Spent the past hour or so fighting with broken Docker installations...yay
#IndieWeb #Docker #Developer #Technology

This is a nice list of blogging platforms that highlights free options. Now you really have no excuse not to give blogging a try!


#blogging #blogs #PersonalWebsite #websites #indieweb

I have webmentions coming in from Mastodon now! I added microformats, including a "u-syndication" link to my site (e.g., here: https://reillyspitzfaden.com/posts/2025/01/databending-part-1/ — you can see if you right-click and "view source"), and I figured out getting my Mastodon account working with Bridgy.

Now I'm able to see interactions on Mastodon as webmentions, and it should be relatively straightforward to add a counter to my post showing how many interactions it has on the Fediverse.

#Webmentions #IndieWeb #Microformats #Bridgy #Fediverse #WebDev

Why I picked Micro.blog

  • I value the principles of the IndieWeb.
  • POSSE (Publish on your Own Site, Syndicate Everywhere) made more sense to me than the alternatives.
  • It has a simple, uncluttered writing experience.
  • It has a bookshelf feature. I read a lot…

Postponed my #IndieWebCarnival post again because this one feels more important.


Aunque en casa me han pedido que hoy haga tallarines con nata eso no quita que ya esté el "Arroz con conejo" de la semana y buenos días.


#Blog #IndieWeb #SmallWeb

(FWIW I've never been a customer of either micro.blog or omg.lol, mainly because I'm a masochist who prefers to build my website in Vim and the command line. But if friends now ask me for recommendations on newbie-friendly ways to get on the #IndieWeb, I'm not inclined to recommend a service whose owner doesn't appear to be listening to his customers who are trans* or have trans* family members.)

Via @jayeless, an analysis of this week's tempest in the #IndieWeb. @chipotle's angle helped me see why I was initially taken aback by the tone of some of @adam's posts. I've always skewed 'genteel' and it's taken me nearly a lifetime to realise that's because I'd been domesticated by the colonisers. I'm probably always going to have that unconscious filter in front of me so I'm glad there are people like Adam who will be rude and shouty on behalf of his customers and community members who don't share his privilege.

An offer: Helping you own your identity online
#IndieWeb #DigitalSovereignty


(I have a longer post sitting in my notebook on this month's #IndieWebCarnival theme of 'friction', but this was a quick one to get off my chest.)

Got my website back up. Trying to have my space out there in the #indieweb check it out https://jeremyadampalmer.com and don’t mind the filler posts of gibberish its a WiP

in my texed editer. straight up “wrytin it.” and by “it.” haha. well let’s justr say. an article on my website for once instead of just redesigning it again without adding content.


The Web NFC Tools in action!

#WebNFC #indieweb

New post about using the Web NFC API to store images on NFC tags directly!


The TL;DR is that it's still probably better to store URLs on the tags, but this was a fun experiment!

#WebNFC #indieweb

Was googling a friend's old late 90s band and found a review on this site...that is still posting new reviews, and hasn't been redesigned in at least two decades. I freaking love it.


#music #oldweb #slowweb #indieweb

I've been thinking a bit about my long-term experience with the internet and what parts of it I still feel like I need to pay attention to. I wrote a couple of things down about it.


#omglol #indieweb

I really like personal homepages and have quite a list of them bookmarked. I'll post one every week unless I fall behind this schedule. 😉 So here's Cool Personal Homepages #CPH Vol. 36: "Ninji's Website" https://wuffs.org/

PS: @Ninji is on Mastodon!

#SmallWeb #indieweb #smolweb #PersonalSites #homepage #blog

@mooklett Could start at the beginning then move forward, or be from a list of “greatest hits from before X date” or truly random. Lots of variables but a fun idea! #rss #blogging #smallweb #indieweb