ActivityPub is tops, for all it’s flaws.

Skip #Nostr, too. It’s web3 cryptobros all the way down.

#Scuttlebutt seems interesting, but I haven’t done a deep dive.

I am a fan of #RSS and #WebSub, which give you many #ActivityPub features (except comments) for 5% of the hassle. You could say the same for #IndieWeb APIs, like #WebMentions and #MicroFormats, which are awesome, but the community seems even less organized than the ActivityPub community (if that’s possible)


I've added a custom `:code-license` header to Org mode source blocks [1], heritable across subtrees. This lets me share trivial config under CC0, while declaring and complying with stronger licenses elsewhere. Technique based on @sachac's custom `:summary` header [2].



#Emacs #Hugo #OrgMode #Indieweb

Verified my website! That blessed checkmark! #indieweb 🤷🏻‍♂️

Listened to Oxide and Friends | Mastodon with Kris Nova Post details
Kris Nova joins Bryan, Adam, and the Oxide Friends to talk about Mastodon. Kris runs Hachyderm, a Mastodon server. She shares her experience with Mastodon and the Fediverse.

look, i think personal websites are fun and all, but it's not an answer that works for everyone re: current grim state of the web. some people just wanna share things without touching a line of code, and that's okay - it's easy and accessible by default. #indieweb

@rubymayvalentine I love it. Welcome to the fediverse! Plenty of us in the #IndieWeb sphere. Some super technical, some just wanting to own their own content. Check out as well!

Is there a not-evil place to park domains? Just signing into GoDaddy makes me feel icky.

#IndieWeb folks?

I recently shared a note ( about why having a domain as your identity is so important these days thanks in large part to the enshittification of the large social platforms. But I extend this warning to those who have placed their trust in *any* platform, even something like Mastodon. See what has happend with ( (i.e. catastrophic backup failure), or what is _currently_ happening with fosstodon ( and you will see that even good intentioned server admins are still prone to failure. These failures can result in total loss of your online identity/account. So put your faith in yourself. Buy a domain, host your stuff there, syndicate it out where you please, *live on*.

#indieweb, #rss

I hit a major milestone with my blog this week.

For the first time ever, I got over 100 000 views in a month.

I can't comprehend the scale of that number.

#IndieWeb #blogging

Guess what

I’ve done it and now I have an abomination of a form in my CMS which I can now write stuff in, including replies, image assets, and quick access to permashortlink creation.

Next problem: syndication—it would be neat to automatically share to the social networks that I use, but I don’t have the skills to figure it out yet so I’m copying and pasting manually, which works but does burn time to do.

The effort needed to make this happen probably is well beyond putting up with this current process, but who knows? Would be nice to have.


( s n23-3g)

I’m gonna have to think of a robust way to write notes and repost them across the web because I have too many networks now lmao


Took me like 15 minutes of searching, but I finally learned how to center an iframe embed on my blog! 🎉

Here it is:

#neocities #html #indieweb #geek

How often have you started reading a technical article on your phone, yet given up halfway through because you got tired of scrolling sideways through code blocks? If you have your own #blog, are you giving this same annoyance to your readers?

As indie #bloggers we have an advantage here over blog platforms, we may as well take full advantage of it.

#indieweb #programming

hey look - my hand-coded site is on mastodon now! (i hope this renders correctly) #indieweb

good mornin! Would anyone like to be one of the first few people to send something into a sort of silly shared journal I crafted?

#neocities #indieweb #smallweb

Got Verification here now via my Neocities blog! Took about a minute to do.

#mastodon #neocities #indieweb #fediverse

#IndieWeb integration for #Elgg is out 🎉

🔥 Under the hood: Webmention, Microformats, IndieAuth, Micropub, Microsub, JF2 feeds, WebSub PuSH.

⚡ Available for Elgg versions 4 and 5 both.

Download plugin 👉

Stars, issues and PRs on GitHub 👉

#ActivityPub for Elgg coming soon 💪