Introducing tokens-pls, a Web Application to Test OAuth2 Code Flows

Announcing my new project, tokens-pls, which allows for easier manual testing with the OAuth2 code flow for Public Clients.
#indieauth #oauth2 #token-pls

Why I Still Use RSS | atthislink

Having only the content I want to see only be shown when I want to see it with the freedom to jump between readers as I please, all with no ads? For me, no other service comes close to the flexibility, robustness, and overall ease-of-use that RSS offers.

#rss #syndication #wellbeing #social #indieweb #reading #readers #freedom
Liked Why The IndieWeb? (
A brief video about the web from Webbed Briefs

There’s a voice inside your head that prevents you from sharing ideas—punch it in the face. - Airbag Industries

Violence is never the answer, unless you’re dealing with nazis or your inner critic.

The excuses—or, I’m sorry, reasons—I hear folks say they can’t write include: I’m not very good at writing (you can’t improve if you don’t write often), my website isn’t finished (classic, and also guilty so shut up), and I don’t know what to write about, there’s nothing new for me to add (oh boy).

#writing #sharing #innercritic #personal #publishing #indieweb #blogging #ideas

Reminder that it's #HomebrewWebsiteClub Nottingham tomorrow! I hope to see you there at 1730 for some website stuff!


Welp, backlog of webmentions from means you may see some poorly timed interactions from me - sorry 🙃

@Cambridgeport90 I don't worry about them stepping on each other, I simply make sure they're cross-linked so that if I go looking for something, I'll be able to find it. Webmention definitely helps in this respect.

As an example you'll notice that my earlier response ( links to part of the related commentary on my main site, so there will be a webmention in the comments there that ties it all together.

How to blog about books

Thinking back to IndieWebCamp


fluffy rambles: Where I'm at right now

Agh, I need a way to retag some posts that have a particular post. Now I really wish someone built a CMS UI that worked against Micropub.

Once again, need to fix the rendering of my Webmention feed on my site. It’s doing it manually right now until I have Lwa acting as a Webmention service.

I really like the Life Happens page in the IndieWeb wiki that Ana highlights. Such a great message to acknowledge that other things happen in people’s lives that can prevent them participating in a community.

#indieweb #life #wiki
Great post! I wrote about a related topic back in 2017. It’s time for a browser to become the lynchpin in the future of the social web.

Reminder that it's #HomebrewWebsiteClub Nottingham tomorrow! I hope to see you there at 1730 for some website stuff!


Associative trails

#personal #publishing #tagging #tags #folksonomy #linking #links #memex #notes #writing #sharing #indieweb

Still thinking about a clean way to set up private messaging using XMPP and my personal site. The quickest answer is to have some sort of relay that can take in requests when authenticated from IndieAuth and use that to create an ‘stub’ identity whose conversation can be held with me. That’s mainly for people who don’t have a XMPP account to chat with. Otherwise, I think I can just show my address.

One thing I’ll give the #ActivityPub space, it’s considerably faster to “get started” in it than the #IndieWeb just from your phone - for free. Portability is like 70% of the way there but it’s there.

Why The IndieWeb? (Webbed Briefs)

Heydon keeps on producing more caustically funny videos that are made for me. After the last one about progressive enhancement, this one is about the indie web.

This is the story of the birth of the web, its loss of innocence, its decline, and what we can do to make it a bit less gross.

#video #indieweb #webbed #briefs #surveillance #tracking #advertising #independent