feeds are listed here

I'd say those are the two topics I write most about these days, and for those of you who only are interested in one of those two topics, you may not want to see the other stuff. So here ya go!