Ryan Barrett schrieb den folgenden Beitrag Tue, 05 Sep 2023 10:28:02 +0200 Threw together a comparison of the four decentralized social protocols I know best: IndieWeb, ActivityPub, ATProto, Nostr. Obviously oversimplified, hopefully still useful! Preview below, click through for full table with links.

I tried to focus on how these protocols are currently deployed and used in the real world. For example, identity in ActivityPub is technically URL-based, but in practice the fediverse uses WebFinger user@domain identifiers more or less universally, so the table reflects that.

Feedback is welcome!

#zot #nomad #nomadic_identity #IndieWeb #ActivityPub #ATProto #Nostr

Woo just got my copy of https://www.versobooks.com/en-gb/products/3035-the-internet-con

Made the mistake (given my massive reading backlog) of opening it and am now absorbed. Seems @pluralistic has successfully hijacked my brain 😁 #interop #bigtech #IndieWeb

For technical folks who are interested in the plumbing of the social web, @snarfed has a great feature grid that compares IndieWeb, ActivityPub, Bluesky, and Nostr.

Brushed up my website to have basic #IndieWeb support. Actually kinda fun to do.

For technical folks who are interested in the plumbing of the social web, @snarfed has a great feature grid that compares IndieWeb, ActivityPub, Bluesky, and Nostr.

@villasbc @pfefferle I guess my next question is "how" xd

I can repurpose an old github page with my own domain to join the #indieweb movement. It's an old jekyll template and could probably use a refresh. Looking at the github template for indie web, do I actually just need to add the tokens in the header?

@pfefferle Hiya, this is my first time heard of #indieweb and I'm curious - is this a call for more blogging to connect to the IndieWeb? As far as I'm aware there are already countless blogs out there, though certainly not all are of measurable quality (or even human I guess). For the last 5 or so years I've only really heard of blogging being a saturated activity.

Threw together a comparison of the four decentralized social protocols I know best: IndieWeb, ActivityPub, ATProto, Nostr. Obviously oversimplified, hopefully still useful! Preview below, click through for full table with links.

I tried to focus on how these protocols are currently deployed and used in the real world. For example, identity in ActivityPub is technically URL-based, but in practice the fediverse uses WebFinger user@domain identifiers more or less universally, so the table reflects that.

Feedback is welcome!

This is pretty fun to look through. Love Y2K, Vectorheart, Ultramodernrevival.



check out these cool web pages made by the 32-bit cafe community for our august code jam 💻 #indieweb

wrote a blogpost explaining docker from the perspective of a non-programmer so that I can link it to anyone who asks me about it. Check out out!


#blog #indieweb #docker #linux

If it helps, I'm technically reading my Mastodon feed through a feed reader, including Boosts using Bridgy Fed, an #IndieWeb tool, so it is possible, but don't think it'll work for folks as a standalone solution

We need to follow more #indieweb media creators! Who are your favorites making unique stuff here in the #fediverse? Tag em!

The notable list: September 2023

#introductions #intro
hi, I'm tentacleKrill, call me "krill" or "doji"

I'm a disabled artist and rookie webweaver in a form of a cat, seeking new friends. i currently reside in Poland

I came here also to talk about things that upset me, or things that I think people should know about, as a lot of issues is overlooked because we are not the western world.

As of speaking, I am struggling with housing and job-seeking, so I have commissions open. I want to post more artwork here so people could hire me for illustration work.

favorite things for now: Yakuza (game series), cats, customizing operating systems, aesthetics of 2000s, illustrating, worldbuilding

let's chat

こんにちは、tentacleKrillです。"krill "または "doji "と呼んでください。




今のところ好きなこと: 龍が如(ゲームシリーズ)、猫、OSのカスタマイズ、2000年代の美学、イラスト、世界観の構築

チャットしよう !!

#art #artist #アーティスト #イラスト #DisabledArtist #disability #queer #cat #IndieWeb #commission #commissionsopen #BoostMe #自己紹介 #furry

FediForum is now on the #indieweb events calendar.

Would be nice to have some IndieWeb sessions, too. Join us?


"The Souvenir and Commemorative Spoon Planet Museum is the largest collection of sterling silver souvenir spoons on the internet ..you will find a huge and eclectic mix of unusual silver spoons for your viewing PLEASURE"

I mean, this stuff is genuine #indieweb - none of your re-cycled 21st century jamstack bollocks, just fabulously weird #museum nerds doing what they do best. Say goodbye to your afternoon!


Hello #mastodon - What are your favorite recommendations for discovering others and being discovered yourself on the #indieweb ?

The idea that there could be a part of the web that is usable by smaller browsers and without any JavaScript support, without hitting walls of JS web apps (which currently also excludes the majority of annoying and intrusive ads, much of the tracking, sites with AI generated non-information, etc.) is one that keeps coming up in my mind.

It would be so nice if the web, or a sbset of it, could be used with sensible use of the possibilities of existing technologies.

It's the web. Hyperlinked text, images, even arbitrary file downloads are possible. There are better ways to implement chats, email, live street navigation, image editing and all the other applications that exist in the web today.

What's the right tag to use for this topic? #SmallWeb #Smolweb #FreeWeb #IndieWeb #OpenWeb ? I guess I'll have to follow all of them to get many posts about this. What else should I look at or follow if I'm interested in seeing such an accessible web become more relevant and usable?