Had to reach them again twitter.com/007shakur/stat…
White woman learns that soap + scrubbing = clean 😂🤦🏽‍♂️
It's a ser- https://t.co/9tBWKBgufE
goodnight to men who aren’t community dick only
𝐻𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑒 𝐵𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝐶𝑎𝑛𝑎𝑑𝑎 https://twitter.com/yesnxdine
men are truly such whorres, you can say you're using them for dique and they would be so happy about it. yuck. no self worth smh
Sizzle Pie
#YouTuber meetup — with anomalily
Tightrope — Americans Reaching for Hope by Sheryl WuDunn and Nicholas Kristoff a booktalk at the LA Public Library. #dtla
This will be the most important thing you learn about learning:https://t.co/8U2579TeHW (quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/15zyAn)
Always hated the term “scaffolding” steller.co/s/5LBAenTUBpH #clmooc #rhizo14 #moocmooc
This will be the most important thing you learn about learning:https://twitter.com/sensor63/status/1232767485365104640
This is not what we meant when we said “Jesus take the wheel.”
Mike Pence, who enabled an HIV outbreak in Indiana, will lead US coronavirus response theverge.com/2020/2/26/2115…
Tonight I wrote
my most important
poem, one day I will
have the confidence to
share it with the world
but not today, and that
pains me, but shields
from the pricks of a sentence that
punctuates a
past running on and on
Tonight I wrote my most important poem, one day I will have the confidence to share it with the world but not today, and that pains me, but shields from the pricks of a sentence that punctuates a past running on and on #poetryport (quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1sDPhR)
Hoodoo was created for and by Afro-Americans. Hoodoo was created for and by Afro-Americans. Hoodoo was created for and by Afro-Americans. Hoodoo was created for and by...
Central City in Motion open house (@ Show Bar in Portland, OR) swarmapp.com/c/lp5fitsgVED
Casey gives us the sparknotes on Steven Levy’s Facebook book, including the absolute banger smash hit single “I don’t optimize for fun” by Mark Zuckerberg: getrevue.co/profile/caseyn…
So I recently watched the DS9 "Facets" episode, where Jadzia has all her old hosts come by for a visit. …spoilers ahead for a 25-year-old TV show… 1/N
Silicon Valley tech buses aren't available to contract janitors, some of whom have to wake up at ***3 AM*** to get to work on time: onezero.medium.com/only-the-elite…
lol lowkey this is why hype is one of the greatest marketing devices in the wooooooooooooorld
remember when learning to code was the best possible thing you could do, and now the "no code" movement has people metaphorically burning down their terminals. trust no o...
leave the nigga, lol. if he that worried and he HAD you then he needs a wake up call lol
My bf dnt have a big dick. And hes very self conscious about it. Its to the point where he dnt trust me and is always tryna go through my social media and messages. And w...
t-h-i-s p-a-r-t. I do hope someone there calls him out or at least addresses this to his face. Lip service ain't gonna help people
Fiona Applebum Says Don't Give Shaun King Money!🍎 https://twitter.com/WrittenByHanna
Jack will play digital footsies with popular Black accounts but would sooner d-e than rid this site of white supremacists
Developing our Shared criteria for blogging in #edu106 #netnarr: quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2020/02/26/dev…

Developing our Shared criteria for blogging in #edu106 #netnarr