
Chris Aldrich mentioned it was his #indieweb anniversary today, which made me wonder when I first encountered indieweb. Turns out it was six years ago! I remember being excited about the idea of federated comments. I had no idea I would be getting involved with the community for years to come, though. In that time, I've organized some meetups, traveled to several IndieWebCamps, and even co-organized an IndieWebCamp. I've met a lot of great people through it all and have had a lot of fun. I've made some good improvements to my site and learned things that have helped my professional web work, too.

You should join us! Check out indieweb.org, say hello in the chat, and join us at the IndieWeb Summit this June in Portland.

Not long ’till Homebrew Website Club Brighton: 6pm-7:30pm this evening in the @Clearleft studio.


Smaller companies and regulation

Switched my design from using a grey background with white backgrounds for the posts, to a white background for both, and a light fading box-shadow around the posts. I am very pleased with the results!

Home Page — Doug Block

There’s a new reissue of the twenty year old documentary on Justin Hall’s links.net and the early days of the web.

#homepage #film #documentary #web #history #justinhall #blogging #sharing #indieweb #personal #publishing
co-organizing IndieWeb Summit 2019-06-29…30 @MozPDX!

Join us in Portland June 29-30!

Tickets: https://2019.indieweb.org/summit
More info: https://indieweb.org/2019
co-organizing IndieWebCamp Berlin 2019-05-04…05 @MozillaBerlin!

Looking forward to seeing @ioctaptceb @calum_ryan @dshanske @_fumanity and more!

Join us in Berlin May 4-5!

Tickets: https://2019.indieweb.org/berlin
More info: https://indieweb.org/2019/Berlin
Only two months until IndieWeb Summit in Portland!

📅 June 29-30, 2019
📌 Portland, Oregon
🎟 https://2019.indieweb.org/summit

We even have a travel assistance program this year, so if you're on the fence about coming because of the cost, please take a look!

#indieweb #indiewebcamp


User Interface to Indicate Posting Activity

The new episode of Two Dads Talking is out! We talk about bedtime breakthroughs for the kids, grilling, home automation, my serverless IndieWeb woes, and we finish up with HBO's Westworld and a cliffhanger...
All booked for IndieWeb Summit in Portland, June 29th and 30th!

It’s Homebrew Website Club Brighton in just a few hours: 6pm-7:30pm at the @Clearleft studio.


HWC NYC Wrap-Up 2019-04-17

#HWC #NYC #IndieWeb #wrap-up

I’m also going to this Caveat show tonight: Flying University: Is AI Racist?

Looking forward to it because Anil Dash will be speaking! Also because AI can totally be racist. And I love Caveat shows.

I’d love to talk Glitch and IndieWeb with Anil but I will probably just play the part of polite audience member. 😅

A Webring Kit | Max Böck - Frontend Web Developer

Inspired by Charlie, here’s a straightforward bit of code for starting or joining your own webring.

#webrings #indieweb #independent #personal #publishing #culture #society #blogging #sharing #community #code #webcomponents

Instead of rubber ducking, I’m writing it out here…

I’m trying to modify @benbalter’s WordPress Jekyll Export plugin to extract serialzed data from post_meta values. It seems most (all?) of the IndieWeb WordPress plugins use serialized values so it’s necessary to migrate. Otherwise I wind up with YAML that looks like this

  - 'a:1:{i:0;s:52:"https://twitter.com/miklb/status/1116855596970651650";}'
  - 'a:2:{s:4:"icon";s:4:"none";s:10:"visibility";s:6:"public";}

The chunk of code that handles that

// Convert traditional post_meta values, hide hidden values.
        foreach ( get_post_custom( $post->ID ) as $key => $value ) {

            if ( substr( $key, 0, 1 ) === '_' ) {

            $output[ $key ] = $value;


What I need to do is unserialize $value and if it’s an array, loop through them and nest the values for each $key.

to get something like

mf2_syndication: https://twitter.com/miklb/status/1116855596970651650

    - icon: none
       visibility: public

But my first step is to unravel the serialized $value. I’ve tried just adding $output[ $key ] = maybe_unserialied ($value ); and that didn’t work like the magic bullet I’d hoped.


Fixing the financial dilemma at the heart of our broken tech industry

Webrings | sonniesedge

Charlie muses on ol’ fashioned web rings …and the cultural they fulfilled.

We suffer from homogenous dirge in most of our contemporary web presences. Having a personal website has become a rarer and rarer thing in this time of social media profile pages.

However, recent months have seen a surge in personal websites and blogging amongst some members of the web tech community. This is something that we urgently need to encourage!

#webrings #indieweb #independent #personal #publishing #culture #society #blogging #sharing #community