I Haza Website You Can Haz One Too

IndiewebCamp Austin 2020

17 Years of Blogging

Everything is Amazing, But Nothing is Ours

#indieweb #web #ownership

IndieWeb Meetup this week in Austin! Wednesday at Mozart’s Coffee, 6:30pm. Stop by to chat about the open web and the upcoming IndieWebCamp. ☕

Sunday Paper, Rucksack, Magazine, Camera, Pocket Watch, Notebook, Leather, Range Finder Camera, Camera, RuckPhoto by Kevin Mueller on Unsplash.

I dislike the holier-than-thou attitude of Cancel Culture.

"This idea of purity and you're never compromised and you're always politically 'woke' and all that stuff. You should get over that quickly. The world is messy, there are ambiguities. People who do really good stuff have flaws. People who you are fighting may love their kids. And share certain things with you."Barack Obama

Thom Hogan, true to his nature, gives us his unfiltered opinion of the Fujifilm X-Pro 3. I think it's spot on. Emphasis mine.

It appears that Fujifilm has a clear design bias in the X-Pro series toward folk who used old rangefinder cameras and don't want to spend time in the menus or even reviewing images on the camera. That audience is, at this point, getting old. Fujifilm also seems to be saying that this same audience isn't all that interested in one of the primary advantages that kicked the digital camera adoption into high gear, that big rear LCD.

Each big "breakthrough" in camera tech that generated a growth spurt in ILC solved a clear user problem. Automatic metering solved the user problem of setting the right exposure. Autofocus solved the user problem of putting focus in the right spot. DSLRs solved the problem of not seeing your results instantly so that you could understand what you might still need to change.

The hypothesis behind the X-Pro design is that there is a group of photographers who know exactly what they're doing and don't need or want to see results most of the time. Call them the Totally Secure-in-What-I'm-Doing Shooters. Okay, maybe, but how many of those folk are there actually? And are they really that secure? Are they not chimping at all? To me, the change in rear display adds another clumsiness to an already somewhat awkward camera.Thom Hogan

On his Following page, Chris Aldrich mau have created the longest blogroll in history.

Welcome to the IndieWeb John.

I’m 32 years old today. Born in 1987, I’m right in the middle of of the Millennial generation. I came of age at the same time as the Internet. When I was a kid, my Dad was part of the computer science faculty at the technical school in my small hometown. This meant we had a computer in my house before most families did. My Dad would bring those off white color desktops computers home when he had extra work to do, and he’d let me play games on it when he wasn’t using it.John H. Sheridan

Replied to Indieweb Thoughts Post State of the Word by David ShanskeDavid Shanske
It has been a while since I wrote out some thoughts on where the Indieweb is on WordPress. Sitting here, after hearing Matt Mullenweg gave the State of the Word at WordCamp US, and after I assisting Tantek Çelik in his talk on Taking Back the Web, which was one of the contributing factors to my bei...
Thanks for all your work, David.

The WordPress IndieWeb ecosystem has enabled me to be a fully-fledged citizen of the IndieWeb. Everyone who has gotten it to where it is now is awesome! 🎉

@andymci @no thanks very much for the invitation! Would’ve loved to join y’all but had to catch a flight. Maybe the next #WordPress event we’re both at? Or an #IndieWeb event: https://indieweb.org/events And LMK when you’re next in SF!

Friends Wanted

@andersnoren @kevinmarks thanks for the consideration, appreciated!

@dshanske is the real #WordPress Theme #microformats2 expert. I’m sure he can file good issues. @ChrisAldrich is also great at adding #microformats & #IndieWeb to a #WordPressTheme.
#WordPress #microformats2 #microformats #IndieWeb #WordPressTheme
Thank you @WordCampUS and thanks @photomatt for the invitation to speak on “Take Back Your Web”! Huge thanks to @dshanske for all his help!

Great questions & seeing so many with their own sites. Follow @dshanske’s awesome #WordPress #IndieWeb posts and progress on his own site e.g. https://david.shanske.com/kind/article/ He’ll also be at Contributor Day tomorrow!

IndieWebCamp Austin will be February 22-23, 2020. Registration is now open! Just $10 for the weekend.

Today at 2:30pm central time, Tantek Çelik is giving an IndieWeb talk — Take Back Your Web — at WordCamp US. Check out the livestream for room 240 to watch it live.

Interested in becoming part of the #IndieWeb after @t's talk at #WCUS? I'm happy to help or answer questions. I've also got some WordPress specific experiments and documentation (on my own website, of course):
The invited talk "Take Back Your Web" given by the thoughtful and Inimitable @t should be livestreaming in just a few minutes from WordCamp US
#IndieWeb #DoOO #WCUS
#IndieWeb #DoOO #WCUS
Wishing I was at #WCUS today to hear my friend Tantek Çelik @t, web standards lead @Mozilla & @CSSwg, talk on "Take Back Your Web"
#WordPress #IndieWeb
Livestream: https://2019.us.wordcamp.org/livestream/saturday/#240 at 2:30PM Central
#WCUS #WordPress #IndieWeb

In some personal news, I’ve been accepted into the GitHub Sponsors program & you can now sponsor my work on my IndieWeb Jekyll & WordPress themes or to work on other open source projects. More details soon.

#Redecentralize 2019 Session: Decentralized Identity & Rethinking Reputation

IndieWebCamp Brighton 2019

Liked #Redecentralize 2019 Session: IndieWeb Decentralized Standards and Methods by Tantek ÇelikTantek Çelik
Kevin Marks wearing an IndieWebCamp t-shirt leading a discussion session with a projector screen next to him showing an indie event for Homebrew Website Club On Friday 2019-10-25 I participated in Redecentralize Conference 2019, a one-day unconference in London, England on the topics of decentralisa...