Virittelin äsken kotisivuille haun toimintaan. Sen pitäisi penkoa hakutuloksia kaikesta sisällöstä mitä siellä on. Voi olla, että se vaatii vielä virittelyä, mutta onpahan nyt jotain.

Hauska kyllä oppia, että mihin kaikkeen staattiset sivujen generointityökalut kykenee. Kuvittelin aina, että ne soveltuvat vain todella yksinkertaiseen puuhasteluun, mutta ihan väärässä olin ☺️

Tekniikasta kiinnostuneille: sivut on luotu Hugolla ja hakutoiminnallisuus Pagefind-kirjastolla.

#kotisivut #homepage #haku #search #Pagefind #Hugo #IndieWeb

Hey #IndieWeb and #POSSE people, has anyone setup POSSE-ing for membership platforms like Patreon, Ko-fi, ect?

🔁 Boosts appreciated!

🔖 New bookmark: Having a website isn't about blogging, it's about you


Having a website is not just about blogging - it's about creating an online presence that reflects who you are!


#web #smallweb #indieweb

Interested in these topics: #blogging #tech #apple #gaming #indieweb #socialmedia

Check out some good blogs to follow via my Links page!

🔖 New bookmark: The Analog Web - The History of the Web


> I’m not the first person to observe that a lack of genuine and human-centered discovery does seem to be a significant void in the modern web.

The analog web is characterised by handmade websites and online spaces, and motivated by personal expression rather than optimisation for algorithms.


#web #smallweb #indieweb

#Business #Insights
The analog web · “What you create on the web can be whatever you want it to be.”

#Craft #OpenWeb #IndieWeb #SmallWeb #Website #Blog #Design #WebDesign #Development #WebDev

I really like personal homepages and have quite a list of them bookmarked. I'll post one every week until I don't. So here's Cool Personal Homepages #CPH Vol. 13: Tom Fichtner Leipzig / Taiwan

@tom_fichtner_leipzig is a good friend of mine and he's on Mastodon!

#SmallWeb #indieweb #smolweb #PersonalSites #homepage

📣 About blogging plaform PIKA by the good folks @goodenoughllc

I'm still so happy having switched from WordPress to Pika Pro. I've published hundreds of posts in almost two months; performance is rock solid. And the utter simplicity that first grabbed me is still fresh and lets me just write.

You can use markdown or not; just use the text formatting toolbar in the online editor. Works on the phone just as well.

Give it a try! 😀

#blogging #fediverse #indieweb

Askartelin lauantai-illan iloksi itselleni pienen scriptin Go:lla, joka seuraa blogin RSS-syötettä ja postaa uusista kirjoituksista automaattisesti töötin Mastodoniin.

Vaihtoehtoisesti töötin julkaisun olisi voinut sitoa blogin päivittämiseen, mutta pidän enemmän ajatuksesta, että RSS-syöte toimii tiedon lähteenä. Minulla on muitakin ideoita, joissa voin hyödyntää RSS-syötettä.

Ajatus ei ole oma eikä uusi. @robb julkaisi vain vähän aikaa sitten EchoFeed-palvelun, joka tekee saman ja paljon enemmän. Suosittelen tutustumaan mikäli kaipaat vastaavaa toiminnallisuutta, etkä halua/osaa vääntää koodia. Peruskäyttö ei maksa mitään ja Pro-versiokin on vain $25/vuosi ☺️

#ohjelmointi #programming #IndieWeb #EchoFeed

My site’s new look will be good enough

If you comment on/interact with blogs, what are your preferred methods?

#blogging #fediverse #indieweb

Comments hosted on the same blog
Comments hosted elsewhere
Linked thread within the fediverse
Linked thread on social media silos
Private email conversation with the author
Other (please reply!)

Longest shot ever.

Some 20-25 years ago u saw a blog post of someone’a redecoration of their house. They decided to put a graffiti of Purple Tentacle on their wall. I’m looking for this for quite some time without any success :(

#blog #blogging #lucasarts #dayofthetentacle #indieweb #smallweb #oldweb

Once again, "anywhere" doesn't quite mean "everywhere". I know, I know, it's virtually impossible to find a meeting time that works for literally everyone, I just wish our American and European friends would acknowledge this. Wording like "This meeting time works for Europe and the Americas, sorry Asia and Oceania!" would be easier to swallow than the false promise of "anywhere".

#indieweb people, I love you and I know you're trying to be genuinely inclusive. It's just that this posting has tripped my timezone sensitivity today.

I know I am late on Follow Friday but I wanted to share 2 #IndieWeb resources.

RSS search engine. Searches RSS feeds instead of the web

The below finds RSS feeds your Mastodon account shares.

#RSS #FollowFriday

Importing some of my photo posts from my old blog to my main, self-hosted blog.

#IndieWeb Je vous partage cette merveille : ressource très inspirante pour le web design, pour le fond autant que pour la forme. #webdesign #indieweb #sustainability

#IndieWeb v1.1.2 for #Elgg has been released 🎉

Doing some seasonal organizing of my internet browsing, and I'm going all-in on the #IndieWeb. I'm here for the wikis, the self-hosted blogs, the decentralized, chaotic social networks. I believe that's the future of quality information on the internet.

I hope to get around to hosting something myself someday, too, but I have yet neither the skills nor the budget.

#tech #technology #activitypub #fediverse #mastodon #lemmy #selfhosting #selfhosted #growyourown

I’m not sure how many people will see this, as I didn’t actively post before, but I’ve started a blog named Subtle Echo and posted the first entry today!

It’s a place to share my personal interests with the internet. Video games and the indie web are two big examples :).

I am still planning to slightly tweak the theming and create a favicon, but in the meantime you can check out my inaugural post

#blog #indieweb #videogames